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Assessment Itinerary Assessment 1 1. Develop 6 different menus a. Hindu b. Kosher c. Coeliac d. Low carb and/or Low calories and/or low fat e. Modified Texture f. Diabeti

Assessment Itinerary
Assessment 1
1. Develop 6 different menus
a. Hindu
b. Kosher
c. Coeliac
d. Low carb and/or Low calories and/or low fat
e. Modified Texture
f. Diabetic
2. Each individual menu should consist of 1 whole day (i.e.)
a. Breakfast (1 complete Items)
b. Lunch (1 complete lunch dish)
c. Dinner (1 complete dinner dish)
3. Chose any one of the menus of your choice and make a cyclical menu for 7 days.
a. Please ensure all the days (Day 1 – Day 7) have
i. Breakfast (1 complete item)
ii. Lunch (1 complete lunch item)
iii. Dinner (1 complete dinner item)
4. Please ensure when writing the menu for all the dishes
a. Correct spellings
b. Description of each dish
c. Please mention if the dishes are Gluten Free (GF)/ Nut Free (NF)/ Dairy Free (DF)/ Vegan (VG), Vegetarian (V)
5. Work Production Schedule (Cyclical Menu Only)
6. For Each Menu Answer the following questions
a. What are the basic characteristics of this type of menu requirement?
b. Why did you choose these menu items over others considered?
c. Who did you consult with when deciding on your menu choices?
7. Write a professional report on each of the menus consisting of the following (Minimum 300 words)
a. Introduction + Body + Conclusion
b. How you have identified the dietary and cultural requirements for each menu
c. Key components of each menu group
d. Who did you consult with while developing your menu?
i. Customers
ii. Allied health professional
iii. Dietitians
iv. Nutritionists
v. Or Medical Specialists
e. Explain the consequences of offering menus that do not meet the requirements
8. All recipes for all menus must be costed clearly + method + nutritional value (Please use the recipe costing excel file)
a. Costing for individual recipes (use the tab shown in the picture below)
b. 1 Day Meal Plan Costing (use the tab shown in the picture below)
c. 7 Days Meal Plan Costing (use the tab shown in the picture below)
• Please Note only fill/ edit the light-yellow colored cells. (Do not touch the dark yellow, orange, blue cells as they have formulas in them)
• Your Menu Price should be such, that the Food Cost% Budget – 30% & Food Cost% Actual is between 22% – 26% for each recipe/ 1-day meal plan costing/ 7-day meal plan costing
Assessment 2
1. You need to create a feedback form containing a minimum of 5 questions.
2. Each menu group needs to have at least 2 duly filled customer feedback forms. (Please ensure to write from which menu group the feedback forms are)
3. You need to have manager’s feedback for all the menu groups as well (based on what the customers mention in their feedback form) and then make necessary changes to your menu/ costing/ etc. if applicable.
Assessment 3
Case Study – Read the scenario mentioned in the assessment booklet and complete the following: –
1. Alternative Menus for Coeliac Guest, Fructose Guest, Vegan Guest, Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) Guest – (Fill in the details in the format as per the table provided in the assessment booklet)
2. Duly filled Individual feedback form for each of the special dietary mentioned above


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