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Part A – Role Play Activity Scenario: Assume that you are one of the heads of business unit (Robert Mello) who has been requested by the company CEO Larry Bossidy to implement electronic technologies to advance supply chain management of the company. Instructions to students: 1. You are required to participate in a role play meeting in this task 2. You must pl

Assessment Resource Summary
Unit Details BSBITB801 Implement advanced electronic technologies
Assessment Type This is a summative assessment, this assessment needs adequate practice prior to undertaking this assessment.
Assessment Methods Written Questions Assessment 1
Case Study, Role Play,
Demonstration of Tasks and
Presentation Assessment 2
Case Study, Role Play,
Demonstration of Tasks and
Presentation Assessment 3
Case Study, Role Play,
Demonstration of Tasks and
Presentation Assessment 4
Case Study, Role Play,
Demonstration of Tasks and
Presentation Assessment 5
Unit Summary
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to improve business, learning and knowledge outcomes through implementing advanced electronic technologies.
It applies to individuals in senior management roles working to ensure learning advances individual and organisational capabilities. Individuals who provide learning should be able to make complex judgements and implement advanced electronic technologies such as those associated with electronic business (e-business) models; electronic retail (e-retail) sales, service and payment solutions; mobile and wireless technologies; and technologies relating to the management of the supply chain.
Prerequisite Unit
There are no recommended pre-requisite units for this competency.
Elements describe the essential outcomes. Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element.
1. Implement electronic technologies to advance business models 1.1 Determine and communicate to stakeholders the commercial set up of the business to supply electronic commerce (ecommerce) products or services
1.2 Analyse and evaluate e-business models appropriate to a specific operational context
1.3 Implement arrangements for conducting e-commerce appropriate to data management, and business and organisational requirements
1.4 Ensure e-business models interoperate technically and operationally with organisation’s management of customer service, performance, learning and decision support
1.5 Implement customer authentication and transaction systems appropriate to business and organisational requirements
1.6 Review and report opportunities to improve e-commerce infrastructure, systems and solutions
2. Implement electronic technologies to advance retail sales operations 2.1 Determine and communicate to stakeholders the commercial set up of the business to supply e-retail services
2.2 Analyse and evaluate appropriate e-retail tools and processes
2.3 Align e-retail strategy with business strategies, and business and organisational requirements
2.4 Implement arrangements for conducting e-retailing appropriate to business and organisational requirements
2.5 Review and report opportunities to improve e-retail infrastructure, systems and solutions
3. Implement electronic technologies to advance mobile operations 3.1 Identify and communicate to stakeholders, range of options available in mobile computing devices and mobile technologies appropriate to business unit and organisational requirements
3.2 Confirm trends in mobile commerce and related systems
3.3 Research trends in mobile internet and other communication networks
3.4 Implement arrangements for mobile commerce and related systems appropriate to business and organisational requirements
3.5 Review and report opportunities to improve mobile electronic infrastructure, systems and solutions
4. Implement electronic technologies to advance supply chain management 4.1 Determine and communicate to stakeholders the commercial set up of the business to electronically manage a supply chain
4.2 Research and report strengths and weaknesses of options relating to electronic enhancement of supply chain management
4.3 Develop electronic supply chain model and strategy
4.4 Align supply chain management with e-business strategies and model
4.5 Implement electronic supply chain model
4.6 Review and evaluate electronic supply chain model against business and organisational requirements
4.7 Determine and report enhancements to electronic enablement of supply chain
Foundation Skills
This section describes language, literacy, numeracy and employment skills incorporated in the performance criteria that are required for competent performance.
Skill Performance
Criteria Description
Reading 1.1-1.6, 2.1-2.5,
3.1, 3.3, 3.5, 4.1,
4.2, 4.4, 4.6, 4.7 ? Interprets, analyses and evaluates a range of textual information to assist with decisions and choices relating to the implementation of advanced electronic technologies
Writing 1.1-1.4, 1.6, 2.12.5, 3.1-3.3, 3.5,
4.1-4.7 ? Develops material for a specific audience using clear and detailed language to convey information, report on opportunities, and implement supply chain models
n 1.1, 1.6, 2.1, 2.5,
3.1, 3.5, 4.1, 4.2,
4.7 ?
? Presents information using structure and language appropriate for the audience
Uses active listening and questioning to clarify and confirm understanding
Numeracy 3.2, 3.3 ? Selects from and applies an expanding range of mathematical and problem-solving strategies to analyse and confirm trends in mobile commerce and mobile internet networks
Navigate the world of work 1.3, 1.5, 2.3, 2.4,
3.4, 4.6 ? Establishes processes in accordance with organisational policies and procedures
? Considers own role in terms of its contribution to broader goals of the work environment
Interact with others 1.1, 1.6, 2.1, 2.5,
3.1, 3.5, 4.1, 4.2,
4.7 ? Selects and uses appropriate conventions and protocols when consulting and communicating in a range of work contexts
Assessment Requirements
Performance Evidence
Evidence of the ability to:
• research and evaluate appropriate electronic technology for a given business system
• analyse, develop and implement plans for an effective e-business solution, e-retail solution, mobile business solution and electronic supply chain management solution to meet specific organisational needs.
Note: If a specific volume or frequency is not stated, then evidence must be provided at least once.
Knowledge Evidence
To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must:
• describe trends in e-commerce and e-business systems
• outline business policies and procedures impacting job role or function
• identify relevant legislation, codes and standards relevant to the implementation of electronic technologies, including any obligations under the Australian Quality Training Framework (AQFT) Standards
• explain the effects of infrastructure on implementation of electronic technologies
• outline the technologies for implementing secure electronic payments
• explain methods for assuring safe and secure payment using electronic media • explain current computing devices and technologies for mobile commerce
• explain principles of supply chain management.
Assessment Conditions
Assessment must be conducted in a safe environment where evidence gathered demonstrates consistent performance of typical activities experienced in the information and communications technology – IT building and implementation field of work and include access to required assessment facilities and resources.
Version Number Date Reason for revision Wh
o Approved By
TAS-GDAT-V1-25062018 25-06-2018 New Course A.C. CEO
TAS-GDAT-V2-06092018 06-09-2018 Reviewed Assessment tools on Industry consultation suggestions and re – formatted. A.C. CEO
V3.0 May 2020 Revised and updated as per Audit Rectification AC CEO
Reassessment of Result and Academic Appeal Procedure
If a student is not happy with his/ her results, that student may appeal against their grade via a written letter, clearly stating the grounds of appeal to the Director of Studies. This should be submitted after completion of the subject and within fourteen days of commencement of the new term.
If a student does not qualify for resubmission or is still deemed Not Yet Competent (NYC) after the resubmission, they will need to go through the reassessment process. To qualify for reassessment, the student must have completed and submitted the required assessments for the unit of competency as per the unit assessment schedule. Student will get three reassessments attempt, without any additional penalty/ fee.
Reassessment will occur only for those assessment tasks in which the student is deemed NYC. Reassessment is a formal process and student must apply for reassessment through Request for Reassessment Form available from the reception. ON approval and payment of reassessment fees, a reassessment schedule will be advised.
If still failed in three reassessment attempts, the student will need to repeat (re-sit) the unit.
Re-sit (or Repeat):
The student will need to re-sit the unit in the following term/semester if they are not deemed eligible for any of the above post-assessment options; i.e., both the options of resubmission and reassessment have been exhausted. The student will also need to re-sit the unit if the result from reassessment is still Not Yet Competent (NYC). Re-sit may result in extension of course duration and may affect student’s original completion date of the course. Student will need to pay a pro rata fee of the course fee to re-sit for the unit. Student should contact the admin department if he/she remains NYC after 3 attempts of reassessment. Admin team/ student support officer will liaise with accounts and academic team and issue the special training plan and the invoice for the resit attempt to the student. Student will be advised if there is a need to amend the CoE at this stage.
If a course is extended by an academic term, a pro-rata term fee based on total course fee will apply as per the course fees specified in the International Student Agreement.
Resit mean repeating the entire unit of competency.
Resit is a formal process and student will be advised of their resit options once all the term results are published. In the event where a student has been deemed NYC in 50% or more units within a study period, they will be asked to attend a course progress interview and go through the course progress process according to college’s Course Progress Policy. Late Submission Fee: A late fee of $100 per unit will be charged if students fail to submit assessments on due dates.
Absentees: Students are absent on the day of the assessment without prior approval or a valid reason (e.g. medical certificate) will be marked Not Yet Competent and will be subject to college’s Course Progress Policy.

Academic Appeals
A student may appeal against a decision in writing to the Academic Manager within 2 (two) weeks of publication of the final results.
If the appeal is in respect of an assessment or an outcome from the reassessment process, a review of available information/data is conducted within a reasonable timeframe by the course coordinator in consultation with CEO. The appellant will be given the opportunity to formally present his/her case. This is designed to ensure fairness and consistency and underpins the continuous improvement process.
If the appeal is to dispute the outcome of a complaint other than an assessment, the appeal will be scheduled to be heard by an independent person or panel, inviting the appellant to formally present his/her case.
Upon a decision being made, the appellant is provided with a written statement of the appeal outcomes, including reasons for the decision. Please refer to the Complaints & Appeals Policy for further details. Student Declaration
“I understand all the above rules and guidelines for the assessment”.
Full Name Signature Date (dd/mm/yyyy)
Information for Students
Prior to Assessment
Your Trainer/Assessor will advise you of your rights before and after assessments, including the right to appeal.
Your Trainer/Assessor will provide you with all relevant information relating to the assessments prior to commencement, and of the appeals procedure that can be utilised if you wish to appeal against the assessment outcome or make a complaint.
You will be informed of the outcome of your assessment as soon as possible from the date the assessment was submitted. Prompt feedback will be offered to you on the outcome of the assessment. Feedback will be delivered in written and where possible, verbal form to you.
AQF Specifications for Assessments
This assessment is set in accordance with the criteria for AQF Level 8. Graduate Diploma qualifications must be designed and accredited to enable graduates to demonstrate the learning outcomes expressed as knowledge, skills and the application of knowledge and skills specified in the level 8 criteria and the Graduate Diploma descriptor.
Graduate Diploma descriptor
Graduates at this level will have advanced knowledge and skills for professional or highly skilled work and/or further learning
Graduates of a Graduate Diploma will have specialised knowledge within a systematic and coherent body of knowledge that may include the acquisition and application of knowledge and skills in a new or existing discipline or professional area
Graduates of a Graduate Diploma will have:
• cognitive skills to review, analyse, consolidate and synthesise knowledge and identify and provide
• solutions to complex problems
• cognitive skills to think critically and to generate and evaluate complex ideas
• specialised technical and creative skills in a field of highly skilled and/or professional practice
• communication skills to demonstrate an understanding of theoretical concepts
• communication skills to transfer complex knowledge and ideas to a variety of audiences Application
Graduates of a Graduate Diploma will demonstrate the application of knowledge and skills:
• to make high level, independent judgements in a range of technical or management functions in varied
• specialised contexts
• to initiate, plan, implement and evaluate broad functions within varied specialised technical and/or
• creative contexts
• with responsibility and accountability for personal outputs and all aspects of the work or function of
• others within broad parameters
ACSF Specifications and Foundation Skills
The term ‘Foundation Skills’ is currently used to include the core skills defined in the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) as well as the employability skills identified by employers as critical for effective performance in the workplace. The core skills of the ACSF include reading, writing, oral communication, numeracy and learning.
Foundation skills encompass the core skills of reading, writing, oral communication, numeracy and learning as described by the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF), and the Employability Skills/Core Skills for Work. They exist on a continuum from very basic skills to highly-developed and specialist skills. The foundation skills have been addressed in this assessment.
Assessment Process
To demonstrate competence in this unit, you must undertake all tasks in this assessment booklet and complete them satisfactorily and in addition, also satisfactorily complete the practical assessment, including demonstrating communication skills during the practical activities. If you do not answer some questions or perform some tasks satisfactorily and therefore are deemed to be ‘Not Competent’, you may be asked supplementary questions or given alternative activities to determine competence, which will be documented in your student file. After you have demonstrated consistency in performance you will be awarded this unit.
As part of the assessment process, you must abide by any relevant assessment policies as provided to you. If you feel you are not yet ready to be assessed or this assessment is unfair, please discuss with your assessor all options that are available to you to enable you to complete the assessment. Submitting Assessments
You should submit assessment tasks with the provided cover sheet.
Assessments should be submitted on or before their due date. Extensions for individual assessment tasks may be negotiated in specific circumstances. Consultation on this must occur prior to the due date and extensions due to illness will require a medical certificate. Extensions must be confirmed by the Trainer/Assessor in writing.
Plagiarism and Referencing
All students are reminded that plagiarism will not be tolerated. Information, ideas etc. quoted or paraphrased from another source, must be acknowledged with “quotation marks” around the relevant words/sentences or ideas and cited at the end of the document. Sources of information, ideas etc. must be provided in alphabetical order by author’s surname
(including author’s full name, name of document/ book/internet etc. and year and place of publishing) or may be included in brackets in the text.
Assessment Outcomes
There are three (3) outcomes of assessments: Satisfactory, Unsatisfactory (requires to include feedback and improvise as Trainer/Assessor suggestions) and Fail Non Submission (FNS).
You will be awarded a ‘Competent’ grade on completion of the unit when the trainer/assessor is satisfied that you have completed all assessments and have provided the appropriate evidence required to meet all criteria. If you fail to meet this requirement you will receive the result of Not Competent or Withdrawn and will be eligible to be re-assessed.
Students will be allowed two (2) further attempts at an assessment for which the outcome is Not Satisfactory, within the timeframe of a course (unit of competency) and in this time they can request a coaching session as required. No additional fees will be charged.
Students who require re-assessment beyond the delivery timeframe of a unit or due date of an assessment, unless it is due to medical reasons, will be given the opportunity to request additional time to resubmit and in this time, they can also request a coaching session as required. After that students may be charged a re-assessment fee.
Reasonable Adjustment
RTOs and trainer/assessors are obliged by law to make reasonable adjustment to ensure maximum participation of students with disability in teaching, learning and assessment activities. This includes:
? ensuring that course activities are sufficiently flexible;
? providing additional support where necessary; and
? offering a reasonable substitute within the context of the course where a student cannot participate
Reasonable adjustment is defined in section 4 (1) of the Employment and the Disability
Discrimination Act as ‘an adjustment to be made by a person is a reasonable adjustment unless making the adjustment would impose an unjustifiable hardship on the person’.
Reasonable adjustment as it applies to participation in learning and assessment activities may include:
? customising resources or activities within a training package or accredited course;
? modifying a presentation medium;
? providing additional support;
? providing assistive or adaptive technologies;
? making additional information accessible both before enrolment and during the course; and
? monitoring these adjustments to ensure that the student’s needs continue to be met
Reasonable Adjustment Methods (examples)
Category Possible issue Possible Strategies
LLN • Speaking
• Reading
• Writing
• Confidence • Verbal assessment
• Presentations
• Demonstration of a skill
• Use of diagrams
• Use of support documents such as word lists
Indigenous • Knowledge and understanding
• Flexibility
• Services
• Inappropriate training and assessment • Culturally appropriate training
• Explore understanding of concepts and practical application through oral assessment
• Flexible delivery & using group rather than individual assessments
• Assessment through completion of practical tasks in the field after demonstration of skills and knowledge.
EnglishSpeaking Backgroun
d • Speaking
• Reading
• Writing
• Cultural background
• Confidence • Discuss with the student and supervisor whether language, literacy and numeracy are likely to impact on the assessment process
• Use methods that do not require a higher level of language or literacy than is required to perform the job role
• Use short sentences that do not contain large amounts of information and clarify information by rephrasing, confirm understanding
• Read any printed information to the student
• Use graphics, pictures and colour coding
instead of, or to support, text
• Offer to write down, or have someone else write, oral responses given by the candidate
• Ensure that the time available to complete the assessment, takes account of the student’s needs
Age •

• Educational background Age of the assessor Limited study
skills •

• Make sure font size is not too small Assessor should refer to the student’s experience
Ensure that the time available to complete the assessment takes account of the student’s needs
Educational background •

• Reading
Limited study skills and /or learning strategies •
• Discuss with the student their previous learning experience
Ensure learning and assessment methods meet the learner’s individual need
Disability •

• Speaking
Strategies •

• Identify the Issues
Create a climate of support & ensure access
Appropriately structured assessment
Using other’s expertise
An individual’s access to the assessment process should not be adversely affected by restrictions placed on the location or context of assessment beyond the requirements specified in the training package. Reasonable adjustments can be made to ensure equity in assessment for people with disabilities. Adjustments include any changes to the assessment process or context that meet the individual needs of the person with a disability, but do not change competency outcomes.
When assessing people with disabilities, trainer/assessors are encouraged to apply good practice assessment methods with sensitivity and flexibility.
The assessment process must:
? Provide for valid, reliable, flexible and fair assessment
? Provide for judgement to be made on the basis of sufficient evidence
? Offer valid, authentic and current evidence
Access and Equity
Please speak to your trainer/assessor if you require assistance with any access and equity concerns you may have.
Recognition of Prior Learning
If you can demonstrate that you have the skills and knowledge within this unit, you should speak to your trainer/assessor about this and apply for recognition of prior learning.

There are five (5) forms of assessment or evidence gathering methods for this unit of competency. Students are required to complete them all. Your assessor will advise when assessments are due.
Students may use various sources of information including: text books, learning workbooks, other documents and the internet and they must list the sources of the information.
1. Written Question
This assessment task consists of eight (8) questions to assess the student’s knowledge of BSBITB801 – Implement advanced electronic technologies unit of competency. Students must answer all questions. The questions require a detailed response and all answers should be written in your own words. Students are also required to provide proper referencing wherever applicable.
2. Case Study, Role Play, Demonstration of Tasks and Presentation
This assessment task contains three parts. Part A is a role play activity where the student will determine and communicate to stakeholders the commercial set up of the business to supply electronic commerce (e-commerce) products or services. Part B focus on demonstration of task where your trainer/assessor will observe you that you have successfully analysed and implemented: e-business model in the business and Part C is a presentation activity where the student will be presenting on review and report opportunities to improve e-commerce infrastructure that has been implemented so far at AlliedSignal.
3. Case Study, Role Play, Demonstration of Tasks and Presentation
This assessment task contains three parts. Part A is a role play activity where the student will determine and communicate to stakeholders the commercial set up of the business to supply electronic commerce (e-commerce) products or services. Part B focus on demonstration of task where your trainer/assessor will observe you that you have successfully analysed and implemented: e-business model in the business and Part C is a presentation activity where the student will be presenting on review and report opportunities to improve e-commerce infrastructure that has been implemented so far at AlliedSignal.
4. Case Study, Role Play, Demonstration of Tasks and Presentation
This assessment task contains three parts. Part A is a role play activity where the student will determine and communicate to stakeholders the commercial set up of the business to supply electronic commerce (e-commerce) products or services. Part B focus on demonstration of task where your trainer/assessor will observe you that you have successfully analysed and implemented: e-business model in the business and Part C is a presentation activity where the student will be presenting on review and report opportunities to improve e-commerce infrastructure that has been implemented so far at AlliedSignal.
5. Case Study, Role Play, Demonstration of Tasks and Presentation
This assessment task contains three parts. Part A is a role play activity where the student will determine and communicate to stakeholders the commercial set up of the business to supply electronic commerce (e-commerce) products or services. Part B focus on demonstration of task where your trainer/assessor will observe you that you have successfully analysed and implemented: e-business model in the business and Part C is a presentation activity where the student will be presenting on review and report opportunities to improve e-commerce infrastructure that has been implemented so far at AlliedSignal.
Student Assessment Instructions
To demonstrate your competency in this unit you must successfully complete both theory and practical assessment tasks. The practical assessments will be conducted at a date and place to be advised by your Trainer/Assessor.
All questions must be answered correctly for each assessment task to be completed satisfactorily. There is no time restriction in completing the assessments, unless specified.
You must complete all questions unassisted by the assessor or other personnel but may refer to reference material as needed.

ASSESSMENT 1 – Written Questions
Task summary:
Students are to answer all written questions.
What do students need in order to complete this assessment?
? Access to textbooks and other learning materials. ? Access to a computer and the Internet.
When and where do students need to do this?
? This task may be done in the student’s own time as homework or they may be given time to do this task in class (where applicable).
? Provide students with the due date for this assessment so they can write it in their Student Assessment Booklet.
What do students have to submit?
? Their answers to each question.
Instructions to students:
? This is an open book test – students can use their learning materials as reference.
? Students need to answer all 8 questions correctly.
? Students must answer the questions by writing in the space provided.
? If students need more space, they can use extra paper. All additional sheets of paper must include their name and the question number/s they are answering.
Students may prefer to use their computer to type their answers. Advise students if they can email their answers as a Word file, or if they must print and submit hard copies.
Describe current trends in e-commerce and e-business systems? Answer in 200-250 words.
List and briefly describe business policies and procedures impacting job role or a business function. Answer in 250-300 words.
Identify relevant legislation, codes and standards relevant to the implementation of electronic technologies, including any obligations under the Australian Quality Training Framework (AQFT) Standards. Answer in no more than 250-300 words.
Explain the effects of infrastructure on implementation of electronic technologies. Answer in 350-450 words.
Outline the technologies for implementing secure electronic technologies. Answer in 100150 words.
Explain methods for assuring safe and secure payment using electronic media. Answer in 150-200 words.
Explain current computing devices and technologies for mobile commerce. Answer in 300400 words.
Explain principles of supply chain management. Answer in 200-250 words.
ASSESSMENT 2 – Case Study, Role Play, Demonstration of Tasks and Presentation
Based on the case study provided below the student is to implement electronic technology to advance business models by:
? Determining and communicating to stakeholders the commercial set up of the business to supply electronic commerce (e-commerce) products or services
? Analysing and evaluating e-business models appropriate to a specific operational context
? Implementing arrangements for conducting e-commerce appropriate to data management, and business and organisational requirements
? Ensuring e-business models interoperate technically and operationally with organisations management of customer service, performance, learning and decision support
? Implementing customer authentication and transaction systems appropriate to business and organisational requirements
? Reviewing and report opportunities to improve e-commerce infrastructure, systems and solutions
? Computer and Microsoft Office
? Access to the Internet for research
? Workplace or a close simulation of the workplace environment
? Research resources, including industry related systems information
? Case study
? Relevant legislation and workplace documents
? Your trainer/assessor will advise you of due date of this assessment. On completion the student is required to submit this assessment to their trainer/assessor in class.
? Demostration Checklist for Part A
? Demonstration Checklist for Part B
? Demonstration Checklist and the accompanying PPT presentation for Part C
Case Study
AlliedSignal (now Honeywell) is a diversified manufacturing and technology business selling products in the aerospace, automotive, chemicals, fibers, and plastics industries. In 1999, the company had more than 70,000 employees and annual sales exceeding $15 billion. Although some of the AlliedSignal’s products used new technologies or helped other firms create new technologies, many of the products were commodity items that were manufactured and sold just as they had been for decades. In early 1999, AlliedSignal’s CEO, Larry Bossidy, called together the heads of the company’s business units for a one-day conference to develop strategic plans for electronic commerce at the company. He invited Michal Dell, chairman and CEO of Dell Computers, and John Chambers, CEO of Cisco Systems, to speak about their companies electronic commerce implementation successes.
At the end of the day Bossidy, gave the business unit heads their marching orders. They were to take what they had learned and create a strategy for implementing electronic commerce in their business units – in two months. Bossidy told the room full of rather stunned managers that, although most of their business units were at or near the top of their industries, the Internet would change everything. He believed that the kinds of electronic commerce strategies that has worked so well for Dell and Cisco in the computer industry could also work in many of AlliedSignal’s businesses. He wanted to make sure that AlliedSignal was the first to exploit those strategies and any other strategies that the business managers could devise. In tow months, each manager reported back with a strategy that included multiple electronic commerce projects, such as website for selling products, providing customer service, improving cooperate infrastructure, managing supply chains, coordinating logistics, holding auctions, and creating virtual communities. These plans were evaluated in the company’s regular annual budget process, and the best ones were chosen for funding and implementation.
In a matter of months, one of the largest industrial enterprise in the world had drastically altered its course, setting sail for the unchartered waters of the first wave of electronic commerce. In the years since, AlliedSignal has gone through many changes, including a merger with Honeywell. The initiatives it undertook as a result of this first electronic commerce strategic planning session were important in making the company an attractive merger candidate. Today, as part of Honeywell, the businesses that were formerly
AlliedSignal are using a wide range of Internet technologies in a variety of their supply chain management and purchasing functions.
Adopted and sourced from: Electronic Commerce, 9th edition 2011 by Gary P. Schneider
Part A – Role Play Activity
Assume that you are one of the heads of business unit (Robert Mello) who has been requested by the company CEO Larry Bossidy to come up with three different strategies to steer the company into electronic business commerce arena. In this role play you are to successfully discuss three electronic business strategies as Participant A and Participant B will be the CEO of the company who will be getting your report brief.
Instructions to students:
1. You are required to participate in a role play meeting in this task
2. You must plan and arrange a meeting with the stakeholders of the company as Participant A
3. Your trainer assessor can act as Participant B
4. You have to carry out all tasks listed in the demonstration checklist below. The most important part is to come up with three different electronic business commerce strategies for the company.
5. In the demonstration checklist please list your three strategies in summary in the space provided. You can handwrite or computer type in this section.
6. Time-limit for the role play is 20-30 minutes
7. Your trainer/assessor will be observing your role-playing and meeting and will complete the below listed demonstration checklist as evidence of your skills during this role play activity.
Steps to complete Role Play activity and written reports:
? Discuss with stakeholders the three different electronic business e-commerce strategies that you have come up with for the company.
Part B – Demonstration of Tasks
Assume that you are one of the heads of business unit (Robert Mello) who has presented three strategic ideas in the previous assessment task. In this Part B task you are choose one of those ideas and implement the same. Your trainer/assessor will observe you while you are implementing these as commercial setup.
Note: You will need access to a Customer Relationship Management type of a software to successfully complete all tasks listed in this part.
Instructions to students:
1. You are required to complete and implement all tasks listed in the Demonstration Checklist listed below.
2. Your trainer/assessor will be observing you while you perform below listed tasks and will complete demonstration checklist as evidence of your skills during this demonstration activity.
Part C – Presentation
Assume that you are one of the heads of business unit (Robert Mello) who is to present at least two (2) opportunities to improve the e-commerce infrastructure that was planned and implemented and previous two assessment tasks (Part A and Part B).
Instructions to students:
1. You are to prepare and submit a PPT presentation to fully complete this task
2. Your trainer/assessor will be observing your presentation and will check if you have completed all below listed tasks as is listed in the demonstration checklist
ASSESSMENT 3 – Case Study, Role Play, Demonstration of Tasks and Presentation
Based on the case study provided below the student is to implement electronic technology to advance retails sales operations by:
? Determine and communicate to stakeholders the commercial set up of the business to supply e-retail services
? Analyse and evaluate appropriate e-retail tools and processes
? Align e-retail strategy with business strategies, and business and organisational requirements
? Implement arrangements for conducting e-retailing appropriate to business and organisational requirements
? Review and report opportunities to improve e-retail infrastructure, systems and solutions
? Computer and Microsoft Office
? Access to the Internet for research
? Workplace or a close simulation of the workplace environment
? Research resources, including industry related systems information
? Case study
? Relevant legislation and workplace documents
? Your trainer/assessor will advise you of due date of this assessment. On completion the student is required to submit this assessment to their trainer/assessor in class.
? Demostration Checklist for Part A
? Demonstration Checklist for Part B
? Demonstration Checklist and the accompanying PPT presentation for Part C Case Study
Please go-through and refer to the same Case Study listed in Assessment No Task 2.
Part A – Role Play Activity
Assume that you are one of the heads of business unit (Robert Mello) who has been requested by the company CEO Larry Bossidy to implement electronic technologies to advance retail sales operations of the company.
Instructions to students:
1. You are required to participate in a role play meeting in this task
2. You must plan and arrange a meeting with the stakeholders of the company as Participant A
3. Your trainer assessor can act as Participant B
4. You have to carry out all tasks listed in the demonstration checklist below.
5. Time-limit for the role play is 20-30 minutes
6. Your trainer/assessor will be observing your role-playing and meeting and will complete the below listed demonstration checklist as evidence of your skills during this role play activity.
Steps to complete Role Play activity and written reports:
Discuss with stakeholders to implement electronic technologies to advance retail sales operations of the company.
Part B – Demonstration of Tasks
Assume that you are one of the heads of business unit (Robert Mello) who is to implement electronic technologies to advance retail sales operations of the company.
Note: You will need access to a Customer Relationship Management type of a software to successfully complete all tasks listed in this part.
Instructions to students:
1. You are required to complete and implement all tasks listed in the Demonstration Checklist listed below.
2. Your trainer/assessor will be observing you while you perform below listed tasks and will complete demonstration checklist as evidence of your skills during this demonstration activity.
Part C – Presentation
Assume that you are one of the heads of business unit (Robert Mello) who is to present review and summary report on opportunities to improve e-retail infrastructure, systems and solutions. You will need to come up with at least two (2) opportunities for improvement.
Instructions to students:
1. You are to prepare and submit a PPT presentation to fully complete this task
2. Your trainer/assessor will be observing your presentation and will check if you have completed all below listed tasks as is listed in the demonstration checklist
ASSESSMENT 4 – Case Study, Role Play, Demonstration of Tasks and Presentation
Based on the case study provided below the student is to implement electronic technology to advance mobile operations by:
? Identify and communicate to stakeholders, range of options available in mobile computing devices and mobile technologies appropriate to business unit and organisational requirements
? Confirm trends in mobile commerce and related systems
? Research trends in mobile internet and other communication networks
? Implement arrangements for mobile commerce and related systems appropriate to business and organisational requirements
? Review and report opportunities to improve mobile electronic infrastructure, systems and solutions
? Computer and Microsoft Office
? Access to the Internet for research
? Workplace or a close simulation of the workplace environment
? Research resources, including industry related systems information ? Case study
? Relevant legislation and workplace documents
? Your trainer/assessor will advise you of due date of this assessment. On completion the student is required to submit this assessment to their trainer/assessor in class.
? Demostration Checklist for Part A
? Demonstration Checklist for Part B
? Demonstration Checklist and the accompanying PPT presentation for Part C
Case Study
Please go-through and refer to the same Case Study listed in Assessment No Task 2.
Part A – Role Play Activity
Assume that you are one of the heads of business unit (Robert Mello) who has been requested by the company CEO Larry Bossidy to implement electronic technologies to advance mobile operations of the company.
Instructions to students:
1. You are required to participate in a role play meeting in this task
2. You must plan and arrange a meeting with the stakeholders of the company as Participant A
3. Your trainer assessor can act as Participant B
4. You have to carry out all tasks listed in the demonstration checklist below.
5. Time-limit for the role play is 20-30 minutes
6. Your trainer/assessor will be observing your role-playing and meeting and will complete the below listed demonstration checklist as evidence of your skills during this role play activity.
Steps to complete Role Play activity and written reports:
Discuss with stakeholders to implement electronic technologies to advance mobile operations of the company.
Part B – Demonstration of Tasks
Assume that you are one of the heads of business unit (Robert Mello) who is to implement electronic technologies to advance mobile operations of the company.
Note: You will need access to a Customer Relationship Management type of a software to successfully complete all tasks listed in this part.
Instructions to students:
1. You are required to complete and implement all tasks listed in the Demonstration Checklist listed below.
2. Your trainer/assessor will be observing you while you perform below listed tasks and will complete demonstration checklist as evidence of your skills during this demonstration activity.
Part C – Presentation
Assume that you are one of the heads of business unit (Robert Mello) who is to present review and summary report on opportunities to improve mobile electronic infrastructure, systems and solutions. You will need to come up with at least two (2) opportunities for improvement.
Instructions to students:
1. You are to prepare and submit a PPT presentation to fully complete this task
2. Your trainer/assessor will be observing your presentation and will check if you have completed all below listed tasks as is listed in the demonstration checklist
ASSESSMENT 5 – Case Study, Role Play, Demonstration of Tasks and Presentation
Based on the case study provided below the student is to implement electronic technology to advance supply chain management by:
? Determine and communicate to stakeholders the commercial set up of the business to electronically manage a supply chain
? Research and report strengths and weaknesses of options relating to electronic enhancement of supply chain management
? Develop electronic supply chain model and strategy
? Align supply chain management with e-business strategies and model
? Implement electronic supply chain model
? Review and evaluate electronic supply chain model against business and organisational requirements
? Determine and report enhancements to electronic enablement of supply chain
? Computer and Microsoft Office
? Access to the Internet for research
? Workplace or a close simulation of the workplace environment
? Research resources, including industry related systems information
? Case study
? Relevant legislation and workplace documents
? Your trainer/assessor will advise you of due date of this assessment. On completion the student is required to submit this assessment to their trainer/assessor in class.
? Demostration Checklist for Part A
? Demonstration Checklist for Part B
? Demonstration Checklist and the accompanying PPT presentation for Part C
Case Study
Please go-through and refer to the same Case Study listed in Assessment No Task 2.
Part A – Role Play Activity
Assume that you are one of the heads of business unit (Robert Mello) who has been requested by the company CEO Larry Bossidy to implement electronic technologies to advance supply chain management of the company.
Instructions to students:
1. You are required to participate in a role play meeting in this task
2. You must plan and arrange a meeting with the stakeholders of the company as Participant A
3. Your trainer assessor can act as Participant B
4. You have to carry out all tasks listed in the demonstration checklist below.
5. Time-limit for the role play is 20-30 minutes
6. Your trainer/assessor will be observing your role-playing and meeting and will complete the below listed demonstration checklist as evidence of your skills during this role play activity.
Steps to complete Role Play activity and written reports:
Discuss with stakeholders to implement electronic technologies to advance supply chain management of the company.
Part B – Demonstration of Tasks
Assume that you are one of the heads of business unit (Robert Mello) who is to implement electronic technologies to advance supply chain management of the company.
Note: You will need access to a Customer Relationship Management type of a software to successfully complete all tasks listed in this part.
Instructions to students:
1. You are required to complete and implement all tasks listed in the Demonstration Checklist listed below.
2. Your trainer/assessor will be observing you while you perform below listed tasks and will complete demonstration checklist as evidence of your skills during this demonstration activity.
Part C – Presentation
Assume that you are one of the heads of business unit (Robert Mello) who is to present enhancements to the implemented electronic enablement of supply chain management system. You will need to come up with at least two (2) opportunities for improvement.
Instructions to students:
1. You are to prepare and submit a PPT presentation to fully complete this task
2. Your trainer/assessor will be observing your presentation and will check if you have completed all below listed tasks as is listed in the demonstration checklist


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