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Q1: What are the key aspects of health and safety legislation? 180–200 words Q2: What processes or procedures might an organisation use to identify hazards and monitor risk control procedures? 180–200 words Q3: Why is it important to provide information to work teams on the relevant health and safety legislation, the organisatio

Summative Question 1
Q1: What are the key aspects of health and safety legislation? 180–200 words
Q2: What processes or procedures might an organisation use to identify hazards and monitor risk control procedures? 180–200 words
Q3: Why is it important to provide information to work teams on the relevant health and safety legislation, the organisation’s health and safety policies, procedures and programs, and any identified hazards and their control? 80–100 words
Q4: Explain the importance of effective consultative mechanisms in managing health and safety risks and describe what they entail. 80–100 words
Q5: Explain how the hierarchy of control applies in the work area. 180–200 words
Summative Question 2
• workers are unsure of the health and safety legislation and codes of practice that relate to them
• workers have not received training in the organisation’s health and safety policies, procedures and programs for two years and people are unsure which are current and which have been superseded
• there is no mechanism to inform workers of hazards (and their assessment) that have been identified in their work area
• historically there has been little encouragement or support for work teams to manage work area hazards
• if workers raised issues they were generally ignored
• there was little communication back to workers if consultation about health and safety issues did occur
• a health and safety training needs analysis has not been conducted for two years
• there are some pressing health and safety information gaps that can be addressed by training
• management are reluctant to approve health and safety training as they fear it will cost too much
• the workplace hazard assessment has not been updated for the last six months
• there are four hazards that were identified in the last hazard assessment that have not been actioned
• there is no procedure in place to use data to identify risks, control those risks, or monitor outcomes of reported inadequacies
• management are unsure of what health and safety records must be kept or how to fill them out
Please complete the table as the example of the first point


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