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. Group Report Topic: Each group will be allocated a topic from section 2.5 of the subject outline (Topics are listed below) and each group will be allocated a company from ASX 500 top listed. Group report includes: (a) Overview of the selected company and (b) explanation of the selected topic with relation to selected company. Group Company selection and topic selection should be available in moodle in week 4. Group report topics: (a) Institut

MAC001A Financial Accounting & Reporting Trimester 1, 2021
Assessment 2: Group Report 25%
Group Report Submission Due date and Submission details.
As per the subject outline, in group report constitutes 25% per cent of the total assessment in this subject. Due date is Week 9 Sunday 14/03/2021 at 11.55pm in week 9 folder in moodle in Turnitin box. One of the group members need to submit Group Report.
Note: After week 9, Group report submission will not be accepted for marking.
Students are required to complete the assessment 2 in groups of five members. Students are not allowed to select group member in their group. Group formation would be uploaded in moddle in week 4 with student’s name, ID and GCA student email address. Email will help the group to communicate each other. No personal email will be allowed for communication with lecturer. GCA student email need to use for communication.
2. Objective
MAC001A covers a range of important theory and practice of Fundamental of Financial Accounting & Reporting. The main purpose of this assessment is to provide students with the opportunity to consolidate and extend their understanding in connection with the important issues in Financial Accounting and reporting in Australia.
3. Assessment criteria
In assessing group report consideration will be given to overall neatness, completeness and quality of report, timeliness of submission and demonstrated application of appropriate issues in financial accounting and reporting.
Report is expected to be made in a clear, concise, and understandable manner. It is required that an outline be made at the inception of the report to show introduction, body, and conclusion of the report.
4. Group Report Topic:
Each group will be allocated a topic from section 2.5 of the subject outline (Topics are listed below) and each group will be allocated a company from ASX 500 top listed. Group report includes: (a) Overview of the selected company and (b) explanation of the selected topic with relation to selected company.
Group Company selection and topic selection should be available in moodle in week 4.
Group report topics:
(a) Institutional arrangements for setting accounting standards in Australia
(b) General purpose financial reports
(c) Reporting entity
(d) Qualitative characteristics of financial information
(e) Accounting for lease
(f) Accounting for employee benefits
(g) Accounting for corporate social responsibility
(h) Accounting for Ethics
5. Plagiarism
Taking another person’s ideas, words or inventions and presenting them as your own without acknowledging your sources (citing or referencing), is plagiarism. Paraphrasing or rewording another person’s work, without acknowledging its source, is also plagiarism. If you are identified with plagiarism assessment mark will be zero. Similarity rate must not exceed 20%.
6. Referencing
Correct referencing is important for two main reasons. The first is to enable the reader to access source material you have relied upon, should they care to. The other is to ensure that you have properly recognized the contribution of the work of others to your assignment. If you do not do this properly, you are engaging in plagiarism—the theft, intentional or otherwise, of the intellectual or creative work of others.
UBBS will not tolerate plagiarism. It is therefore important that you understand how to avoid it. It is important that you adopt a consistent, and adequate, referencing system. Reference should be used Herbert Style. Please read the referencing notes from Moodle.
7. Marking Criteria Format
Excellent Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
50% Keeps a clear focus on the topic. Suitable length
All group members participated equally Clear focus but the
topic is not appropriate, however it has suitable length and all the group member participated Sometimes loses focus on the topic.
Suitable length Some group members contributed more than others Often loses focus on the topic. Too long or too short. Some group members did not participate or understand the presentation
Organisation of
information 20% Organization shows considerable thought and planning Information is well organized easy to follow.
Information is somewhat organized. Information is not well organized.
Quality of content
20% Written/visual materials are meticulously and imaginatively prepared. Content is very informative, interesting & accurate Written/visual materials are meticulously and imaginatively prepared. Most of the information is very informative, with correct spelling. Written/visual materials are generally adequately prepared but contain some typographic errors. Contains an acceptable amount of information, most detail was accurate and relevant, with correct spelling. Written/visual materials are poorly prepared and may be illegible in places. Writing does not flow well, and there
are some errors in grammar and punctuation.
Overall report writing
10% Excellent report Good report Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Total mark 100%


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