The following task must be demonstrated in a safe environment where evidence gathered demonstrates consistent performance of typical activities experienced in the management and leadership field of work and include access to:
• Relevant workplace documentation and resources
• Case studies and, where possible, real situations
• Interaction with others
Complete the following activity to demonstrate your ability to manage innovation and continuous improvement in an organisation.
To prepare for the task, complete the following steps to review the programs, systems and processes that are currently in place in the key areas of the organisation:
1. Establish, and document, the strategies to be used to monitor and evaluate the performance and sustainability of the key systems and processes
2. Undertake a detailed analyses of the supply chains, as well as all operational, product and service delivery systems. Record this analysis.
3. Identify, and evaluate the effectiveness of, the performance measures, and assessment tools and techniques. Document this evaluation.
4. Obtain the performance reports and variance from plans for the key result areas of the organisation, and analyse these. Document this analysis.
5. Identify, and analyse, the changing trends and opportunities which are relevant to the organisation. Record this analysis.
6. Where appropriate, seek advice from specialists to identify technology and electronic commerce opportunities. Record any advice sought, including the sources accessed.
Develop the options for continuous improvement through the following actions:
7. Brief the work groups on how performance improvement strategies and innovation as an essential element of competition
8. Promote interaction within and between work groups to foster a creative and innovative climate and to encourage organisational learning
9. Encourage and test new ideas and entrepreneurial behaviour, ensuring to complete the following for each:
a. Undertaking the relevant risk management and cost-benefit analysis for each option or idea approved for trial
b. Approving ideas and actions through the agreed organisational processes for approvals, and manage them following project management and change management procedures. Provide evidence of this approval.
c. Accepting any failures of ideas during the trialling, and recognising, celebrating and embedding successes into the systems. Record all trial outcomes, failures and successes, including how successes will be embedded into the system
Perform the following steps to implement the innovative processes:
10. Promote continuous improvement and sustainability in the workplace as essential to doing business
11. Develop and implement transition plans to address the impact of change and consequences for people, ensuring that these include the objectives, timeframes, measures and communication plans place to manage implementation
12. In the event of non-performance, implement contingency plans. Provide any contingency plans implemented.
13. Promptly conduct an investigation and analysis of the causes of failure, managing the challenges and opportunities effectively. Provide the documented investigation and analysis, including recording how challenges and opportunities were managed.
14. Ensure that all learnings and insights from the activities are captured and managed to inform future work. Provide the captured learnings.
15. Regularly evaluate the continuous improvement systems and processes. Provide the schedule for these evaluations.
Communicate, to the relevant groups and individuals, the costs and benefits of the innovations and improvements. Provide any documented communications.
BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management
BSBMGT608 – Manage innovation and continuous improvement
For this assessment you will need to perform the following tasks. These tasks will need to be completed and submitted in a professional, word processed, format. Each task must be 1000 words minimum in length.
You have been provided with a template to use for the change management plan in your resource.
Use this template and complete the following activities.
1. Think about your business and what they need then select one change from the list below:
a. Implementing a new administration system
b. Implementing a new cash receipting process
c. Implementing a new rostering system and structure
d. Expanding to international markets
Then you are to complete the following tasks:
2. Discuss how you identified the need for the change?
3. Develop a change management strategy for the required change.
4. Discuss how you would implement the change into the business.
This assessment must include each of the following sections:
5. Research on policies and procedures relating to change management
6. Trends associated with the change
7. Performance gaps that may be related to the change
8. A change management plan – including priorities list and timelines for activities
9. Resource required for the change
10. Communication and consultation strategies – including how these will be delivered
11. Cost-benefit analysis
12. Risk analysis
13. Approvals required
14. Resource required – provide a list
15. Barriers to change and how these were overcome
16. Training required to implement the change
17. SWOT analysis
18. Implementation strategy
19. Evaluation methods
Each of the above items must be included for your assessment. Please ensure all sections have been edited and are accurate and presented in a manner that is formatted for a business environment.
During this assessment you will need to ensure you:
20. Analyse and interpret information about the organisation’s internal and external environment and consult with stakeholders to identify requirements and opportunities for changes that support organisational objectives.
21. Prioritise opportunities for changes with input from managers. Where consultation has been sought, notes from discussions must be provided as part of this assessment.
22. Develop a change management project plan for the priority changes incorporating resource requirements, risk management and timelines
23. Develop strategies to communicate or educate the changes and embed them
24. Obtain approvals and agree reporting protocols with relevant managers and implement the plan including addressing barriers to change
25. Review and evaluate the change management project plan and modify as needed to achieve objectives. For this section you should include your original draft, along with the final plan created. All modifications must be shown.
All documents produced during this assessment must be provided as part of the assessment.
Below you will see a plan that you can use to guide you in this assessment.
Change Management Plan Template
Note: delete the prompts under each heading before submitting your plan.
• Provide background, link to strategic goals and other changes
Project Sponsor
• This person leads the change project and is accountable for ensuring the project, and change plan are implemented
Project Objectives
• Detail what the project will achieve.
Change Objectives and Principles
• Provide details of:
o What the change process will achieve [e.g. information sharing, engagement, input into system changes];
o Principles that underpin the change plan [e.g. inclusiveness/consultation, timeliness]; and
o Ethical issues that need to be considered and how the change will plan will address them.
Change Plan Elements
• What are the main elements in the change plan? [e.g. people/culture, systems/technology, documentation, positions/roles, process, skills] Each of these elements may require a particular focus in the change plan.
Rationale for the Change
• List the drivers and constraints for change.
• What are the risks for the change process?
Key Stakeholder Analysis
• Identify the key stakeholders [consider staff, other work units in SCU, management, unions, students and other clients] and:
• Analyse their response to the change [e.g. what will be their main concerns/fear, where is there likely to be support for the change];
• Identify their needs in terms of change management and consider the style of communication required [language style & level]; and
• Identify the preferred media for communicating or consulting with them about the change [e.g. sessions involving dialogue about the changes, newsletters, briefings from project team members, frequently asked questions].
• Identify approvals required to implement the change.
Assessment of Readiness to Change
• Comment on the status of the change so far [e.g., is there a high-level strategy in place that stakeholders are already aware of and committed to that provides a framework for the change].
• What elements might support the change [e.g., dissatisfaction with current processes; a workplace culture that supports change and innovation].
• Is there strong senior support for the change?
Key Change Messages
• Identify about 6 key messages to convey about the change process, being upfront about gains and losses. Consider:
o What will be gained/lost for the key stakeholder groups in the change process;
o The messages from the stakeholder perspective;
o What will be their main concerns; and
o Presenting changes in a positive light even whilst acknowledging the loss.
Identify Change Elements
• Structures/Processes/Responsibilities/Resources/Timeframes/Performance Measures
• Consider the need for particular change support structures [e.g., a change team, super users/specialists who are trained first and can support people in the workplace, the involvement of users/key stakeholders at various stages, change champions in the workplace].
• Consider if there is a need for transitional arrangements to support and whether the introduction of the change process needs to be staged.
• What will be the impact on workloads and how will these be managed?
Develop Change Plan
• Develop a change plan including performance measures [how will you know the change plan is effective?]. Ensure the plan is adequately resourced.
Actions Who When Performance Measures
• Ensure policies, procedures and performance measures reinforce the changes.
• Remove organisational barriers to the change.
• Reinforce how changes have provided benefits.
• How will the change be evaluated in relation to the achievement of the planned objectives?
• How will the change management processes be evaluated – consider summative as well as final evaluations, how can you assess your change management strategies as you implement them?
• How will the evaluation outcomes be circulated and promoted to stakeholders?
• How will evaluation outcomes be used in other organisational processes?
BSB61015 – Advanced Diploma of Leadership & Management 20
BSBINN601 – Lead and manage organisational change Version 3
The following task is to be demonstrated and assessed in a safe environment with interaction with others, where evidence gathered demonstrates consistent performance of typical activities experienced in the management and leadership field of work and include access to:
• Relevant legislation, regulation, standards and codes and
• Relevant workplace documentation and resources
• Case studies and, where possible, real situations
For this task you are to complete the following activity to demonstrate your ability to provide leadership across an organisation.
Complete the following actions to communicate the organisational mission and goals:
1. Using media and language appropriate to the individuals and group circumstances, communicate the following information to a range of stakeholders (providing any documentation utilised):
a. Considering the organisation’s strategic direction, clarify the organisation’s objectives, values and standards
b. Establish the linkages between the objectives, values and standards of the organisation and the responsibilities of relevant groups and individuals
c. In a manner which builds commitment to the organisation, state and explain clear expectations of the internal groups and individuals
d. Address the expectations of the organisation
2. As incidents arise, promptly investigate them and clearly communicate the results to relevant groups and individuals. Provide the records of incidents investigated.
Influence groups and individuals through the following actions;
3. Demonstrate positive role modelling, and effective communication and consultation to build trust, confidence and respect of diverse groups and individuals
4. Embrace, resource and effectively implement improvements to organisational and workplace culture. Note any culture improvements implemented, including the resources required.
5. In work activities, demonstrate an understanding of the global environment and new technology
6. Ensure that your actions convey flexibility and adaptability to change and accessibility
7. Where appropriate, ensure that consultation and participation in decision making occurs with relevant groups and individuals
8. Ensure decision making:
a. Takes into account the needs and expectations of both internal and external groups through facilitating consultative decision making processes with relevant internal and external stakeholders
b. Occurs in accordance with risk management plans for all options, and within appropriate timeframes
9. Ensure that the organisation is positively represented in the media and community
To build and support teams in the organisation, complete the following steps:
10. Assign teams with accountabilities and responsibilities that are consistent with their competencies and operational plans. Record the accountabilities and responsibilities assigned to teams.
11. Ensure that teams are resourced to allow them to achieve their objectives. Document the resourcing of teams.
12. Conduct effective delegation and support team initiatives to empower teams and individuals
13. Create and maintain a positive work environment
14. Encourage teams and individuals to develop innovative approaches to the performance of work
Throughout the task, complete the following actions to demonstrate personal and professional competence:
15. In all areas of work, model ethical conduct and encourage others to adopt business ethics and to build their commitment to the organisation
16. Adapt your interpersonal and leadership styles as required to meet the particular circumstances and situations
17. Set personal objectives and work program outcomes, and achieve these. Record the objectives and outcomes, and document their achievement.
18. Engage in a range of professional development activities to ensure that your self-performance and professional competence is continuously improved. Document the professional development activities engaged in.
19. Regularly participate in industry/professional networks and groups. Record the networks and groups participated in.
BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management 15
BSBMGT605 – Provide leadership across the organisation
The following task must be conducted in a safe environment where evidence gathered demonstrates consistent performance of typical activities experienced in the workforce development – human resource development field of work and include access to:
• Relevant legislation, regulations and codes of practice
• The business strategic and operational plan
• Workplace policies and procedures
• Interaction with others.
For this task you are complete the following steps to develop and prepare to implement a plan to manage the human resources strategic planning for your workplace.
Prepare for the task by completing the following steps to research the planning requirements:
1. Analyse the organisations strategic plans to determine the strategic direction, objectives and targets for human resources.
2. Conduct additional environmental analysis to identify if there are emerging practices and trends that may impact on human resources management in the organisation.
3. Consider and outline the future labour needs, skill requirements and relevant options for sourcing labour supply.
4. Consider how new and emerging technology will impact on job roles and job design.
5. Review the recent and potential changes to industrial and legal requirements.
Complete the following steps to develop a human resources strategic plan:
6. Consult with relevant managers about their preferences relating to human resources, and agree on the human resources philosophies, values and policies.
7. Consult with the relevant stakeholders in relation to:
a. The available budget.
b. The priorities for the plan.
c. The timeframes for implementation.
8. Consulting with relevant stakeholders, develop the strategic objectives and targets for the human resources services, and the programs and practices to be included, based on a cost-benefit analysis.
9. Examine the available options for the provision of human resources services and analyse costs and benefits.
10. Identify the appropriate technology and systems required to support the agreed human resources programs and practices.
11. Document the strategic human resources plan, and obtain support from senior management for its implementation.
12. In consultation with relevant stakeholders, develop applicable risk management plans to support the strategic human resources plan.
Plan to implement the developed human resources plan by documenting the following, developed in consultation with relevant stakeholders:
13. Outline the roles, for yourself and others, in implementing the plan.
14. Discuss the methods that would be used to monitor the plan and review it.
15. Provide methods to adapt the plan in response to circumstantial changes.
16. Explain the evaluation and review process to be applied, including the timing.
After you have successfully completed the above steps to plan for the management of human resources strategic planning, you will need to sit down with your assessor and discuss:
17. The relevant legislative, regulatory and industrial requirements for the business.
18. The impact of technology on job roles in the organisation, including emerging technology.
19. The labour market options considered for sourcing labour supply.
20. The requirements of the strategic plan.
When you have successfully finished this assessment you will need to hand in the assignment that you have completed.
BSB61015 – Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management 18
BSBHRM602 – Manage human resources strategic planning