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Business Research Method Assignment Scenario There is no scenario for this assignment. Instead, you must propose an independent, small-scale research proposal about an area of interest to you within a business context. Ideally, the research proposal should deal with an opportunity or a problem at the organisation where you are currently employed. You should select a manageable area within a

Business Research Method Assignment


There is no scenario for this assignment. Instead, you must propose an independent, small-scale research proposal about an area of interest to you within a business context. Ideally, the research proposal should deal with an opportunity or a problem at the organisation where you are currently employed. You should select a manageable area within a subject area related to your business studies. (E.g. Finance, HR, Project Management, CSR, etc.)


Task 1 of 1 – Research Project Proposal (All LOs)

Instructions: In this task, you need to produce a research project proposal in which you will include the following:


  • Choose a research area and introduce the business problem or opportunity within that area with supporting data and trends.
  • Clearly explain the background to the business problem or opportunity, and justify the reasons for, and the value of, the research to your employer and the wider academic community.
  • Specify the research question and outline the research study aims and objectives.

Literature Review:

  • Critically review key literature and recent academic publications around the subject area discussing key definitions, current theoretical frameworks, and research carried out in similar business areas.
  • Develop a conceptual/theoretical framework for the research from the literature review explaining how and why it supports and informs your research approach.

Research Methodology: Explain and justify your research approach and strategy.

  • Data collection: Discuss different data collection methods with complimenting appropriate research strategies and select a data collection method, based on your research approach/strategy.
  • Design the data collection instrument and justify the selected instrument. Individually include the instrument as an appendix.
  • Population and Sampling: Define the research population, sampling strategy, sample size and justify how the sampling strategy will be the best representation of the population.
  • Data Analysis: Describe and justify how you propose to analyse and report the results and findings of your research with a discussion about reliability and validity (propose the use of statistical tests).


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