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Task: Choose ONE of the following sectors as your focus and discuss how a business sector can demonstrate its responsibilities in a global context today. This assignment is entirely secondary information-based and as such you are not required to conduct any primary research. The Clothing Industry The Banking

Learning outcomes


Upon successful completion of this module, students will have demonstrated: Knowledge K1 The ability to identify key challenges relating to business responsibility and sustainability. K2 The ability to examine and analyze the moral considerations generated by contemporary business behavior. K3 The ability to consider the extent of responsibilities that businesses have in developing their activities internationally in countries across the world.



S1 The ability to utilize the cognitive skills of critical thinking – explanation, analysis, and judgment.

S2 The ability to conduct effective independent research using a variety of information sources. S3 The ability to identify, formulate and present a set of recommendations that address a relevant business issue.


Weighting:  100% (all questions are equally weighted) Word count 3000 words


Choose ONE of the following sectors as your focus and discuss how a business sector can demonstrate its responsibilities in a global context today. This assignment is entirely secondary information-based and as such you are not required to conduct any primary research.

  • The Clothing Industry
  • The Banking Industry
  • The Food Industry
  • Technology Industry i.e. Social media/Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Your report should attempt the tasks below. It should provide examples drawn from the sector as a whole and specific firms within it to support your arguments. Your discussion should provide a good balance between theory and practice and use relevant references.

  1. Examine and discuss the key challenges relating to corporate responsibility and sustainability relating to your chosen sector.
  2. Analyze and explain what you consider to be ‘best practice’ within the sector, making references to ethical and moral issues.
  3. Make recommendations for businesses in the sector to show they are being more responsible by taking into account global considerations.


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