Reflect on the historical and current image and voice of nursing
The purpose of this paper is for you to reflect on the historical and current image and voice of nursing and the profession of nursing are affected. You will project how to enhance the image and voice of nursing in the future in order to recruit, retain, and reward nurses. Guidelines for Writing the Paper This paper is a comprehensive assessment of nursing image and voice. You will conduct a review of literature about the image and voice of nursing and how it affects rewards, recruitment, and retention in nursing. Future challenges and strategies for improvement will be inclusion. This assignment, which is in the form of a scholarly paper, is worth 15% of your grade.
The paper will be a minimum of 7 double-space pages in length and maximum of 14 pages. Further, minimally must address these criteria:
1. Firstly, description of historical image of nursing.
2. Secondly, overview of how nursing image is portrayed by, and affected by, the media. Include various forms of media such as print, television, and film media
3. Thirdly, explanation of how nursing leaders and nursing staff impact image.
4. Fourthly, description of how the image of nursing can be improved. Combine a summary of findings from the literature with your thoughts; include at least two behaviors you can implement to improve the image of nursing.
5. Future challenges and summary. Briefly summarize the past image of nursing, the current image of nursing, and also projections for the future image.
Summarize the importance of image to nursing as a profession. APA format of paper includes: ? Title page ? Body of paper: references cited in paper, margins, page numbers, paragraph structure, use of headings. ? References: correct APA citation; minimum of five professional references Mentor’s tip for this paper: The references listed in the back of From Silence to Voice may be helpful to identify possible resources for this paper.