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Charles Darwin University is offering a small business grant for a deserving student’s entrepreneurial endeavour. It has been left up to the CDU representative to oversee the business case submissions and ascertain whether they are indeed viable and worthy of funding. To receive the funding, the project must meet the following criteria: It must benefit a community

Initial Dissertation Proposal
Topic: Maritime Strategy and Naval Innovation: Technology, Bureaucracy, and the Problem of Change in the Age of Competition
For the purposes of finalization of the Dissertation Topics, the candidates are required to first submit a 1000 words Dissertation Proposal indicating a proposed Research Scheme. The Research Proposal should contain the following sub-chapters:
?  Introduction of the Dissertation Topic: The researcher is required to introduce the subject and the issue involved in brief. ?
?  Statement of Problem: The researcher is required to explain the debatable issue involved in a research topic. Such issues could be single or multiple. A Statement of Problem is basically a statement that illustrates a clear vision and the overall method that will be used to solve the problem at hand. Usually used when doing research, a problem statement discusses any foreseeable tangible or intangible problems that the researcher may face throughout the course of the project. ?
?  Research Questions: A research question is an answerable inquiry into a specific concern or issue. It is the initial step in a research project. The ‘initial step’ means after you have an idea of what you want to study, the research question is the first active step in the research project. ?
?  Hypothesis: A research hypothesis is the statement created by researchers when they speculate upon the outcome of a research or experiment. It is an assumption with which the researcher begins its research and throughout the research paper, the researcher should seek to prove or disprove the hypothesis. ?

?  Scope of Study: The researcher is required to identify the broad framework within which the study is designed. The researcher may also highlight the limitations of the study within this segment. ?
?  Objective of Study: The researcher has to identify the aims and objective of the study i.e. what the researcher ?
?  Research Methodology: The method that the researcher adopts to conduct a research i.e. doctrinal or non-doctrinal or empirical. The researcher has to state along with the method the justification of using the method in a research paper / project. Please note that the researcher can use a combination of both the methods as long as the researcher is able to justify the usage of the combined method. ?
?  Literature Review: The researcher has to go through the existing materials (both primary and secondary) and provide a review or assessment of the existing literature. ?
?  Tentative Chapterization: The researcher is required to briefly state how the researcher intends to go about the research. The researcher is required to categorize the paper / project into broad chapter and provide a gist of contents that the researcher intends to include in each chapter. ?Upon scrutinizing the initial dissertation proposal, the course-coordinator will either approve or reject the proposal. In the event of rejection/modification of the proposed Research Proposal, the candidate will have to re-submit another Research Proposal incorporating the suggested changes within a stipulated time fixed by the course-coordinator.


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