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At the end of this module, students will be able to: Knowledge Analyse different styles of leadership and show an understanding of why/ho different styles of leadership might be effective. Understand pre-requisites of ethical leadership and leadership for sustainability. Thinking skills Evaluate the role of leadership in meeting the challenges of sustainability – both environmental and social challenges. Su

At the end of this module, students will be able to: Knowledge

  1. Analyse different styles of leadership and show an understanding of why/ho different styles of leadership might be effective.
  2. Understand pre-requisites of ethical leadership and leadership for sustainability.

Thinking skills

  1. Evaluate the role of leadership in meeting the challenges of sustainability – both environmental and social challenges. Subject-based practical skills
  2. Evaluate the role of leadership within the management profession

Skills for life and work (general skills). Skills for life and work (general skills)

  1. Ability to gather empirical evidence from secondary sources and public data.

Part one

You are advised to focus on one or two specific experiences of leadership – either where you were in a leadership role, or where you could observe ‘leadership’ in action even if you were not a ‘leader’. These experiences might be drawn from your work experience or from other experience (voluntary work, student experience in working in a group, parenting, sport or other leisure activities). The experience should be one where you were an active participant. You should briefly describe the situation and evaluate the leadership process using relevant theory and concepts drawn from the academic literature on leadership. You should reflect on what the leadership experience taught you about your own leadership style and how you need to develop. In suggesting areas for your own development you should focus on skills or attributes that you think you need to develop, based on analysis of the experience. You should situate this reflection within the concepts and theory discussed in class and/or through your reading for the module. As an appendix you should attach a development plan to provide concrete evidence of how you have sought to improve your leadership (1000 words).

Part two

The second part of the assignment requires you to critically evaluate the leadership of Donald Trump, the immediate past president of the US. You should consider Donald Trump’s leadership from the perspectives of the leadership theories explored on the module. Your essay could consider the following theories; trait and behavioural theories, situational and contingency theory, transformational and transactional leadership, distributed leadership, ethical leadership and critical leadership perspectives.

You should read widely on theories of leadership, styles of leadership and critical leadership, and apply these critically to Donald Trump. You should also incorporate a regard for the ethics of leadership. It is important that you read sources relating to Donald Trump’s leadership style and align them to the leadership theories we have explored on the module so that you can form your own argument in relation to how theories of leadership apply to Donald Trump’s leadership (1500 words).

Structure of the submission:

  1. Cover-page
  2. Abstract/executive summary (1 for both parts)
  3. Introduction (1 for both parts)
  4. The main body (please use the appropriate headings/subheadings to structure this section).
  5. Conclusion (1 for both parts)

Resubmission Information

When a student is required to resubmit any of the assessments, the student will have submitted at the first opportunity but failed: The students should use the provided feedback for the first submission and complete the task again by improving their first submission. The due date and time for the resubmission will be communicated to you in due course. Please note that a resubmission will be capped at 40

Assessment criteria – How you will be marked

Criteria Mark

  1. Critical reflection on experience Critical reflection on your leadership experience. This must be discussed to an appropriate depth, given word-count constraints.
  2. Application of academic concepts and models to the analysis of your own development Application of academic concepts and models should be used to analyse your leadership development. This must be done clearly and coherently.
  3. Suggestions for personal development You must be able to draw a coherent thread of suggestions for your personal development based on your weaknesses. Clarity of thoughts and expressions will help you greatly.
  4. Application of academic concepts and models to the analysis of the case Application of academic concepts and models should be used to analyse the case to demonstrate your understanding. This must be done clearly, logically and coherently.
  5. Presentation including structure, language and grammar Structure of the work with an effective introduction, a well-structured main body with topics discussed in paragraphs, and a convincing conclusion. Clarity of English expression is key to an excellent work and grades.

Assignment reflects excellent understanding of subject, includes detailed analysis and justification based on a broad level of research and preparation.

Presentation reflects high level of academic rigour and attention to structure, grammar and technical terminology.

Reflects good understanding of the subject. Analysis developed to high standard, using relevant academic concepts and theory. Good level of preparation evident. Assignments will be accurate and fluent in use of terminology.

Reflects reasonable understanding of subject, based on reasonable level of research and analysis. Work will be well structured and include accurate use of terminology.

Task addressed to basic level. Largely descriptive. Analysis will only include obvious elements and reflect basic understanding of the subject. Terminology and grammar may be of questionable standard.

Extenuating Circumstances

There are no extensions to deadlines: If you are having problems with meeting a deadline and have been seriously affected by one of the problems outlined below, you might be able to claim ‘extenuation’. Extenuating circumstances are those which:

❖ Impair the performance of a student in assessment or reassessment

❖ Prevent a student from attending for assessment or reassessment.

❖ Prevent a student from submitting assessed or reassessed work by the scheduled date.

Such Circumstances Would Normally Be:

❖ Unforeseeable – the student could have no prior knowledge of the event concerned.

❖ Unpreventable – the student could do nothing reasonably in their power to prevent the event.

❖ Expected to have as serious impact.

Students are expected to make reasonable plans to consider common circumstances, even those which, on occasion, may have been unforeseeable and unpreventable. Examples of circumstances which might normally constitute grounds for extenuation are:

❖ Serious personal illnesses which are not permanent medical conditions (these are governed by other procedures);

❖ The death of a close relative immediately prior to the date of assessment. Examples of circumstances which would NOT normally constitute grounds for extenuation are:

❖ Minor illnesses – even if covered by medical certification.

❖ Computer failure of non-University equipment or storage media.

❖ Computer failure of University equipment or storage media (if for less than 24 hours).

❖ Transport problems.

❖ Moving to a new house or holidays.

❖ Inadequate planning, organisation or time management

❖ Misreading of assessment timetables.

❖ Family, work, social, financial or other general problems.


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