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I want to be able to read your paper and know exactly where the information was obtained. Under Resources there is a link to a Sample APA paper. d. Articles. Attach copies of your articles to your paper. If you can’t copy the article onto your attachment, please give me a web address (that works) so I may review your article. If I can’t access your articles y

I want to be able to read your paper and know exactly where the information was obtained. Under Resources there is a link to a Sample APA paper. d. Articles. Attach copies of your articles to your paper. If you can’t copy the article onto your attachment, please give me a web address (that works) so I may review your article. If I can’t access your articles you will receive 0 for the assignment. Article Summary #3 Read a recent article (less than one year old) that relates to one or more of the topics discussed in Chapters 10 -13. The article must have an international focus. The article should be at least two pages. Then type a summary of the article and include a personal analysis of the article. The summary should include the following information.
1. The name of the key term(s) that the article and the chapter have in common. 2. A summary of the article (should be at least one full page). 3. Your personal analysis of the article (your opinion, what you thought about the article) 4. A copy of the article (copy it to the end of your summary/personal analysis). 5. In your summary, if you quote from the article, be sure to use quotation marks. You should limit quotes to only 2. I expect your work to be your own. Copying from the article without using quotation marks is considered plagiarism. Suggested sources: Your library has electronic resources such as Academic Search Complete that will have current articles. Also, www.economist.com ,www.wsj.com , (if you find an article you like, you can usually access it from the library or google without a subscription, just type the title into Search). Article #4 due Read a recent article (less than one year old) that relates to one or more of the topics discussed in the Chapters 14 – 17. The article should be at least two pages. Then type a summary of the article and include a personal analysis of the article. The summary should include the following information. 1. The name of the key term(s) that the article and the chapter have in common. 2. A summary of the article (should be at least one full page).
3. Your personal analysis of the article (your opinion, what you thought about the article) 4. A copy of the article (copy it to the end of your summary/personal analysis). 5. In your summary, if you quote from the article, be sure to use quotation marks. You should limit quotes to only 2. I expect your work to be your own. Copying from the article without using quotation marks is considered plagiarism. Suggested sources: Your library has electronic resources such as Academic Search Complete that will have current articles.


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