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Task: Purpose of the Assessment The following Unit Learning Outcomes are applicable to this assessment: -Acquire a broad understanding of the theoretical and practical knowledge of management and organisations   -Analyse complex problems relating to management and organisations and their impact on the business due to globalisation  


Purpose of the Assessment

The following Unit Learning Outcomes are applicable to this assessment:
-Acquire a broad understanding of the theoretical and practical knowledge of management and organisations
-Analyse complex problems relating to management and organisations and their impact on the business due to globalisation
-Critically analyse policy tools which are used by governments and how these policies impact the global organisation
-Comprehend how businesses benefit from understanding the role of management in organisations
Synthesise theoretical and practical knowledge of management of global organisations, develop an in-depth understanding of the theories and practical knowledge necessary for managers to formulate appropriate strategies

Question 1

What steps are today’s organisations taking to promote diversity and are these efforts effective? Answer this question (support your arguments with key research findings on diversity management).

Question 2

How should the company’s supervisors behave differently to get their subordinates to experience less stress on the job, or at least, get them to react less negatively? Answer this question (support your claims/arguments with key research findings on managing stress in the workplace).

Question 3

Mark Martin has just been appointed manager of a production team operating the 11pm to  7am shift in a large manufacturing firm. Mark is concerned that the team members really  like and get along well with one another but they also appear to be restricting their task  outputs to the minimum acceptable levels. What could Mark do to improve things in this  situation and why should he do them? Answer this question in 300 words (support your claims/arguments with key research findings on team performance factors).


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