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Self Development and Responsibility | My Assignment Tutor

Module: (FY027) Preparing for Success: Self Development and Responsibility CW1 – Portfolio Student’s Name:LSST ID Number:BNU ID Number:Lecturer’s Name:Submission Date: Table of Contents1 IntroductionPage No.2 Mini project workshops attended and how they contributed towards the development of my Social and Ethical Awareness and Responsibility.3 Importance and value of the Appendices (12 Documents) that I have … Continue reading “Self Development and Responsibility | My Assignment Tutor”

Module: (FY027) Preparing for Success: Self Development and Responsibility CW1 – Portfolio Student’s Name:LSST ID Number:BNU ID Number:Lecturer’s Name:Submission Date: Table of Contents1 IntroductionPage No.2 Mini project workshops attended and how they contributed towards the development of my Social and Ethical Awareness and Responsibility.3 Importance and value of the Appendices (12 Documents) that I have compiled and provided as part of my portfolio 4 Conclusion 5 References 6 12 Appendices for the Portfolio Appendix 1 Personal Development Plan Appendix 2 Personal SWOT Analysis Appendix 3 Reading Log Appendix 4 Photos or samples of work produced in class (during lessons or workshops) relating to Social and Ethical Awareness and Responsibility. Appendix 5 Time Management Skills: Weekly Schedule Appendix 6 Communication Skills: Identification of the most effective skills Appendix 7 Social and Ethical Awareness Attributes: Comparison between Good and Bad Attributes. Appendix 8 Academic Writing Skills Appendix 9 Employability Skills Appendix 10 Notes on Reflection Appendix 11 Up-to-Date Curriculum Vitae (CV) Appendix 12 Action Plan on a specific academic or professional goal you aim to achieve Introduction:Answer to the question: Specify the mini project workshops that you attended and explain how and why they contributed towards the development of your social and ethical awareness and responsibility. (500 words)In a paragraph or two explain the value or usefulness of the Appendices (12 Documents) that you have compiled and provided as part of your portfolio.Conclusion:References:12 Appendices for the Portfolio APPENDIX 1: My Personal Development Plan My Full Name:Title of Course I’m Enrolled For:Name of Institution:Level at which I am Currently Studying:Start Date:End Date:My Reasons/Motivation for Doing this Course: Objectives for my personal development Actions required to achieve my objectives Support and/or resources I need Timeframe Estimated date of completion / achievement APPENDIX 2: My Personal SWOT Analysis STRENGTHS (strong points) WEAKNESSES (weak points)11223344556677 OPPORTUNITIES (potential gains) THREATS (potential losses11223344556677 APPENDIX 3: Reading Log READING LOG DATE TITLE AUTHOR TIME SPENT NUMBER OF PAGES READ APPENDIX 4: Photos or samples of work produced in class (during lessons or workshops) relating to Social and Ethical Awareness. Caption Caption APPENDIX 5: Time Management Skills: Weekly Schedule SUN MON TUES WED THURS FRI SAT 6:00 AM7:00 AM8:00 AM9:00 AM10:00 AM11:00 AM12:00 PM1:00 PM2:00 PM3:00 PM4:00 PM5:00 PM6:00 PM7:00 PM8:00 PM9:00 PM10:00 PM11:00 PM12:00 PM1:00 AM APPENDIX 6: Communication Skills: Effective vs Ineffective Communication EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION INEFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 BENEFITS OF EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION1 2 3 4 5 6 7 APPENDIX 7: Social and Ethical Awareness Attributes: Comparison between good and bad practices. No. GOOD ATTRIBUTES No. BAD ATTRIBUTES1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 APPENDIX 8: Academic Writing Skills: Select from the following list, any three skills that you have learnt from the lessons and workshops that you have attended; and briefly state the BENEFITS you have gained from learning the said academic skills: Referencing Summarizing Paraphrasing Editing of text Data analysis Creating a Table of Contents Interpreting feedback given by your lecturer; and acting on it Using punctuation marks correctly Understanding verbs that are commonly used in Assignments; Reflective writing Any other academic skill. 1 Academic Skill 1 Strong points (advantages) Weak points (disadvantages) Benefit(s) of this skill to me->>: 2 Academic Skill 2 Strong points (advantages) Weak points (disadvantages) Benefit(s) of this skill to me >>: 3 Academic Skill 3 Strong points (advantages) Weak points (disadvantages) Benefit(s) of this skill to me>>: APPENDIX 9: Employability Skills: No. Specific skill you’ve acquired during lessons or workshops How does it raise your chances of getting your desired job?1 2 3 4 5 6 7 APPENDIX 10: Notes on Reflection Define the concept of “Reflection”; and provide details of your OBSERVATIONS, EXPERIENCES and LESSONS learnt, and how these changed your PERSPECTIVE on specific matters; and made you a better person. APPENDIX 11: Up-to-Date Curriculum Vitae (CV) NAME: ADDRESS: CONTACT DETAILS: PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY: EDUCATION (Name and year of Institution attended): CORE QUALIFICATIONS: WORK EXPERIENCE: REFERENCES: APPENDIX 12: An Action Plan for achieving a specific academic or professional goal of your choice. Pick any goal from the following list and create an Action Plan for achieving it: Completing your studies (diploma or degree) within a record time. Completing your Research Report (e.g. IBL) within a specified period of time. Finding and completing on time a Work-Based Learning Placement within the specified period of time. Seeking and finding employment (a job) at the end of your studies. Any other appropriate goal within the academic or employment environment. Action For Achieving a Specific Goal Date: My Name: Course enrolled for: Level of study: GOAL to be accomplished: Actions I need to take in order to accomplish my Goal: Resources / support / backup that I need: Timeframe: Success criteria or indicators:(How will you know when you’ve achieved the goal) Review / evaluation:(Identify some benefits of achieving your goal; as well as some obstacles that hinder your further progress)


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