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COMP630 Network Security | My Assignment Tutor

Department of Information TechnologyPage 1 of 11ICON College of Technology and ManagementBSc (Hons) Computing Top – UpCoursework Assessment BriefSession: February 2021 Programme titleBSC (Hons) Computing-Top UpModule number and titleCOMP630Network SecurityLevel and credit620 creditsModule LeaderDr M. J. HasanAssessor (s)Dr Barra TourayAssessment titleCoursework, Design and implement network based on givenscenarioRestrictions on Time/Word Count3000 wordsIndividual/GroupIndividualAssessment WeightingPart 1 – … Continue reading “COMP630 Network Security | My Assignment Tutor”

Department of Information TechnologyPage 1 of 11ICON College of Technology and ManagementBSc (Hons) Computing Top – UpCoursework Assessment BriefSession: February 2021 Programme titleBSC (Hons) Computing-Top UpModule number and titleCOMP630Network SecurityLevel and credit620 creditsModule LeaderDr M. J. HasanAssessor (s)Dr Barra TourayAssessment titleCoursework, Design and implement network based on givenscenarioRestrictions on Time/Word Count3000 wordsIndividual/GroupIndividualAssessment WeightingPart 1 – 80%, Part 2 – 20%Issue Date01/03/2021Final assignment submissiondeadline07 – 12 June 2021Late submission deadline14 – 19 June 2021The learners are required to follow the strict deadline set by theCollege for submissions of assignments in accordance with theBSC (Hons) Computing-Top Up submission guidelines andCollege policy on submissions.Resubmission deadlineTBAMode of SubmissionOn-line via ICON VLEPlanned Feedback DateFormative feedback will be available on ICON VLE and in classduring the semester.Final feedback will be available within 2 – 3 weeks of theassignment submission date. GeneralGuidelines• The work you submit must be in your own words. If you use a quote or anillustration from somewhere you must give the source.• Include a list of references and bibliography at the end of your document. You mustgive all your sources of information.• Make sure your work is clearly presented and that you use readily understandableEnglish.• Wherever possible use a word processor and its “spell-checker”.• You are strongly advised to read “Preparation guidelines of the CourseworkDocument” before answering your assignment.• Read your student handbook here for more information about college assessment policiesand procedures Department of Information TechnologyPage 2 of 11ASSIGNMENTThis coursework is designed to demonstrate the broad understanding and knowledge of themodule, assessing, and evaluating the student’s strength and level of analysis; divided into fivelearning outcomes. In their reflective account students should particularly concentrate ondemonstrating how well they meet the intended unit learning outcomes is comprehensivelysupported with their portfolio of evidence.Scenario:Computer Network is assumed to be the backbone of any company, hence securing andmaintaining security in this day of age needs some consideration which should be based ontechnical and analytical dimension, your company based in London is opening a new branch inBerlin, a third party company in Berlin proposed new network infrastructure for the Local areanetwork in the branch, with an internet connection to provide a Wide Area Network connectivity toLondon HQ.The network infrastructure schematic diagram shown in figure 1, illustrates the solution provided bythe third party company with the following consideration:• The third party company decided not to segment the network into many VLAN due to thenumber of user, the number of users in the branch is 55 users.• The third party company as well decided not to allocate server room as each departmentwill keep their server close to the users as possible for ease of management and hence HRserver will be close to the HR users and so is the finance etc.• The backup services will be performed automatically on an external Hard Disk Drivepositioned as close to each server as possible and will be secured in a local cabinet.Figure 1: Network planIn addition to the wired network the company decided to add wireless network to cover the wholebranch office as illustrated in the diagram, the wireless network will be used for any mobile devicesuch as Laptops, smartphone, tablets etc.., the proposed third party network as illustrated in figure1 was configured with the given reasons.The company director expressed concern and asked you to evaluate the proposed third partynetwork and design a better security solutions adding a consideration for IoT devices and tomonitor network and secure network components. The company consists of HR, Finance, Adminand users group, the servers needed are email and web servers adding to the local File Serverslocated to each department, Table 1, shows the users distribution.Department of Information TechnologyPage 3 of 11Your company requirements is listed in table 1, and proposed to use private range of10.220.221.0/24 and For both the wireless and wired network; Security,Availability and scalability are paramount and hence your design and configuration must be basedon these criteria.Table 1: users and servers distribution DepartmentHostsSecurity RequirementsHR5Need a complete isolation from all users of other groupsUsers30Need a complete isolation from all users of other groupsDesign14Need a complete isolation from all users of other groupsAdmin6Need Admin access to Networking devicesFile Servers6Each department will use a dedicated server.Web, email,dns Servers4Web and email servers will be used by all users including external access.Branch55Some of the devices connected to the branch office in Berlin should beable to reach the Internet without violating any IP addressing issue.Branch55A secure communication is needed from the branch office to theHeadquarters to access expensive servers located there. Part 1: This part is worth 80% of the total marksYour director asked you to evaluate the given proposed network showing any flaws and reasoning,as well as the impact of the flaws, in addition you are to design a new secured network including:Task 1• Discuss and evaluate the given proposed network, in terms of Security, Availability, andScalability etc.., analysing the potential impact of a third party proposed network design interms of possible attacks and threats to the business.• Propose any special and or new components to improve security both at physical and logicalsecurity.• Thoroughly investigate and evaluate the network design and its associated IT security risksand research existing organisational security measures and controls to mitigate the risks.Task 2• Design new network incorporating all necessary network components including all reasoning,analysis and evaluation in choosing the network components.• Base on your finding and your solutions provide a high-level security design for CompanyXYZ in a report format. The report document should not be more than 3000 words.• Propose a maintenance and troubleshooting documentation.• Reflect on the effectiveness of your design in meeting the requirements of company XYZ andthe lessons learn in view of the outcomes and obstacles.Task 3: Lab Work• Using your high-level design simulate and configure your selected technologies to meet thesecurity design requirements.Department of Information TechnologyPage 4 of 11• To proof that your design is working according to the design requirement develop a test planand test your solutions. Show the process of testing the network and include the test result inrelation to; Access Control, traffic encryption etc.NB: For Task 5 of the coursework please attach the running configurations of your networkingdevices in one document and submit it including the topology diagram as well.Part 2: This part is worth 20% of the total marksTask: Demonstration of work• As part of the overall assessment of this assignment, you will need to demonstrate your workby presentating your security design solution. You will be expected to provide evidence of theartefacts you have produced. If necessary, you should arrange to bring a suitable laptop to the venue.You can use any presentation package of your choice to demonstrate your work. Thepresentation will last 10-15 minutes. You will be marked on content, presentation style andclarity of delivery.NB: Do not use more than 15 slides.Note: The coursework should be submitted as one document in a report format in final submission.For the simulation part of the coursework, copy the running configurations of the networking devicein one document and submit it together with the topology diagram of your solution.All the supporting documents should be submitted as a separate file in the appendix section of yourassignment. Without appropriate evidence(s) your assignment will not be marked.• Presentation slides• Configuration file(s)Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria1. Learning Outcomes LO #LearningOutcome NameLearning Outcome DescriptionAssessment Criteria Category1CodeConstruct reusable and deployable Software systems, withappropriately verified functional coherence.None2ArchitectRefactor software systems in correspondence withrelevant theories, practice, and discourse in the computingsector.None3SolveSynthesise knowledge of computing to address complextechnical challenges.Application4AdvocateAssess the legal, social, ethical, and professional issues inresearch and development contexts in correspondencewith the relevant law, codes of conduct, and theory.None5ResearchDefend an argument that addresses a researchquestion(s), using appropriate primary and secondarysources and academic conventions.Evaluate6ReflectPlan your post-graduation pathway, with reference to howyou will overcome obstacles, and how you will build apersonal brand that highlights your professional attributes.Industry Department of Information TechnologyPage 5 of 11 7CollaborateProduce work as part of a multidisciplinary team criticallyappraising practices, approaches, and tools; applying themto enhance development pipelines.None8ApplicationEvaluate existing artefacts to identify opportunities,emphasise unique features that would fill a gap, andsuggest optimal routes to audiences.Analysis9DeliverProduce prototypes based on your own intellectualproperty that deliver distinguished experiences, justifyinghow and why it could engage, immerse an audience,and/or lead to innovation.ProfessionalPractice Department of Information Technology Page 6 of 112. Assessment and marking Criteria OUTRIGHT FAILUNSATISFACTORYSATISFACTORYGOODVERY GOODEXCELLENTEXCEPTIONALAssessment Criteria0-29%30-39%*40-49%50-59%60-69%70-84%85-100%1. ResearchExtent of research and/or ownreading, selection of crediblesources, application ofappropriate referencingconventionsLittle or no evidence ofreading.Views and findingsunsupported and nonauthoritative.Referencing conventionslargely ignored.Poor evidence of readingand/or of reliance oninappropriate sources,and/or indiscriminate useof sources.Referencing conventionsused inconsistently.References to alimited range ofmostly relevantsources. Someomissions andminor errors.Referencingconventions evidentthough not alwaysapplied consistently.Inclusion of a rangeof researchinformed literature,including sourcesretrievedindependently.Referencingconventions mostlyconsistently applied.Inclusion of a widerange of researchinformed literature,including sourcesretrievedindependently.Selection of relevantand credible sources.Very good use ofreferencingconventions,consistently applied.A comprehensive rangeof research informedliterature embedded inthe work. Excellentselection of relevant andcredible sources. Highlevel referencing skills,consistently applied.Outstandingknowledge ofresearch-informedliterature embedded inthe work. Outstandingselection of relevantand credible sources.High-level referencingskills consistently andprofessionally applied.2. KnowledgeExtent of knowledge andunderstanding of concepts andunderlying principles associatedwith the discipline.Major gaps inknowledge andunderstanding ofmaterial at this level.Substantialinaccuracies.Gaps in knowledge, withonly superficialunderstanding. Somesignificant inaccuracies.Evidence of basicknowledge andunderstanding ofthe relevantconcepts andunderlyingprinciples.Knowledge isaccurate with agood understandingof the field of study.Knowledge isextensive. Exhibitsunderstanding of thebreadth and depth ofestablished views.Excellent knowledgeand understanding ofthe main concepts andkey theories. Clearawareness ofchallenges toestablished views andthe limitations of theknowledge base.Highly detailedknowledge andunderstanding of themaintheories/concepts,and a criticalawareness of theambiguities andlimitations ofknowledge.3. AnalysisExtent of summarising the keyfindings of internal and externalanalysis in relation to themarketing of a product orserviceLittle or no ability tocritically engage withand analyse informationand formulate reasonedarguments.Some ability to criticallyengage with and analyseinformation and formulatereasoned argumentsAdequate ability tocritically engagewith and analyseinformation andformulate reasonedarguments.A competent abilityto critically engagewith and analyseinformation andformulate reasonedarguments.A very good ability tocritically engage withand analyseinformation andformulate reasonedargumentsAn excellent ability tocritically engage withand analyse informationand formulate reasonedargumentsAn outstanding abilityto critically engagewith and analyseinformation andformulate reasonedarguments. Department of Information Technology Page 7 of 11 4. ApplicationEffective deployment ofappropriate methods, materials,tools and techniques; extent ofskill demonstrated in theapplication of concepts to avariety of processes andevidence of innovative ideas.Limited or no use ofmethods, materials,tools and/or techniques.Little or no appreciationof the context of theapplication. Limitedinnovative and creativeideasRudimentary applicationof methods, materials,tools and/or techniquesbut without considerationand competence. Flawedappreciation of the contextof the application flawedinnovative ideas.An adequateawareness andmostly appropriateapplication of wellestablishedmethods, materials,tools and/ortechniques.Basic appreciationof the context of theapplication andbasic innovativeideas.A good andappropriateapplication ofstandard methods,materials, toolsand/or techniques.Good appreciationof the context of theapplication, withsome use ofexamples, whererelevant andevidence ofinnovative ideas.A very goodapplication of a rangeof methods, materials,tools and/ortechniques.Very goodconsideration of thecontext of theapplication, withperceptive use ofexamples, whererelevant.Evidence of someinnovation ideas.An advanced applicationof a range of methods,materials, tools and/ortechniques.The context of theapplication is wellconsidered, withextensive use ofrelevant examples.Application anddeployment extendbeyond establishedconventions. Innovationevident throughout.Outstanding levels ofapplication anddeployment skills.Assimilation anddevelopment ofcutting-edgeprocesses andtechniques andevidence ofoutstanding innovativeideas5. Professional PracticeDemonstrates attributesexpected in professionalpractice including: individualinitiative and collaborativeworking; deployment ofappropriate media tocommunicate (including writtenand oral); clarity andeffectiveness in presentationand organisation.Communication media isinappropriate ormisapplied.Little or no evidence ofautonomy in thecompletion of tasks.Work is poorlystructured and/or largelyincoherent.Media is poorly designedand/or not suitable for theaudience.Poor independent orcollaborative initiative.Work lacks structure,organisation, and/orcoherenceCan communicatein a suitable formatbut with some roomfor improvement.Can work as part ofa team, but withlimited involvementin group activities.Work lackscoherence in placesand could be betterstructured.Can communicateeffectively in asuitable format, butmay have minorerrors.Can work effectivelyas part of a team,with clearcontribution togroup activities.Mostly coherentwork and is in asuitable structure.Can communicatewell, confidently andconsistently in asuitable format.Can work very well aspart of a team, withvery good contributionto group activities.Work is coherent andfluent and is wellstructured andorganised.Can communicateprofessionally and,confidently in a suitableformat.Can work professionallywithin a team, showingleadership skills asappropriate, managingconflict and meetingobligations.Work is coherent, veryfluent and is presentedprofessionally.Can communicatewith an exceptionallyhigh level ofprofessionalism.Can workexceptionally well andprofessionally within ateam, showingadvanced leadershipskills.Work is exceptionallycoherent, very fluentand is presentedprofessionally.6. ProcessRecognise the key academicand professional concepts andexpress relevant technicalprocesses in response set briefsand/or problem-solving contextLittle or no ability togenerate ideas, problemsolving, concepts,technical competencyand proposals inresponse to set briefsand/or self-initiatedactivitySome ability to generateideas, problem solving,concepts, technicalcompetency andproposals in response toset briefs and/or selfinitiated activity.An adequate abilityto generate ideas,problem solving,concepts, technicalcompetency andproposals inresponse to setbriefs and/or selfinitiated activityCompetent ability togenerate ideas,problem solving,concepts, technicalcompetency andproposals inresponse to setbriefs and/or selfinitiated activity.Very good ideasgeneration, problemsolving, concepts,technical competencyand proposals inresponse to set briefsand/or self-initiatedactivityExcellent ideasgeneration, problemsolving, concepts,technical competencyand proposals inresponse to set briefsand/or self-initiatedactivityOutstandingideas generation,problem solving,concepts, technicalcompetency andproposals in responseto set briefs and/orself-initiated activity7. IndustryIdentify concepts relating toethically informed industryLittle or no ethicallyinformed real-worldexperience ofindustry/businessSome ethically informed,real-world experience ofindustry/businessenvironments andmarkets.An adequate,ethically informed,real-worldexperience ofindustry/businessA competent,ethically informed,real-worldexperience ofindustry/businessA very good, ethicallyinformed, real-worldexperience ofindustry/businessAn excellent, ethicallyinformed, real-worldexperience ofindustry/businessAn outstanding,ethically informed,real-world experienceof industry/business Department of Information Technology Page 8 of 11 practices and their real-worldapplication(s)environments andmarkets.environments andmarkets.environments andmarkets.environments andmarkets.environments andmarkets.environments andmarkets.8. EvaluationExtent of evaluation andsynthesis of issues and materialLittle or no evaluationand synthesis of issuesand materialSome evaluation andsynthesis of issues andmaterialSome criticalevaluation andsynthesis of keyissues and materialCritical evaluationand synthesis ofcomplex issueswhich does notinclude an originalapproachCritical evaluation andsynthesis of complexissues and materialwhich includes anoriginal approachCritical evaluation andsynthesis of complexissues and materialwhich includes anoriginal and reflectiveapproachCritical insightfulevaluation andsynthesis of complexhigh level of originalityand reflection. Assessment Methods AssessmentMethodDescription of Assessment Method%LearningOutcomesAssessedCompulsory orCompensableCACoursework803,5,6, 8 & 9CompulsoryOTDemonstration of work208Compulsory Department of Information TechnologyPage 9 of 113. Preparation guidelines of the Coursework Documenta. All coursework must be word processed.b. Document margins must not be more than 2.54 cm (1 inch) or less than 1.9cm (3/4 inch).c. Font size must be within the range of 10 point to 14 points including the headings and bodytext (preferred font size is 11) in Arial.d. Standard and commonly used type face, such as Arial and Times New Roman, should beused.e. All figures, graphs and tables must be numbered.f. Material taken from external sources must be properly referred and cited within the text usingHarvard systemg. Do not use Wikipedia as a reference.4. Plagiarism and CollusionAny act of plagiarism or collusion will be seriously dealt with according to the Collegeregulations. In this context the definitions and scope of plagiarism and collusion are presentedbelow:Plagiarism is presenting somebody else’s work as your own. It includes copying informationdirectly from the Web or books without referencing the material; submitting joint coursework asan individual effort.Collusion is copying another student’s coursework; stealing coursework from another studentand submitting it as your own work.Suspected plagiarism or collusion will be investigated and if found to have occurred will be dealtwith according to the College procedure (For details on Plagiarism & Collusion please seethe Student Handbook).5. Submissiona. Initial submission of coursework to the tutors is compulsory in each unit of the course.b. The student must check their assignments on ICON VLE with plagiarism software Turnitinto make sure the similarity index for their assignment stays within the College approved level.A student can check the similarity index of their assignment up to five times in the DraftAssignment submission point located in the home page of the ICON VLE.c. All Final coursework must be submitted to the Final submission point into the Unit (not tothe Tutor). The student would be allowed to submit only once and that is the finalsubmission.d. Any computer files generated such as program code (software), graphic files that form part ofthe coursework must be submitted as an attachment to the assignment with alldocumentation.e. Any portfolio for a Unit must be submitted as an attachment in the assignment6. Resitting a Modulesa. A resit is a second attempt at an assessment without any additional tuition and with markscapped at the Pass Markb. Resitting students must be reassessed under the syllabus in place at the first attemptc. Resitting students should be reassessed by the same method used at the first attempt.7. Repeating a Modulea. A repeat is a second attempt at an assessment in the following academic session with markscapped at the Pass mark. Modules can only be repeated once.Department of Information Technology Page 10 of 11b. A student who has failed 2/3 of the modules (40 credits) in both Final/Late submission and inthe Resubmission must retake the modules with full attendance and payment of the modulefeec. Repeating students must be reassessed in all the elements of the failed module(s). Arepeating student should not be treated any differently to those students completing themodule for the first time, in terms of the deadlines given and the assessments provided.d. The fees for repeating students must be charged pro-rata to the credit value of the module(s)concernede. A student who fails at the second attempt must leave the programme and must not be permittedto re-enrol on a failed programme or module.8. Good practicea. Make backup of your work in different media (hard disk, memory stick, etc.) to avoid distressdue to loss or damage of your original copy.9. Extension and Late Submissiona. If you need an extension for a valid reason, you must request one using an ExceptionalExtenuating Circumstances (EEC) form available from the Examination Office and ICONVLE. Please note that the tutors do not have the authority to extend the courseworkdeadlines and therefore do not ask them to award a coursework extension. The completedform must be accompanied by evidence such as a medical certificate in the event of youbeing sick, and should be submitted to the Examination Office.b. Late submission will be accepted and marked according to the College procedure. It shouldbe noted that late submission may be graded for Pass only.10. Submission deadlines Formative feedbackWeekFinal Submission07 – 12 June 2021Late submission14 – 19 June 2021 Submit to: Online to the ICON VLE onlyGlossary:Analyse: Break an issue or topic into smaller parts by looking in depth at each part. Support eachpart with arguments and evidence for and against (Pros and cons)Evaluate: When you evaluate you look at the arguments for and against an issue.Critically Evaluate/Analyse: When you critically evaluate you look at the arguments for andagainst an issue. You look at the strengths and weaknesses of the arguments. This could be froman article you read in a journal or from a text book.Discuss: When you discuss you look at both sides of a discussion. You look at both sides of thearguments.Then you look at the reason why it is important (for) then you look at the reason why it is important(against).Explain: When you explain you must say why it is important or not important.Describe: When you give an account or representation of in words.Identify: When you identify you look at the most important points.Department of Information Technology Page 11 of 11Define: State or describe the nature, scope or meaning.Implement: Put into action/use/effectCompare: Identify similarities and differencesExplore: To find out aboutRecommend: Suggest/put forward as being appropriate, with reasons why


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