November2020MITS6005Big DataCase StudyCopyright © 2020 VIT, All Rights Reserved. 2 MITS6005 Case Study Case StudyWeightage: 10%Submission deadline: Session 5The purpose of assessment is to assess students on the following Learning Outcomes:LO1: Analyse the growth of big data and need for a scalable processing framework.Synthesize the fundamental characteristics, storage, analysis techniques and the relevantdistributions.LO2: Expertly apply … Continue reading “MITS6005 Big Data | My Assignment Tutor”
November2020MITS6005Big DataCase StudyCopyright © 2020 VIT, All Rights Reserved. 2 MITS6005 Case Study Case StudyWeightage: 10%Submission deadline: Session 5The purpose of assessment is to assess students on the following Learning Outcomes:LO1: Analyse the growth of big data and need for a scalable processing framework.Synthesize the fundamental characteristics, storage, analysis techniques and the relevantdistributions.LO2: Expertly apply techniques to perform big data query manipulation, evaluate variousdata storage option and type of aggregated data modelling. Through a critical study, choosean appropriate storage model based on the application requirements for processing largeamounts of structured and unstructured data.ObjectiveIn this assessment you will have to research a small case study and you will need to applyyour knowledge to identify the main issues, prioritise, provide insights and to discussalternatives. You must write a Case Study Report about your company discussing the strategicplan of an organization. To present a case study based on the selected organization’s currentanalytics strategy and your recommended strategy. Identify a key business initiative for yourorganization, something the business is trying to accomplish over the next 9 to 12 months. Itmight be something like improve customer retention, optimize customer acquisition, reducecustomer churn, optimize predictive maintenance, reduce revenue theft, and so on.Brainstorm and write down what (1) customer, (2) product, and (3) operational insightsyour organization would like to uncover in order to support the targeted business initiative. Startby capturing the different types of descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive questions you’d like toanswer about the targeted business initiative. Tip: Don’t worry about whether or not you have thedata sources you need to derive the insights you want (yet).Copyright © 2020 VIT, All Rights Reserved. 3 MITS6005 Case Study Write down data sources that might be useful in uncovering those key insights. Look bothinternally and externally for interesting data sources that might be useful. Tip: Think outside thebox and imagine that you could access any data source in the world. Be analytical within yourreport and examine key terms and theoretical relationships in depth.General Instructions1. Your writing should be clear and concise and be in your own words.2. The Case Study report should be written in appropriate business language so that youranalysis and discussion have an objective tone.3. Use headings to guide the reader and include tables or diagrams that make the caseclearer.4. The Case Study report must be in the range of 1,500-2,500 words in length excludingreferences.5. The referencing style must follow the IEEE referencing style.Submission Guidelines1. Follow the links in Moodle to upload your report on or before the deadline. The reportmust be submitted on the LMS in the respective link i.e. MITS6005 Case Study-(Melbourne/Sydney)2. A document that consists of introduction to the problem that you are working on withstrategic plan and the resources that might help in the analysis should be mentioned.3. Late penalty applies on late submission, 10% per day would be deducted.4. Incidence of plagiarism will be penalized.Marking Guide: 50 Marks (scale to 10%)1. Structure of the written report: Background information is relevant, issues are logicallyordered, recommendations clearly relate to the issues.2. Identify main issues: Prioritize choices, justify and prioritize issues chosen.3. Analyze the issues: Each issue is discussed using relevant concepts and principles, insightCopyright © 2020 VIT, All Rights Reserved. 4 MITS6005 Case Study is shown in analyzing the information.4. Discuss alternatives: Consider all viable short-term and long-term alternatives topotentially solve each issue, examine the advantages and disadvantages of eachalternative.5. Explain resources: Identify individuals from the case study, enumerate the time frameand monitoring processes required for the recommendations to be put into practice.6. Write clearly and concisely: Arguments are explicit and succinct, appropriate headingsare used, grammar and spelling are accurate.Rubrics for MITS6005 Case Study TaskDescriptionMarksReport StructureRelevant background information clearing relating the issue10Identify issueProper identification of the issue related to the organization.The proposed issue is discussed with relevant concepts andprinciples.10AnalysisProper insight analysis is shown using appropriatecharts/graphs found in the research.10JustifyrecommendationEach individual resource specified in the case study hasproperly justified the given analysis.15ConclusionClear and explicit arguments with appropriate conclusion ofthe report5