Business Organisations in a Global Economy (QAB020C407S):Suggested Structure of the ReportTitle Page➢ This should provide at least the title of the report as well as possibly someother relevant information. It could also contain an appropriate image orphoto.Table of Contents➢ This should provide details of the section headings in the report and the(starting) page numbers for … Continue reading “Business Organisations in a Global Economy | My Assignment Tutor”
Business Organisations in a Global Economy (QAB020C407S):Suggested Structure of the ReportTitle Page➢ This should provide at least the title of the report as well as possibly someother relevant information. It could also contain an appropriate image orphoto.Table of Contents➢ This should provide details of the section headings in the report and the(starting) page numbers for each of these.Introduction➢ This section should include a brief explanation of the specific businessscenario of the report:– What is your company?– Which FDI opportunity is the company looking for in the allocatedcountry?– Here you can also motivate the choice of your company.Background Information on (insert name of chosen company)➢ This section should include relevant/basic information on the businessorganisation such as its:– Size (including financial performance);– Legal form/ownership structure;– Current international operations.Background Information on the Business Environment in (insert name ofallocated country)➢ This section should be based on the appropriate analytical approach andinclude relevant/basic information on the business environment atcountry level.– Here we expect you to employ the PESTLE method.– You are supposed to cover all the criteria in PESTLE. However, you canfocus more on the most relevant and less on the ones that you believeare less important for your business case.– In this section, you should also present some tables/diagrams on theassigned country (please rely on the sources/links provided in theseminar sheet for week 6).Analysis of the Business Scenario➢ This section should include a fairly detailed discussion and analysis of thebusiness opportunity under consideration using the appropriateanalytical approach to study the specific market.– Here you are supposed to employ Porter’s 5 forces or theDemandSupply scheme for your analysis.Conclusion➢ This section should include a summary of the main issues that have beendiscussed in the report.– It is very important that you provide your recommendation inrelation to the business scenario in this section.– You should motivate your recommendation based on the analyticaldiscussion provided in your report.List of References➢ All studies and sources cited in the text should appear here and be fullyreferenced on a consistent basis.– Please remember to use the Harvard system.Appendices➢ Having this section in not compulsory.– Here you can provide additional statistics or specific data/diagrams thatcan be on interest for the reader but are maybe too specific (or notdirectly relevant) for your report.