Coursework Header Sheet 244412-SAMPLE CourseCOMP1629: Penetration TestingCourse School/LevelH/PGCourseworkCOMP1629 CourseworkAssessment Weight100.00%TutorD FrangiskatosSubmission Deadline09/04/2021 COMP1629 Coursework Coursework is receipted on the understanding that it is the student’s own work and that it has not, in whole or part, been presented elsewhere for assessment. Where material has been used from other sources it has been properly acknowledged in … Continue reading “Penetration Testing | My Assignment Tutor”
Coursework Header Sheet 244412-SAMPLE CourseCOMP1629: Penetration TestingCourse School/LevelH/PGCourseworkCOMP1629 CourseworkAssessment Weight100.00%TutorD FrangiskatosSubmission Deadline09/04/2021 COMP1629 Coursework Coursework is receipted on the understanding that it is the student’s own work and that it has not, in whole or part, been presented elsewhere for assessment. Where material has been used from other sources it has been properly acknowledged in accordance with the University’s Regulations regarding Cheating and Plagiarism. 000000000 Tutor’s comments Grade Awarded___________For Office Use Only__________Final Grade_________Moderation required: yes/noTutor______________________Date _______________ Plagiarism is presenting somebody else’s work as your own. It includes: copying information directly from the Web or books without referencing the material; submitting joint coursework as an individual effort; copying another student’s coursework; stealing coursework from another student and submitting it as your own work. Suspected plagiarism will be investigated and if found to have occurred will be dealt with according to the procedures set down by the University. Please see your student handbook for further details of what is / isn’t plagiarism.All material copied or amended from any source (e.g. internet, books) must be referenced correctly according to the reference style you are using.Your work will be submitted for plagiarism checking. Any attempt to bypass our plagiarism detection systems will be treated as a severe Assessment Offence. Coursework Submission Requirements An electronic copy of your work for this coursework must be fully uploaded on the Deadline Date of Friday 13/03/2020 using the link on the coursework Moodle page for COMP1629.For this coursework you must submit a single PDF document. In general, any text in the document must not be an image (i.e. must not be scanned) and would normally be generated from other documents (e.g. MS Office using “Save As .. PDF”). An exception to this is hand written mathematical notation, but when scanning do ensure the file size is not excessive.There are limits on the file size (see the relevant course Moodle page).Make sure that any files you upload are virus-free and not protected by a password or corrupted otherwise they will be treated as null submissions.Your work will not be printed in colour. Please ensure that any pages with colour are acceptable when printed in Black and White.You must NOT submit a paper copy of this coursework.All courseworks must be submitted as above. Under no circumstances can they be accepted by academic staff The University website has details of the current Coursework Regulations, including details of penalties for late submission, procedures for Extenuating Circumstances, and penalties for Assessment Offences. See Coursework specification Task 1 [15 marks] Following a web application penetration testing engagement you have identified the following issues. You must complete the issue justification/explanation/CVEs/Vurnerability type as required and write appropriate recommendations for addressing each of the issues identified. You will need to conduct research on the nature and implications of these issues in order to complete the justification/explanation and recommendations. You must use the following issue templates provided. Assume that under “Results” section an actual screen capture or other evidence exists obtained during the assessment exists. Vulnerable Software Version Installed (CVSS: 4.3)Justification/explanation here no more than 20 lines