MKT/574: Marketing: Social, Mobile, And Analytics Wk 6 – Apply: Signature Assignment: Part C – Strategic Marketing Plan Top of Form Bottom of Form Assignment Content Top of Form Complete Part C of the Strategic Marketing Plan. Analyze the same real Fortune 500 American company as Part B, unless the instructor advised you there … Continue reading “MKT/574: Marketing: Social, Mobile, And Analytics | My Assignment Tutor”
MKT/574: Marketing: Social, Mobile, And Analytics Wk 6 – Apply: Signature Assignment: Part C – Strategic Marketing Plan Top of Form Bottom of Form Assignment Content Top of Form Complete Part C of the Strategic Marketing Plan. Analyze the same real Fortune 500 American company as Part B, unless the instructor advised you there was a problem with that assignment. The company should have a downloadable annual report on their corporate website. You will need real data to help support your work. 2/3 of this assignment’s points will come from the first three items – 1) New Target Markets, 2) Marketing Mix for New Target Markets and 3) Marketing Implementation. In order to determine New Target Markets, you must analyze existing target markets first and mention them. For the remaining sections, many of the line items should be specific to your company in some way, and not completely generic. Please add a title page in APA format with your name and your project company’s name on it. Please add a reference page at the end of the worksheet, also in APA format.