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discipline knowledge and practice | My Assignment Tutor

InstructionsThe following tasks are to be compiled into a single document and submission is online.Make a single document in a REPORT format. Do not forgot to make a flow of the information whenyou combine the tasks.The all five tasks there are a 5000- word limit, excluding references. I suggest 1000 words pes taskbut you can … Continue reading “discipline knowledge and practice | My Assignment Tutor”

InstructionsThe following tasks are to be compiled into a single document and submission is online.Make a single document in a REPORT format. Do not forgot to make a flow of the information whenyou combine the tasks.The all five tasks there are a 5000- word limit, excluding references. I suggest 1000 words pes taskbut you can adjust this if needed – DO NOT EXCEED 5000-WORD LIMIT.APA 7th referencing is required; references must be included for each task (compile the end textreference list at the end of the document).Credit will be given for the level and depth of research and critical analysis. CHECK THE MARKINGRUBRIC.Course Learning OutcomesPGCL01 Demonstrate mastery of a global body of discipline knowledge and practice, includingknowledge of research principles and methods [AQF K1, K2, S1]1.1.Demonstrate breadth and depth of global discipline knowledge;1.2.Demonstrate knowledge of practice in the global environment.Book Resources for the unit:MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS – MANAGING THE DIGITAL FIRM 16TH ED. Kenneth C.Laudon & Jane P. LaudonTASK 1Explain the connections between Porter’s competitive forces model, SWOTanalysis and value chain analysis and the strategic planning of Informationsystems and IT. Use an e-waste recycling business as an example to supportyour discussion.Explanation from the lecture to analyse/ answer the task1-What is mean by connections?2-How they link to strategic plan of information System (IS) and Informationtechnology (IT)?3-As you establish these connections, you need to apply these connections tothe e-waste recycling to show example of these connections (use example of ewaste to show these connections).TASK 2Costumes to Go is a small business producing outfits for costume parties andspecial occasions.Custom designs can be tailored to a customer’s request. Tom and Ann, the,owners of the company, source all the fabric, design the outfits and make thecostumes themselves. The clothing is sold at local weekend markets and soldor rented through costume hire shops. Tom and Ann receive a smallpercentage of the sales and rentals of their costumes from the hire shops. Tomand Ann keep spreadsheets with information on the material purchased andcostumes made but are finding it difficult to keep track of their products, rawmaterials, and sales. They have no information on customers, other than thosewho request custom designs directly from them.a. Consider the method of recording, storing, and retrieving the businessinformation currently used and discuss any benefits or problems with thissystem.b. Explain how an information system can be developed to meet the businessneeds of Costumes to Go and what will be required to produce a workingsystem.Explanation from the lecture to analyse/ answer the task1-What does consider and discuss mean?2-Investigate/explain the strengths and weakness of how the companycurrently manages their products, sales, raw material and costumerinformation.3-What the company needs to function well? How you would develop/ set thisup?TASK 3The Covid-19 pandemic has had a major impact on global economies,businesses and how we work.Managing business through this situation continues to be challenging. Findthree academic articles that discuss the role of IS or IT in meeting thesechallenges. Compare and contrast the findings of the articles and discuss howIS has been used or transformed in response to the changing businessEnvironment.Explanation from the lecture to analyse/ answer the taskCompare and contrast?Show similarities and differences presenting in the tree (3) journal articlesyou’ve chosen, between how IS has been used or transformed or changed as aresponse to the impact of Covid19 on business and the global economy.TASK 4Find a recent example of an ethical dilemma involving informationtechnology/information systems that corresponds with one or more of the“five moral dimensions of the information age” (Laudon &Laudon, 2019 p.158). Describe the situation and identify the stakeholders. Finda professional code of conduct relating to IS or IT and compare the situationagainst the code of conduct, discussing any similarities or discrepancies withthe ethical dilemma and outcome.Explanation from the lecture to analyse/ answer the task1-Research and understand the “five moral dimensions of the informationage”.2-Research a IS/IT situation that involves one of these dimensions/dilemmas.3-Research a professional code of conduct related to IS/IT.4-Describe the situation/ dilemma and who are the stakeholder involved?5-Look at how the IS/IT will deal with by compare it to the code of conduct. Didthe company follow the code of conduct or not? What were the similaritiesand differences between what was outlined in the code of conduct and whatthe company did?TASK 5You work in the IT department of Best Body Gym (BBG). BBG operate sixgyms/fitness centres in Western Australia and are increasingly worried aboutthe security of the information they store and the physical safety of property,staff, and customers. You are required to review the security of BBG systems.Explain the steps you would take to complete a review and explain theimportance of a risk assessment.Explanation from the lecture to analyse/ answer the task1-What is the best practice for IS/IT security of Information, physical property,staff and customers in relation to the gym?2-What steps procedures would you follow to complete a review of theseaspects of IS/IT security?3- Why is risk assessment important?


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