MAN5901 ASSIGNMENT MARKING GUIDERESEARCH REPORT – PORTFOLIO OF TASKS CriteriaFail 0-49Pass 50-59Credit 60-69Distinction 70-79High Distinction80-100PGCLO4Depth, breadthand relevanceof knowledge intask responses.PGCLO1PGULO 1-4,6,7Weighting 45Presentsinadequate orirrelevantinformation thatconveys limitedunderstanding ofIS issues.Provides a limitedrange of relevantinformation fromresearch andpractice thatconveysunderstanding of ISissues.Provides a range ofrelevant informationfrom research andpractice that conveysbroad understandingof IS issues.Provides a range ofhighly relevantinformation fromresearch andpractice thatconveys thoroughunderstanding … Continue reading “MAN5901 ASSIGNMENT MARKING GUIDE | My Assignment Tutor”
MAN5901 ASSIGNMENT MARKING GUIDERESEARCH REPORT – PORTFOLIO OF TASKS CriteriaFail 0-49Pass 50-59Credit 60-69Distinction 70-79High Distinction80-100PGCLO4Depth, breadthand relevanceof knowledge intask responses.PGCLO1PGULO 1-4,6,7Weighting 45Presentsinadequate orirrelevantinformation thatconveys limitedunderstanding ofIS issues.Provides a limitedrange of relevantinformation fromresearch andpractice thatconveysunderstanding of ISissues.Provides a range ofrelevant informationfrom research andpractice that conveysbroad understandingof IS issues.Provides a range ofhighly relevantinformation fromresearch andpractice thatconveys thoroughunderstanding of ISissues.Provides a widerange of highlyrelevant informationfrom research andpractice thatconveys profoundunderstanding of ISissues.Criticalelements:addressestasks; developsideas;reasoning.PGCLO1PGULO 1-4, 6,7Weighting 45Doesn’t addressthe taskadequately and/ormisses importantaspects. Theexplanation,argument ordiscussion ispoorly developedwith regard to logicand reason.Addresses task butanalysisdemonstrates adegree ofsuperficiality. Theargument/discussionreveals some gapsin logic, reasoningor development.Sound analysis ofthe issues ispresented. Minorgaps in the analysisand/or in the logicaldevelopment of theargument/discussion.Comprehensiveanalysis of theissues is presented.The analysis andargument/discussionis logicallydeveloped and wellreasoned.Comprehensive andprofound analysesof the issues arepresented. Theanalysis andargument/discussionis logicallydeveloped andhighly reasoned.Functionallanguage skills.PGULO5Weighting 5Numerous errors inspelling, grammar,syntax andpunctuation.Language is toowordy.Limited vocabularyand/or erroneoususe of disciplinespecificterminology. Poorparagraphstructure and flowof ideas.Inconsistentreferencing appliedto sources.Writes in simple,concise sentenceswith very minorerrors in spelling,grammar, syntaxand punctuation.Uses a widevocabulary andsome disciplinespecific terminology.Sound paragraphstructure and flow ofideas.Referencing islargely consistentand accurate.Writes proficientlyand concisely insimple sentencesusing a widevocabulary anddiscipline specificterminology. Soundparagraph structureand flow of ideas.Referencing isconsistent andaccurate.Writes concisely incomplex sentencesusing a widevocabulary anddiscipline specificterminology. Soundparagraph structureand flow of complexideas. Referencingis consistent andaccurate.Writes proficientlyand concisely incomplex sentencesusing a widevocabulary anddiscipline specificterminology. Soundparagraph structureand smooth flow ofcomplex ideas.Referencing isconsistent andaccurate.Overallconsistencyand balance.PGULO5Weighting 5Across theportfolio, tasksdemonstrateunequal effort andpatchy responses.The portfoliopresents aninconsistent rangeof knowledge andskill.Across theportfolio, mosttasks demonstrateequal effort andquality of response.The portfoliopresents a mainlyconsistent range ofknowledge and skill.Across theportfolio, each taskdemonstrates equaleffort and quality ofresponse.The portfoliopresents as acohesive wholedemonstrating arange of knowledgeand skill.Across theportfolio, each taskdemonstrates equaleffort and quality ofresponse.The portfoliopresents as anacademic, cohesivewholedemonstrating abroad range ofknowledge and skill.Across theportfolio, each taskdemonstrates equaleffort and highquality of response.The portfoliopresents as anacademic andcohesive whole,demonstrating animpressive range ofknowledge and skill. The group research report (portfolio of tasks) is designed to demonstrate postgraduate unit learningoutcomes (PGULOs):1. Formulate the potential contribution of IS and e-business in local, national and globalbusiness environments.2. Specify the major contemporary issues in the management of IS.3. Evaluate business opportunities and benefits of IS.4. Plan for the managerial realisation of the business benefits of IS.5. Organise communications with business colleagues and information managementprofessionals regarding information and technology issues.6. Appraise ethical and societal issues of ICT.7. Explain the roles of the ICT profession.It introduces postgraduate course learning outcomes (PGCLO):1.1 Demonstrate breadth and depth of global discipline knowledge1.2 Demonstrate knowledge of practice in the global environment1.3 Demonstrate knowledge of relevant research principles and methods1.4 Integrate theory and practice