Module Title:Professional and Consultancy SkillsModule Code:7BSP1372-0905-2020Assignment Format & Maximum Word countGroup AssignmentAssignment Weighting:100%Coursework Submission:Time: 23.59Date: 9th April 2021 Method: Upload to CanvasCoursework return Date returned to students:Online AccessModule leaderGordon HillsFirst markerGordon Hills Mohammed UsmanInternal ModeratorApproved ☐Date:Module Board nameBASExternal ExaminerApproved ☐Date:Module Board dateTBA Assessment CriteriaLearning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding tested in this assignment:Research, examine and apply … Continue reading “effective project management | My Assignment Tutor”
Module Title:Professional and Consultancy SkillsModule Code:7BSP1372-0905-2020Assignment Format & Maximum Word countGroup AssignmentAssignment Weighting:100%Coursework Submission:Time: 23.59Date: 9th April 2021 Method: Upload to CanvasCoursework return Date returned to students:Online AccessModule leaderGordon HillsFirst markerGordon Hills Mohammed UsmanInternal ModeratorApproved ☐Date:Module Board nameBASExternal ExaminerApproved ☐Date:Module Board dateTBA Assessment CriteriaLearning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding tested in this assignment:Research, examine and apply principles of effective project management and consultancy Critically analyse the effectiveness of leadership styles and management skills in a range of business scenarios. Evaluate the value of soft skills in the workplace, including critical thinking, problem solving, entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial thinking, negotiation, diplomacy.Learning Outcomes: Skills and Attributes tested in this assignment:Apply core, transferable professional skills and demonstrate the mind set ready for the global professional workplace. Research relevant professional skills for their preferred sector or profession and map their own performance and continuous professional development planning against this. Foster reflexive practice with a view to reflecting on knowledge gained through study and experience and the commitment to develop the self. Work effectively in teams and analyse the dynamics of teamwork.Feedback /Marking criteria for this AssignmentAssignments will be marked as a group with all contributing members to the work being given the same mark. Marking is based upon meeting the criteria described below. In special circumstances where it has not been possible to form a group, an approved individual submission can be accepted. Feed back will be in the form of a written comment on the submission. Groups will have the opportunity to comment on selected group submissions by completing a quiz.For each day or part day up to five days after the published deadline, coursework relating to modules submitted late will have the numeric grade reduced by 10 grade points until or unless the numeric grade reaches 40 for levels 4, 5 and 6 or 50 for level 7 (PG). If a submission is more than 5 days after the published deadline, a grade of zero will be awarded. Where the numeric grade awarded for the assessment is less than 40, no lateness penalty will be applied. Plagiarism offences will receive standard penalties. Detailed Brief for Individual/Group AssessmentAssignment Title: Future Workforce Business ScenarioYour consultancy has been asked by an organisation to develop a proposal for its workforce to operate efficiently and effectively in the future, even when a ‘force majeure’ event occurs. It is concerned that it has been given an example of this type of event, in the form of the pandemic but this could also occur with other disruptive situations. Warnings abound about the impact of climate change which is likely to cause severe weather events. How can the organisation rebound from the current pandemic event and create a working environment that is designed for the future?Organisation ObjectivesThe majority of staff are working from home or in unusual places due to government travel restrictions and the threat of workers becoming infected by the virus, by normal free movement. The management want to move forward in a positive direction to take advantage of the way they work to become more productive and efficient, gaining an advantage over their competitors. They have in their minds the following objectives: Create an organisation where it is a great place to work Gain an organisation advantage from the redevelopment Attract the best talent by offering flexible working conditions Leverage their brand by their workforce practices Become a leader in sustainable workforce practices Slide DeckUse the University’s Office 365 software to access PowerPoint. This available on-line or as a downloaded application. Your group slide presentation should include the following:- Title slide – module details, your group details, members of your group and their student number. 15 Content slides describing your proposal. Slide numbers for each element are advisory only. Reference slide(s) of your references. Narrations witheach slideis to be part of the slide presentation file. (No longer than 15 min.) PowerPoint slide file is to have the module number and your Group reference and submission date, in the file name. [7BSP1372 – Group X (09 Apr 21).pptx] Upload to Studynet in the Assignment Unit using the Submit button and file upload function. Prepare a personal reflective analysis of your module learning experiences. ** Please use Academic opinion, concepts and references to support your assignment response.**Special Instructions: Read the full Assignment BriefModule Marking Criteria: Total Module Mark – 100% Group Assignment Module Mark – 50% and above Pass, below 50%, Fail. Element Weighting Organisation assessment 10 Analysis and options 20 Proposal and justification 20 Transition and roll out 20 Value realisation 10 Quality of the presentation – graphics, message, layout, theme 10 Narration clarity, understanding the proposal, persuasive justification 10 Total 100Student Support and Guidance For further help, contact your module leader by email. Links to Assignment Assessment and Assignment Brief can be found in the course Unit description. Go to CASE workshops, use the CASE website and drop-in hours Academic English for Business support is available through daily drop-ins from the CASE office. See the CASE workshop timetable on the CASE main website page for details. Make full use of Library search to identify relevant academic material and the ‘Subject Toolkit for Business’ which contains links to other Information Databases and the Information Management contact details. ( Some tutors allow students to test their work using Turnitin. Guidance on submission to Turnitin via StudyNet can be found by using the following link.$FILE/TURNITIN+FOR+STUDENTS+2016+USER+GUIDE.pdf