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investment portfolios | My Assignment Tutor

Page 1 of 1Case ScenarioGreer John Wealth Management Pty Ltd is a mature company with a strong base of investmentcustomers who trust it with their investment portfolios. Its core platform for managing itscustomer’s accounts and investments was built in the early 2000s and was cutting edge at the time.This monolithic platform has served both the … Continue reading “investment portfolios | My Assignment Tutor”

Page 1 of 1Case ScenarioGreer John Wealth Management Pty Ltd is a mature company with a strong base of investmentcustomers who trust it with their investment portfolios. Its core platform for managing itscustomer’s accounts and investments was built in the early 2000s and was cutting edge at the time.This monolithic platform has served both the business and customer needs well. However, changingtimes mean that cloud-based solutions offer it greater flexibility and agility.Several factors have arisen that have made it clear to the executive leadership team that it needs toreview its technology strategy:1. Many competitors are evolving their digital platforms to better meet market expectations.2. Regulatory reform in the area of wealth management is likely to require waves of change tovarious wealth management products managed by Greer John.The executive leadership team understands it needs to seek out new ways of meeting its customers’needs. It is investigating a digital strategy that will allow it to steadily and incrementally transitionfrom its old platform into a cloud-enabled solution that will be nimble and agile in responding to itscustomers’ digital needs.A team of consultants has been tasked with building a suite of reports as concept briefs to addressthe different areas of change so that all stakeholders understand what new solutions will require.As the microservices architecture specialist in the team, you have been tasked with writing a reportabout the microservices architecture component of the shift to the cloud. This is to help keystakeholders of the executive leadership team be informed what the change will mean for them.1. Outline what you believe the specific benefits will be to Greer John Wealth Management intransitioning from monolithic architecture to microservices architecture.2. Discuss key elements of service design:a. What will need to be considered when splitting the monolithic systems into futuremicroservices?b. What benefits can be gained from service modelling?3. Define what DevOps is and what the typical build and test process would require for GreerJohn Wealth Management to implement DevOps.


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