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Assessment 1: Data Analysis | My Assignment Tutor

Assessment 1: Data AnalysisFormative date: Monday 12 April 2021, 11:59amSummative date: Monday 26 April 2021, 11:59 amAvoid some of the most common coursework mistakes by using the Fit To Submit CourseworkChecklistAssessment BriefBased on a research topic, you are required to obtain the relevant raw data. You then use MS Excel tomanipulate the data obtained and … Continue reading “Assessment 1: Data Analysis | My Assignment Tutor”

Assessment 1: Data AnalysisFormative date: Monday 12 April 2021, 11:59amSummative date: Monday 26 April 2021, 11:59 amAvoid some of the most common coursework mistakes by using the Fit To Submit CourseworkChecklistAssessment BriefBased on a research topic, you are required to obtain the relevant raw data. You then use MS Excel tomanipulate the data obtained and present the information using MS PowerPoint with strictly no-morethan 10 slides, including your name and ID.Tasks• Based on a research topic or case study given on BlackBoard, obtain/download the raw data forsampling• Use MS Excel to manipulate the raw data with various statistical techniques.• Communicate the information using visual representations.• Screen-capture all the important information onto MS PowerPoint slides (i.e. no more than 10slides).Case StudyYour case study is to be based on the following two websites.https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/details/vaccinationshttps://ourworldindata.org/covid-vaccinationsThe data 1st Jan 2021 till 28th Feb 2021 must be downloaded from the two websites before answering thefollowing questions1) You need to compare the UK vaccination data between the one published on▪ https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/details/vaccinationsand▪ https://ourworldindata.org/covid-vaccinationsin order to identify the difference and similarity in the form of visual displays (such as charts and graphs2) You need to compare the UK vaccination data with both▪ Israel▪ United State3) You MUST create the chart(s) yourself using Excel4) You need to calculate the percentage/ratio/fraction (whichever appropriate) of vaccination with respectto its populations.5) You must use the Statistical techniques (mean, median and mode) using the Excel functions, such asAVERAGE, MEDIAN and MODE to display relevant information.6) You must also leverage on the Excel AutoSum features (SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, MAX and MIN) for datamanipulation in order to display the relevant information7) You present all these in MS Power Point for no more than 10 slides. Both the “data” and the “figure”views must be clearly shownAssessment Criteriao Topic of understanding (10%)▪ Brief description on what this summary is about. This must be specifically related to whatyou are presenting.o Raw Data Presentation (20%)▪ Choose appropriate data for sampling.▪ Present the raw data on the spreadsheet, using Excel function, such as auto-format▪ Label the raw data accordingly.o Statistical Techniques (20%)▪ Convert the raw data into meaningful information, using mean, median and mode.o Data Manipulation (30%)▪ Using Excel functions such asa) Auto-sum formula (Sum, Average, Count, Max and Min)b) Percentage/Decimal/Fraction/Ratio (whichever is appropriate)to manipulate the data• Communicate the information using Visual Representations. (10%)o Present the data in appropriate types of chart(S)o Conclusions (10%)o Discuss the conclusions by interpreting the obtained data using the above information.Additional Notes (these apply to Assignment 2 and will cause marks to be given or deducted if notadhered to):• All relevant and important information (such as formulae, charts etc.,) obtained using MS Excel mustbe screen-captured onto the PowerPoint slides for marks to be awarded.• Spreadsheet must be produced using required formulas/feature and formulae must be evidenced.• Spreadsheet must be professionally designed with required formulas/features and formulae must beevidenced.• Labels of the columns and rows of Excel spreadsheet(s), must be clearly shown on the screencapture(s)• Table(s) must be professionally displayed.• Chart(s) must be clearly labelled with correct headings and legend.• Any commentary or analysis must be specific.• Number of pages must be adhered to.• Headings/Sub-heading must be used when appropriate.• Bulleted or numbered lists must be used to help organize your text in your slides, as this is not areport.• Advanced feature/functions of Excel used appropriately if required.


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