STUDENT ASSESSMENT TASKSIntegrate Sustainability in ICTPlanning and Design ProjectsICTSUS601Student Name: _________________________________________Date: / / 20 .This Student Assessment Pack, its contents and layouts, and any inclusions arethe property of MILCOM Institute, and no part may not be reproduced inany form without prior written permission of MILCOM InstituteApart from any use permitted under the Copyright Act 1985.The … Continue reading “Integrate Sustainability in ICT | My Assignment Tutor”
STUDENT ASSESSMENT TASKSIntegrate Sustainability in ICTPlanning and Design ProjectsICTSUS601Student Name: _________________________________________Date: / / 20 .This Student Assessment Pack, its contents and layouts, and any inclusions arethe property of MILCOM Institute, and no part may not be reproduced inany form without prior written permission of MILCOM InstituteApart from any use permitted under the Copyright Act 1985.The information contained in this binder and materials handed outduring the course are designed to be used for educational purposes only.Some diagrams, pictures and information included in this reference are withcompliments from Wikipedia and other communications industry websites.MILCOM Institute cannot be held accountable for the contentaccuracy or technical correctness of these materials.Trademarks: Brand and product names are either trademarks orregistered trademarks of their respective holders and areused for identification purposes only.This is the support resource for theICTSUS601 Integrate sustainability in ICT planning and design projects© MILCOM Communications Pty Ltd RTO 6859Trading as MILCOM InstituteW: 1300 369 320Revision ControlV 1.0 | May 2019© MILCOM Communications Pty Ltd trading as MILCOM Institute | RTO No. 6859 | CRICOS Provider Code:03491GHead Office: Unit 12/1866 Princes Highway Clayton VIC 3168 | Phone: 1300 369 320 | Assessment Task for ICTSUS601| v 3.0 | Last reviewed: May 2019 Not controlled when printed Page 2 of 22© MILCOM Communications Pty Ltd trading as MILCOM Institute | RTO No. 6859 | CRICOS Provider Code:03491GHead Office: Unit 12/1866 Princes Highway Clayton VIC 3168 | Phone: 1300 369 320 | Email: Assessment Task for ICTSUS601|v 1.0 |Last reviewed: May 2019 |Not controlled when printed Page3 of22Health and SafetyIf you have any health issues that may be of concern for an assessment, please speak to your instructor before attempting.If at any stage, you become unwell during an assessment please inform the Instructor.Your health is always more important, a re-assessment can be arranged.Assessment MethodsStudents will be assessed using various methods of assessment, from practical observations, theoretical knowledge, Case Studies &Documented Discussion. Some questions may be multiple choice; some will require you to write your answer – where writtenanswers are required please write clearly and legibly.All Assessments MUST be completed with a Black or Blue Pen – Students Do NOT use RED PEN,(unless stated or required by regulatory requirements)If at any point, you are unclear of the instructions for any assessment please ask your instructor or trainer for clarification andexplanation.In a multiple-choice assessment if you wish to change your selected answer simply cross the Circle you originally placed and circlethe correct selection. See example provided.Example:Assessment OutcomesIf you have not satisfactorily completed either a Theoretical or Practical Assessment the instructor may request that you undertakethe complete exercise again or ask you to repeat a portion of the exercise.Theory assessments where a student has not answered correctly the Instructor may ask the question verbally or provide analternate question covering the same aspect of evidence. Both the Question Asked and Answer Provided MUST be documentedon this Student Assessment Pack next to the question being reassessed.UNLESS STATED: ALL QUESTIONS MUST BE UNDERTAKEN AND CORRECT FOR COMPETENCY TO BE AWARDED.Practical Assessments are limited to 2 additional reattempts, where a 2nd reattempt is required it cannot take place on the sameday as the original and 1st additional reattempt. If a student does not show satisfactory outcome to a practical assessment or aproportion of a practical assessment after the completion of a 2nd reattempt the student will be graded as Not Yet Competent. Thestudent will not be awarded the unit of competency or where the unit forms part of a qualification, the qualification will not beawarded. The scheduling of the 2nd reattempt will be at a time of agreement between MILCOM Institute and the student.The 2nd reattempt cannot be on the same day as the initial and 1st reattempt.Completion of AssessmentThe student must complete the learner declaration on the last page to validate this assessment.Outstanding WorkIf a student has not submitted all required work for assessment before the end of the subject the instructor will nominate a ‘duedate’ for the work. If no due date is provided by the Instructor, then a standard 21 calendar days is implied. If a student fails tosubmit outstanding work by the due date the unit may be graded as Not Yet Competent. Statements of Attainment, and wherethese units, form/are part of a qualification, then the qualification cannot be issued, where units are marked as ‘Not YetCompetent’.Student Signature: ________________________________________ Date: ____/______/20_____I have read, understood and agree to the above instruction© MILCOM Communications Pty Ltd trading as MILCOM Institute | RTO No. 6859 | CRICOS Provider Code:03491GHead Office: Unit 12/1866 Princes Highway Clayton VIC 3168 | Phone: 1300 369 320 | Email: Assessment Task for ICTSUS601|v 1.0 |Last reviewed: May 2019 |Not controlled when printed Page4 of22Table of ContentsTABLE OF CONTENTS 4ASSESSMENT INFORMATION 5ASSESSMENT INSTRUCTIONS 7STUDENT ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT 8ASSESSMENT TASK 1 COVER SHEET 9ASSESSMENT TASK 1: WRITTEN QUESTIONS 10ASSESSMENT TASK 1 INSTRUCTIONS 12ASSESSMENT TASK 1 CHECKLIST 14ASSESSMENT TASK 2 COVER SHEET 15ASSESSMENT TASK 2: SUSTAINABILITY AND ENERGY AUDIT PROJECT 16ASSESSMENT TASK 2 INSTRUCTIONS 18ASSESSMENT TASK 2 CHECKLIST 22© MILCOM Communications Pty Ltd trading as MILCOM Institute | RTO No. 6859 | CRICOS Provider Code:03491GHead Office: Unit 12/1866 Princes Highway Clayton VIC 3168 | Phone: 1300 369 320 | Email: Assessment Task for ICTSUS601|v 1.0 |Last reviewed: May 2019 |Not controlled when printed Page5 of22Assessment InformationThe assessment tasks for ICTSUS601 Integrate sustainability in ICT planning and design projectsare included in this Student Assessment Tasks booklet and outlined in the assessment plan below.To be assessed as competent for this unit, you must complete all of the assessment taskssatisfactorily.Assessment Plan Assessment TaskOverview1. Written questionsYou must correctly answer all questions.2. Sustainability andenergy audit projectYou are required to determine how to integrate sustainability into anorganisation’s ICT system and collect power consumption data.You are then required to write a Sustainability Policy and Procedures for thecase study organisation and implement several sustainability actions.Finally, you are required to estimate the potential energy savings that could begenerated by a proposed project. Assessment PreparationPlease read through this assessment thoroughly before beginning any tasks. Ask your assessor forclarification if you have any questions at all.When you have read and understood this unit’s assessment tasks, print out the StudentAssessment Agreement. Fill it out, sign it, and hand it to your assessor, who will countersign it andthen keep it on file.Keep a copy of all of your work, as the work submitted to your assessor will not be returned toyou.Assessment AppealsIf you do not agree with an assessment decision, you can make an assessment appeal as per yourRTO’s assessment appeals process.You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if they feel they have beendealt with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal.Naming electronic documentsIt is important that you name the documents that you create for this Assessment Task in a logicalmanner.Each should include:• Course identification code• Assessment Task number• Document title (if appropriate)• Student name• Date it was created© MILCOM Communications Pty Ltd trading as MILCOM Institute | RTO No. 6859 | CRICOS Provider Code:03491GHead Office: Unit 12/1866 Princes Highway Clayton VIC 3168 | Phone: 1300 369 320 | Email: Assessment Task for ICTSUS601|v 1.0 |Last reviewed: May 2019 |Not controlled when printed Page6 of22For example, ICTSUS601 AT2 Briefing Report Joan Smith 20/05/19Additional ResourcesYou will be provided with the following resources before you begin Assessment Task 2.• Briefing Report Template• Case Study• Sustainability Policy and Procedures Template• Energy Audit Report Template© MILCOM Communications Pty Ltd trading as MILCOM Institute | RTO No. 6859 | CRICOS Provider Code:03491GHead Office: Unit 12/1866 Princes Highway Clayton VIC 3168 | Phone: 1300 369 320 | Email: Assessment Task for ICTSUS601|v 1.0 |Last reviewed: May 2019 |Not controlled when printed Page7 of22Assessment InstructionsEach assessment task in this booklet consists of the following:Assessment Task Cover SheetThis must be filled out, signed and submitted together with your assessment responses.If you are submitting hardcopy, the Cover Sheet should be the first page of each task’s submission.If you are submitting electronically, print out the cover sheet, fill it out and sign it, then scan this andsubmit the file.The Assessment Task Cover Sheet will be returned to you with the outcome of the assessment, which willbe satisfactory (S) or unsatisfactory (U). If your work has been assessed as being not satisfactory, yourassessor will include written feedback in the Assessment Task Cover Sheet giving reasons why. Yourassessor will also discuss this verbally with you and provide advice on re-assessment opportunities as peryour RTO’s re-assessment policy.Depending on the task, this may include• resubmitting incorrect answers to questions (such as short answer questions and case studies)• resubmitting part or all of a project, depending on how the error impacts on the total outcome ofthe task• redoing a role play after being provided with appropriate feedback about your performance• being observed a second (or third time) undertaking any tasks/activities that were not satisfactorilycompleted the first time, after being provided with appropriate feedback.Assessment Task InformationThis gives you:• a summary of the assessment task• information on the resources to be used• submission requirements• re-submission opportunities if requiredAssessment Task InstructionsThese give questions to answer or tasks which are to be completed.Your answers need to be typed up using software as indicated in the Assessment Task Instructions.Copy and paste each task’s instructions into a new document and use this as the basis for yourassessment task submission. Include this document’s header and footer.If you are submitting electronically, give the document a file name that includes the unitidentification number, the task number, your name and the date.© MILCOM Communications Pty Ltd trading as MILCOM Institute | RTO No. 6859 | CRICOS Provider Code:03491GHead Office: Unit 12/1866 Princes Highway Clayton VIC 3168 | Phone: 1300 369 320 | Email: Assessment Task for ICTSUS601|v 1.0 |Last reviewed: May 2019 |Not controlled when printed Page8 of22ChecklistThis will be used by your assessor to mark your assessment. Read through this as part of your preparationbefore beginning the assessment task. It will give you a good idea of what your assessor will be looking forwhen marking your responses.Student Assessment AgreementMake sure you read through the assessments in this booklet before you fill out and sign theagreement below.If there is anything that you are unsure of, consult your assessor prior to signing this agreement. Have you read the assessment requirements for this unit?Do you understand the requirements of the assessments for this unit?Do you agree to the way in which you are being assessed?Do you have any specific needs that should be considered?If so, explain these in the space below. Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Do you understand your rights to re-assessment? Yes NoDo you understand your right to appeal the decisions made in an assessment? Yes No Student nameStudent numberStudent signatureDateAssessor nameAssessor signatureDate © MILCOM Communications Pty Ltd trading as MILCOM Institute | RTO No. 6859 | CRICOS Provider Code:03491GHead Office: Unit 12/1866 Princes Highway Clayton VIC 3168 | Phone: 1300 369 320 | Email: Assessment Task for ICTSUS601|v 1.0 |Last reviewed: May 2019 |Not controlled when printed Page9 of22Assessment Task 1 Cover SheetStudent DeclarationTo be filled out and submitted with assessment responses I declare that this task is all my own work and I have not cheated or plagiarised the work orcolluded with any other student(s). I understand that if I If I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be takenagainst me according to the process explained to me. I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessmenttasks. Student nameStudent ID numberStudent signatureDate Assessor declaration I hereby certify that this student has been assessed by me and that the assessment has been carriedout according to the required assessment procedures. Assessor nameAssessor signatureDateAssessment outcomeSNSDNSResubmission Y N FeedbackStudent result response My performance in this assessment task has been discussed and explained to me. I would like to appeal this assessment decision. Student signatureDate A copy of this page must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.© MILCOM Communications Pty Ltd trading as MILCOM Institute | RTO No. 6859 | CRICOS Provider Code:03491GHead Office: Unit 12/1866 Princes Highway Clayton VIC 3168 | Phone: 1300 369 320 | Email: Assessment Task for ICTSUS601|v 1.0 |Last reviewed: May 2019 |Not controlled when printed Page10 of22Assessment Task 1: Written QuestionsTask summaryThis is an open book test, to be completed in the classroom.A time limit of 1 hour to answer the questions is provided.You need to answer all of the written questions correctly.Your answers must be word processed and sent to the assessor as an email attachment.Required• Access to textbooks and other learning materials• Computer with Microsoft Office and internet accessTimingYour assessor will advise you of the due date of this assessment.Submit• Answers to all questionsAssessment criteriaAll questions must be answered correctly in order for you to be assessed as having completed thetask satisfactorily.Re-submission opportunitiesYou will be provided feedback on their performance by the Assessor. The feedback will indicate ifyou have satisfactorily addressed the requirements of each part of this task.If any parts of the task are not satisfactorily completed, the assessor will explain why, and provideyou written feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstratesatisfactory performance. Re-assessment attempt(s) will be arranged at a later time and date.You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel that you have been dealt withunfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal.You are encouraged to consult with the assessor prior to attempting this task if you do not understand anypart of this task or if you have any learning issues or needs that may hinder you when attempting any partof the assessment.Written Answer Question GuidanceThe following written questions use a range of “instructional words” such as “identify” or“explain”, which tell you how you should answer the question. Use the definitions below to assistyou to provide the type of response expected.Note that the following guidance is the minimum level of response required.Analyse – when a question asks you to analyse something, you should do so in detail, and identifyimportant points and key features. Generally, you are expected to write a response one or twoparagraphs long.© MILCOM Communications Pty Ltd trading as MILCOM Institute | RTO No. 6859 | CRICOS Provider Code:03491GHead Office: Unit 12/1866 Princes Highway Clayton VIC 3168 | Phone: 1300 369 320 | Email: Assessment Task for ICTSUS601|v 1.0 |Last reviewed: May 2019 |Not controlled when printed Page11 of22Compare – when a question asks you to compare something, you will need to show how two ormore things are similar, ensuring that you also indicate the relevance of the consequences.Generally, you are expected to write a response one or two paragraphs long.Contrast – when a question asks you to contrast something, you will need to show how two ormore things are different, ensuring you indicate the relevance or the consequences. Generally,you are expected to write a response one or two paragraphs long.Discuss – when a question asks you to discuss something, you are required to point out importantissues or features and express some form of critical judgement. Generally, you are expected towrite a response one or two paragraphs long.Describe – when a question asks you to describe something, you should state the most noticeablequalities or features. Generally, you are expected to write a response two or three sentences long.Evaluate – when a question asks you to evaluate something, you should put forward arguments forand against something. Generally, you are expected to write a response one or two paragraphslong.Examine – when a question asks you to examine something, this is similar to “analyse”, where youshould provide a detailed response with key points and features and provide critical analysis.Generally, you are expected to write a response one or two paragraphs long.Explain – when a question asks you to explain something, you should make clear how or whysomething happened or the way it is. Generally, you are expected to write a response two or threesentences long.Identify – when a question asks you to identify something, this means that you are asked to brieflydescribe the required information. Generally, you are expected to write a response two or threesentences long.List – when a question asks you to list something, this means that you are asked to briefly stateinformation in a list format.Outline – when a question asks you to outline something, this means giving only the main points,Generally, you are expected to write a response a few sentences long.Summarise – when a question asks you to summarise something, this means (like “outline”) only giving themain points. Generally, you are expected to write a response a few sentences long.© MILCOM Communications Pty Ltd trading as MILCOM Institute | RTO No. 6859 | CRICOS Provider Code:03491GHead Office: Unit 12/1866 Princes Highway Clayton VIC 3168 | Phone: 1300 369 320 | Email: Assessment Task for ICTSUS601|v 1.0 |Last reviewed: May 2019 |Not controlled when printed Page12 of22Assessment Task 1 InstructionsProvide answers to all of the questions below:1. Assume that you are an Operations Manager for a large organisation that manages ICTprojects, what best practice approaches could you take to ensure sustainability isimplemented. Discuss at least four best practice approaches.2. Outline the purpose and scope of the Environment Protection and BiodiversityConservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act).3. Provide a summary of the AS/NZS 3598:2014 standards and explain what the purpose ofeach of these standards is.4. Discuss Work Health & Safety (WHS) implications when developing a new SustainabilityPolicy and Procedures.5. Explain how to estimate C02 emissions for a computer using the annual energy usage (kWh)and greenhouse emissions calculations (kg x kWh).6. Explain the key steps in a policy development process.7. Explain the main components of a policy document.8. Outline policy development practices that may be used in response to resistance to theintroduction of policies.9. Describe the processes that should be followed when an organisation’s policies are beingdeveloped.© MILCOM Communications Pty Ltd trading as MILCOM Institute | RTO No. 6859 | CRICOS Provider Code:03491GHead Office: Unit 12/1866 Princes Highway Clayton VIC 3168 | Phone: 1300 369 320 | Email: Assessment Task for ICTSUS601|v 1.0 |Last reviewed: May 2019 |Not controlled when printed Page13 of2210. Summarise how a power consumption audit is carried out.11. Identify five tools that can be used to bring about sustainability improvements within anICT business. These tools can be practices, systems, techniques, or procedures.12. Explain what a Quality Management Plan is, and describe its main components13. Explain what a payback period is, and how it can be used to determine the costeffectiveness of ICT projects.14. Explain how sustainability criteria having as part of a procurement policy can help ensureworkplace sustainability.© MILCOM Communications Pty Ltd trading as MILCOM Institute | RTO No. 6859 | CRICOS Provider Code:03491GHead Office: Unit 12/1866 Princes Highway Clayton VIC 3168 | Phone: 1300 369 320 | Email: Assessment Task for ICTSUS601|v 1.0 |Last reviewed: May 2019 |Not controlled when printed Page14 of22Assessment Task 1 Checklist Student’s name:Did the student provide a sufficient and clearanswer that addresses the suggested answerfor the following?CompletedsuccessfullyCommentsYesNoQuestion 1Question 2Question 3Question 4Question 5Question 6Question 7Question 8Question 9Question 10Question 11Question 12Question 13Question 14Task Outcome:Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Assessor signatureAssessor nameDate © MILCOM Communications Pty Ltd trading as MILCOM Institute | RTO No. 6859 | CRICOS Provider Code:03491GHead Office: Unit 12/1866 Princes Highway Clayton VIC 3168 | Phone: 1300 369 320 | Email: Assessment Task for ICTSUS601|v 1.0 |Last reviewed: May 2019 |Not controlled when printed Page15 of22Assessment Task 2 Cover SheetStudent DeclarationTo be filled out and submitted with assessment responses I declare that this task is all my own work and I have not cheated or plagiarised the work orcolluded with any other student(s). I understand that if I If I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be takenagainst me according to the process explained to me. I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessmenttasks. Student nameStudent ID numberStudent signatureDate Assessor declaration I hereby certify that this student has been assessed by me and that the assessment has beencarried out according to the required assessment procedures. Assessor nameAssessor signatureDateAssessment outcomeSNSDNSResubmission Y N FeedbackStudent result response My performance in this assessment task has been discussed and explained to me. I would like to appeal this assessment decision. Student signatureDate A copy of this page must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.© MILCOM Communications Pty Ltd trading as MILCOM Institute | RTO No. 6859 | CRICOS Provider Code:03491GHead Office: Unit 12/1866 Princes Highway Clayton VIC 3168 | Phone: 1300 369 320 | Email: Assessment Task for ICTSUS601|v 1.0 |Last reviewed: May 2019 |Not controlled when printed Page16 of22Assessment Task 2: Sustainability and energy audit projectTask summaryYou are required to determine how to integrate sustainability into an organisation’s ICT systemand collect power consumption data. You are then required to write a Sustainability Policy andProcedures for the case study organisation and implement several sustainability actions.Finally, you are required to estimate the potential energy savings that could be generated by aproposed project.This assessment is to be completed in the simulated work environment in the RTO.Required• Access to textbooks and other learning materials• Computer with Microsoft Office and internet access• Briefing Report Template• Case Study• Sustainability Policy and Procedures Template• Energy Audit Report TemplateTimingYour assessor will advise you of the due date of these submissions.Submit• Email with Briefing Report attached• Email with Sustainability Policy and Procedures attached• Email with Energy Audit Report attachedAssessment criteriaFor your performance to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment task, you must satisfactorilyaddress all of the assessment criteria. If part of this task is not satisfactorily completed, you will beasked to complete further assessment to demonstrate competence.© MILCOM Communications Pty Ltd trading as MILCOM Institute | RTO No. 6859 | CRICOS Provider Code:03491GHead Office: Unit 12/1866 Princes Highway Clayton VIC 3168 | Phone: 1300 369 320 | Email: Assessment Task for ICTSUS601|v 1.0 |Last reviewed: May 2019 |Not controlled when printed Page17 of22Re-Submission OpportunitiesYou will be provided feedback on their performance by the Assessor. The feedback will indicate ifyou have satisfactorily addressed the requirements of each part of this task.If any parts of the task are not satisfactorily completed, the assessor will explain why, and provideyou written feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstratesatisfactory performance. Re-assessment attempt(s) will be arranged at a later time and date.You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel that you have beendealt with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal.You are encouraged to consult with the assessor prior to attempting this task if you do notunderstand any part of this task or if you have any learning issues or needs that may hinder youwhen attempting any part of the assessment.© MILCOM Communications Pty Ltd trading as MILCOM Institute | RTO No. 6859 | CRICOS Provider Code:03491GHead Office: Unit 12/1866 Princes Highway Clayton VIC 3168 | Phone: 1300 369 320 | Email: Assessment Task for ICTSUS601|v 1.0 |Last reviewed: May 2019 |Not controlled when printed Page18 of22Assessment Task 2 InstructionsCarefully read the following: Document Nation is a small business that provides document consultancy and editing services. TheCase Study provides further detail on the company.As the IT Manager for the company, you are currently reviewing the company’s ICT systems andprojects to evaluate the potential for the integration of sustainability, both for cost effective, aswell as to embrace sustainability. Complete the following activities:1. Write an ICT Sustainability Briefing Report.Using the ICT Sustainability Briefing Report Template, write a report that you canpresent to the Managing Director, Angela Lu.Your report should include the following:• A review of the ICT systems of the organisation and the potential for the integrationof sustainability.• Recommendations on how sustainability can be integrated into each system• Suitable short-term technology options for implementing sustainability andachieving the reduction of power usage.• Recommendation on which option/s would be of greatest benefit to theorganisation.2. Send an email to the Managing Director, Angela Lu (your assessor.)The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in anappropriate (polite, business-like) style.It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment and ask for anappointment to discuss it with her.Attach your Briefing Report to the email.3 Gather power consumption dataIt has been decided that you should conduct a power consumption audit and collectpower consumption data for presentation at a meeting with senior staff.Identify a suitable tool for measuring power consumption and standards fordetermining whether the power consumption is reasonable or not.You will complete this assessment in your RTO using computers provided by yourassessor. Complete the power consumption measurement on the computers provided.As you do this, summarise to your assessor the method you have chosen for measuringpower consumption, why you chose this method and the standard against which youare measuring power consumption.Take notes on your findings.© MILCOM Communications Pty Ltd trading as MILCOM Institute | RTO No. 6859 | CRICOS Provider Code:03491GHead Office: Unit 12/1866 Princes Highway Clayton VIC 3168 | Phone: 1300 369 320 | Email: Assessment Task for ICTSUS601|v 1.0 |Last reviewed: May 2019 |Not controlled when printed Page19 of224 Meet with the Managing Director and the Operations Manager.Angela has responded to your email with the briefing report and would like you to meetwith herself and the Operations Manager. The managers will be roleplayed by yourassessor and another student.The objective of the meeting is to present your findings as set out in your briefingreport and power consumption audit and to gain their support for yourrecommendations.Begin by explaining your findings and recommendations from your briefing report, aswell as your power consumption audit.Assume that the stakeholders may not necessarily be committed to the integration ofsustainability, so you will need to use negotiation skills to agree on workable solutions.During the meeting, you are required to demonstrate effective interpersonal andcommunication skills including:• Speaking clearly and concisely• Using effective non-verbal communication skills to encourage audience interest• Responding to questions• Asking questions to seek feedback• Use of active listening techniques to confirm and clarify understanding.You are also required to demonstrate negotiation skills to ensure your preferredoptions are approved. You have received the following email from Angela:Dear IT ManagerIt was great to meet with you and to hear your recommendations.We would like you to proceed with the following sustainability actions:• Develop a sustainability policy and procedures• Implement a hibernation plan for all computers to achieve power reduction.Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about these.RegardsAngela 5. Develop a sustainability policy and procedures.The policy and procedures should include:• Purpose• Scope• Key Performance Indicators (KPI)• Responsibilities• At least six ICT projects (in order of priority) that would foster sustainability andenvironmental best practice. Give an estimate of the cost of each.© MILCOM Communications Pty Ltd trading as MILCOM Institute | RTO No. 6859 | CRICOS Provider Code:03491GHead Office: Unit 12/1866 Princes Highway Clayton VIC 3168 | Phone: 1300 369 320 | Email: Assessment Task for ICTSUS601|v 1.0 |Last reviewed: May 2019 |Not controlled when printed Page20 of22• Procedures that address disposal of existing ICT equipment as it is replace and proceduresto ensure that future IT purchases take into account sustainability.Use the Sustainability Policy and Procedures Template to guide your work6. Send an email to the Managing Director (your assessor.)The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in anappropriate (polite, business-like) style.It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment.The email text should also discuss the WHS implications of the new policy andprocedures.Attach your Sustainability Policy and Procedures to the email.7. Implement hibernation plan on the ICT system.You will be required to demonstrate to your assessor that you can program thecomputer to:• Go into sleep mode after five minutes of inaction and into hibernation after tenminutes of inaction.• Use the power saver Windows Power Plan setting.Research how each of these activities are carried out and practice them prior to themeeting.You will be demonstrating how to do this on a computer provided by the assessor.As you are performing the activity, tell the assessor what you are doing and why. You now receive the following email from Angela:Dear IT ManagerYesterday evening I had a very interesting discussion with a colleague who suggested to me that weadopt a Virtual Desktop Infrastructure.Our current, thick client system uses 60 watts per hour per computer.Apparently, a zero-client system uses an average of 10 watts per hour per computer.Take the average price of electricity in Australia as 30 cents (0.30) per kWh.The company operates for 50 weeks in the year.The total cost to implement that VDI solution would be $6,000.If I remember correctly from our recent energy audit, we have 20 staff using their computers forabout 36 hours per week, 10 use theirs about 30 hours per week, and 10 about 20 hours per week.Could you please work out what our energy usage would be if we undertake this project?And also estimate the payback period would be if we adopt their suggestion.Please leave the workings in your calculations so I can follow them.I would also appreciate it if you can convert the kWh used into CO2 emissionsPlease write this up in a detailed report and send it to me as soon as you are finished.RegardsAngela © MILCOM Communications Pty Ltd trading as MILCOM Institute | RTO No. 6859 | CRICOS Provider Code:03491GHead Office: Unit 12/1866 Princes Highway Clayton VIC 3168 | Phone: 1300 369 320 | Email: Assessment Task for ICTSUS601|v 1.0 |Last reviewed: May 2019 |Not controlled when printed Page21 of228. Write an Energy Audit ReportUsing the information from the case study and from internet research, write a reportthat includes the following:• The company’s computer energy usage currently and what it would be if theproposed ICT project is carried out.• The potential financial savings from adopting the VDI system.• The payback periods.• The estimated CO2 emissions be if the project is carried out, compared to thebenchmark of current usage.Use the Energy Audit Report Template to guide your work.9. Send an email to the Managing Director (your assessor.)The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in anappropriate (polite, business-like) style.It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment and seek theirfeedback.Attach your Energy Audit Report to the email.© MILCOM Communications Pty Ltd trading as MILCOM Institute | RTO No. 6859 | CRICOS Provider Code:03491GHead Office: Unit 12/1866 Princes Highway Clayton VIC 3168 | Phone: 1300 369 320 | Email: Assessment Task for ICTSUS601|v 1.0 |Last reviewed: May 2019 |Not controlled when printed Page22 of22Assessment Task 2 Checklist Student’s name:Did the student:Completed successfullyCommentsYesNoIdentify and evaluate suitable ICT projectsfor which sustainability is integral?Negotiate with stakeholders to establish towhat extent sustainability is to be integratedinto the organization.Research and identify suitable technologysolutions that could be applicable for theprojects?Gather power consumption data on therecommended ICT equipment based onindustry standards?Oversee the implementation of a short-termtechnology solution that would achieve areduction of the organisation’s powerconsumption?Initiate sustainable management principlesthat would result in reducing theorganisation’s environmental impact?Establish key performance indicators (KPI)on the organisation’s sustainabilityperformance?Develop innovative planning for ICT projectsthat foster sustainability and environmentalbest practice?Make recommendations and give estimatesof implementation costs of sustainabilityprocedures for the ICT projects?Identify energy usage within scope of the ICTproject s and provide a detailed report?Estimate the potential energy savings andpayback periods for the recommendedprocedures?Estimate the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissionsfor the nominated project?Evaluate the estimated CO2 emissionscompared to the original benchmark value?Task Outcome:Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Assessor signatureAssessor nameDate