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Integrate sustainability in ICT planning and design projects | My Assignment Tutor

ASSESSMENT TASKS ICTSUS601 Integrate sustainability in ICTplanning and design projects ICTSUS601 Integrate sustainability in ICT planning and design projects 2 | P a g eAbbey College AustraliaNational Provider No. 91136| CRICOS Registration No. 02658GVersion V1.1 July 2019Assessment SummaryRead all the instructions below before attempting the assessment task. Assessment tasks are tools used todetermine if you … Continue reading “Integrate sustainability in ICT planning and design projects | My Assignment Tutor”

ASSESSMENT TASKS ICTSUS601 Integrate sustainability in ICTplanning and design projects ICTSUS601 Integrate sustainability in ICT planning and design projects 2 | P a g eAbbey College AustraliaNational Provider No. 91136| CRICOS Registration No. 02658GVersion V1.1 July 2019Assessment SummaryRead all the instructions below before attempting the assessment task. Assessment tasks are tools used todetermine if you have the knowledge and skills to complete tasks to industry standards within the workplace.Your trainer/assessor will help you throughout this task and it is your responsibility to provide enoughevidence to justify a competent decision by the trainer/assessor. If you do not understand the questions orwhat is required, ask your trainer/assessor for assistance. For group assessments, all students are to contributeto the assessment tasks. You are allowed to work in groups up to a maximum of four people. You are tocomplete all tasks by the due date and assessments must have a coversheet attached. If you think you do nothave enough time to complete the tasks by the due date, discuss with the trainer/assessor the reasons of whyyou cannot submit on time.Writing your responsesWhen answering questions, ensure that your answers are detailed enough to so the assessor can draw aconclusion that you have the knowledge and/or skills to demonstrate competency. Handwritten answers mustbe written in blue or black pen. When producing reports, ensure that your project has a title page, table ofcontents, page numbers, reference list, ensuring that your answers thoroughly match the questions asked.Answer all questions in your own words to avoid plagiarism. Plagiarism is copying someone else’s work orideas and saying that it your own work. Sources of work must be properly referenced, outlining the source ofyour ideas. Penalties may include having to resubmit the assessment task again, repeating the Unit ofcompetency, or for repeat plagiarism, expulsion from Abbey Business College.Marking of AssessmentsOn submission of your assessment will be marked for a result of either Satisfactory (S) or Not Yet Satisfactory(NYS). If you receive a NYS result, you will be asked to redo the tasks again. To achieve a competent resultwith this unit, all tasks need to be completed and marked as satisfactory. Your trainer/assessor will providefeedback to you on each task, outlining where you must improve to achieve a Satisfactory (S) result. When alltasks are marked as Satisfactory (S), you will receive a result of Competent (C) for this unit otherwise, you willbe marked Not Yet Competent (NYC). Assessments submitted to the trainer/assessor after the due date maynot be accepted, and you may have to a resubmission fee.Unit of competency applicationThis unit describes the skills and knowledge required to undertake local area network (LAN) switchinstallation, configuration and testing in field work. It also applies to switching protocols and diagnosticsrequired for integrating new and converging functionalities to the network.It applies to individuals, employed by telecommunications companies and information communicationstechnology (ICT) networking provisioning companies, who carry out installation, maintenance and upgradeof ICT networks.ICTSUS601 Integrate sustainability in ICT planning and design projects 3 | P a g eAbbey College AustraliaNational Provider No. 91136| CRICOS Registration No. 02658GVersion V1.1 July 2019 ElementsElements describethe essentialoutcomes.Performance CriteriaPerformance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrateachievement of the element.1. Prepare tointegratesustainability intoplanning anddesign stages ofICT project1.1 Evaluate suitable ICT projects into which sustainability can be integrated1.2 Negotiate with stakeholders to establish extent to which sustainability isto be integrated1.3 Research and identify suitable technology solutions applicable to project1.4 Gather power consumption data on ICT equipment required for energyaudit based on agreed standard2. Devisestrategies forincorporatingsustainability intoICT project2.1 Determine and oversee implementation of short-term technologysolutions to achieve reduction of power consumption2.2 Initiate and progress sustainable management principles that result inreduced environmental impact2.3 Establish, regularly review and improve key performance indicators (KPI)on sustainability performance2.4 Incorporate innovative planning and design rules for ICT projects thatfoster sustainability and environmental best practice3. Analyse energyaudit data3.1 Identify energy usage within scope of ICT project and provide detailedreport3.2 Estimate potential energy savings and payback periods forrecommended actions3.3 Estimate carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions for nominated project3.4 Evaluate estimated CO2 emissions with comparable benchmarks3.5 Make recommendations in order of priority and give estimates ofimplementation costs on integration of sustainability for other ICT projects ICTSUS601 Integrate sustainability in ICT planning and design projects 4 | P a g eAbbey College AustraliaNational Provider No. 91136| CRICOS Registration No. 02658GVersion V1.1 July 2019 Foundation SkillsSkillPerformance CriteriaDescriptionReading1.4, 2.3• Gathers, interprets and analyses a range ofcomplex textual information from a range ofsources and identifies relevant and keyinformationWriting1.2, 3.1, 3.5• Records technical requirements and proceduresfor diverse audiences using precise language andspecialised terminology to convey anunderstanding of outcomes and alternativesOralCommunication1.1, 1.2• Clearly articulates and validates policy andstrategy benefits for project requirements usingspecific language suitable for different audiencesto convey requirements• Uses listening and questioning techniques toconfirm understanding• Effectively negotiates contracts with suppliersNumeracy2.3, 3.1-3.5• Uses complex mathematical formulae to estimateCO2 emissions, analyse and confirm capacityrequirements and plan budgetary and workforceneedsGet the workdone1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.3, 2.4,3.1-3.3, 3.5• Develops plans to manage relatively complex,non-routine tasks with an awareness of how theymay contribute to longer term operational andstrategic goals• Takes responsibility for own workload, negotiatingsome key aspects with others• Systematically gathers and analyses all relevantinformation and evaluates options to makeinformed decisions• Reflects on the ways in which digital systems andtools are used or could be used to achieve workgoals, and recognises strategic and operationalapplications• Uses analytical processes to decide on a course ofaction, establishing criteria for deciding betweenoptions ICTSUS601 Integrate sustainability in ICT planning and design projects 5 | P a g eAbbey College AustraliaNational Provider No. 91136| CRICOS Registration No. 02658GVersion V1.1 July 2019Performance EvidenceEvidence of the ability to:• plan and integrate sustainability into information and communications technology (ICT)projects by devising strategies to conserve resources• analyse energy audit data on enterprise resource consumption• develop and monitor policies for review and improvements, benchmarking againstindustry best practice and attempting new approaches continuously over time.Knowledge EvidenceTo complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must:• discuss best practice approaches relevant to own work area• explain environmental or sustainability legislation, regulations and codes of practiceapplicable to the industry and organisation• discuss and explain work health and safety (WHS) implications for new policy• explain how to estimate CO2 emissions• summarise ICT power consumption calculations• discuss policy development processes and practices• summarise power consumption audit methodology• identify principles, practices and available tools and techniques of sustainabilitymanagement relevant to the telecommunications industry• describe quality assurance systems relevant to own organisation• summarise systems and procedures to aid in the achievement of workplace sustainability.ICTSUS601 Integrate sustainability in ICT planning and design projects 6 | P a g eAbbey College AustraliaNational Provider No. 91136| CRICOS Registration No. 02658GVersion V1.1 July 2019Assessment 1 – Knowledge Assessment (Written Tasks)1.1 As an individual working in the ICT sector, you have been asked to become a member of yourorganisation’s newly formed business unit ‘Green Team’. This team is responsible for helping tointroduce best sustainability practices into your workplace. In return for your commitment you willreceive resource efficiency training. Once trained, describe what you will be expected to do.(discuss best practice approaches relevant to own work area)ICTSUS601 Integrate sustainability in ICT planning and design projects 7 | P a g eAbbey College AustraliaNational Provider No. 91136| CRICOS Registration No. 02658GVersion V1.1 July 20191.2 A business realises that it does not have a formal process in place to identify changes toenvironmental / sustainability legislation and standards. What sources can it use to locate newinformation about such changes and how should identified changes be communicated to itsemployees?(explain environmental or sustainability legislation, regulations and codes of practice applicable tothe industry and organisation)ICTSUS601 Integrate sustainability in ICT planning and design projects 8 | P a g eAbbey College AustraliaNational Provider No. 91136| CRICOS Registration No. 02658GVersion V1.1 July 20191.3 Introducing sustainability initiatives into a workplace may have unintended consequences thataffect Workplace Health and Safety. Explain, with examples, why WHS should be considered whenintroducing new sustainability initiatives.(discuss and explain work health and safety (WHS) implications for new policy)ICTSUS601 Integrate sustainability in ICT planning and design projects 9 | P a g eAbbey College AustraliaNational Provider No. 91136| CRICOS Registration No. 02658GVersion V1.1 July 20191.4 Explain the steps required to calculate an ICT carbon footprint for a department.(explain how to estimate CO2 emissions)ICTSUS601 Integrate sustainability in ICT planning and design projects 10 | P a g eAbbey College AustraliaNational Provider No. 91136| CRICOS Registration No. 02658GVersion V1.1 July 20191.5 A server runs 24 hours a day. Assume the device uses 2,100 watts per hour and electricitycurrently costs $0.35 per KWh. Calculate the average monthly power cost of running the server.Show your calculations.(summarise ICT power consumption calculations)ICTSUS601 Integrate sustainability in ICT planning and design projects 11 | P a g eAbbey College AustraliaNational Provider No. 91136| CRICOS Registration No. 02658GVersion V1.1 July 20191.6 Why is it recommended that sustainability policy development is done using a continuous,iterative approach?(discuss policy development processes and practices)ICTSUS601 Integrate sustainability in ICT planning and design projects 12 | P a g eAbbey College AustraliaNational Provider No. 91136| CRICOS Registration No. 02658GVersion V1.1 July 20191.7 How would an energy auditor conduct an audit which satisfied the requirements ofAS/NZ 3598?(summarise power consumption audit methodology)ICTSUS601 Integrate sustainability in ICT planning and design projects 13 | P a g eAbbey College AustraliaNational Provider No. 91136| CRICOS Registration No. 02658GVersion V1.1 July 20191.8 Explain how the practice of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) can impact ICTsustainability.(identify principles, practices and available tools and techniques of sustainabilitymanagement relevant to the telecommunications industry)ICTSUS601 Integrate sustainability in ICT planning and design projects 14 | P a g eAbbey College AustraliaNational Provider No. 91136| CRICOS Registration No. 02658GVersion V1.1 July 20191.9 Sustainability practitioners work with energy efficiency, supply chain behaviour,reduced waste, and a strong focus on reputation management. The quality assurancepractitioners aim to create lean operations, reduce waste, and improve efficiency. Discussthe commonality between the two systems.(describe quality assurance systems relevant to own organisation)ICTSUS601 Integrate sustainability in ICT planning and design projects 15 | P a g eAbbey College AustraliaNational Provider No. 91136| CRICOS Registration No. 02658GVersion V1.1 July 20191.10 Explain why many modern ICT organisations are adopting sustainability systems andprocedures, like environmental KPI reporting.(summarise systems and procedures to aid in the achievement of workplace sustainability)ICTSUS601 Integrate sustainability in ICT planning and design projects 16 | P a g eAbbey College AustraliaNational Provider No. 91136| CRICOS Registration No. 02658GVersion V1.1 July 2019Assessment 1 – Observation Checklist Observation CriteriaSNS1.1 discuss best practice approaches relevant to own work area1.2 explain environmental or sustainability legislation, regulations andcodes of practice applicable to the industry and organisation1.3 discuss and explain work health and safety (WHS) implications fornew policy1.4 explain how to estimate CO2 emissions1.5 summarise ICT power consumption calculations1.6 discuss policy development processes and practices1.7 summarise power consumption audit methodology1.8 identify principles, practices and available tools and techniques ofsustainability management relevant to the telecommunicationsindustry1.9 describe quality assurance systems relevant to own organisation1.10 summarise systems and procedures to aid in the achievement ICTSUS601 Integrate sustainability in ICT planning and design projects 17 | P a g eAbbey College AustraliaNational Provider No. 91136| CRICOS Registration No. 02658GVersion V1.1 July 2019Assessment 2 – Performance Assessment (Skills)RequirementsRead the case study carefully then answer the questions following. You may assume anyinformation that has not been mentioned in the case study, however any assumptions you makemust be clearly identified as assumptions.Case Study: KPMGKPMG is a global network of professional services firms with a significant presence in Australia.It provides audit, tax and advisory services for a variety of sectors. As part of its commitment tocorporate citizenship and reducing its environment impact, the organisation joined CitySwitch in2015.KPMG International is a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact and KPMG Australia isa founding member of the UNGC Network Australia. KPMG Australia is committed to:• supporting a precautionary approach to environmental challenges• undertaking initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility• encouraging the development of environmentally friendly technologies.Since 2010, KPMG Australia has achieved energy savings (CO2e tonnes) of 35%, a reduction inpaper use by 57%, increased recycling rates from 42% to 78% and decreased waste to landfill by68%. Whilst some improvements have been ‘built in’, much of it relies on behaviour change andembedding a culture of sustainability throughout the organisation.Kaushik Sridhar, Corporate Citizenship Manager at KPMG Australia notes that “A catalyst isrequired to create organisational change”. In this case it was a combination of increased clientenquiries on sustainability credentials, seeing sustainability as ‘good business sense’, and atremendous opportunity to innovate and realise operational efficiencies.KPMG’s approach to embedding sustainability:• Guidance was sought from key stakeholders from the very beginning to assist indeveloping the Climate Change Strategy. This generated ownership and support from theright people in the organisation.• The business case for the strategy encompassed economic, environmental and socialelements.ICTSUS601 Integrate sustainability in ICT planning and design projects 18 | P a g eAbbey College AustraliaNational Provider No. 91136| CRICOS Registration No. 02658GVersion V1.1 July 2019• Seeking a sponsor on the Executive team, with the CFO/COO being our ExecutiveSponsor.• Analysis was conducted into what clients and competitors were doing in this space.• KPMG’s Social Impact Framework study in 2016 resulted in a refreshed strategy withupdated focus areas. Climate Change is 1 of 4 focus areas in KPMG’s CorporateCitizenship Strategy.• Stakeholder engagement, communication and activation activities are underway to createa shared understanding internally.• Consistent reinforcement is being achieved through commitments for action (e.g. signingCEO Statement of Support for the Sustainable Development Goals, joining CitySwitch),running regular events and showcasing sustainability credentials.• CitySwitch was engaged for advice and guidance on a variety of initiatives around energyefficiency and waste.What worked• Involving the key people at the start to develop the strategy.• Making the value proposition visible and including financial and reputational benefits aswell as the environmental benefits.• Understanding what ‘value’ and ‘impact’ means for different teamsWhat didn’t workInitially, outputs were looked at rather than outcomes.Measuring engagementKPMG’s monitoring and measurement as part of its outcomes includes:• energy use, net emissions/FTE, recycling rates, paper purchased• number of people volunteering with environment organisations• pro-bono work supporting climate change/environment organisations• number of climate change events hosted at KPMG and attendance levels.ICTSUS601 Integrate sustainability in ICT planning and design projects 19 | P a g eAbbey College AustraliaNational Provider No. 91136| CRICOS Registration No. 02658GVersion V1.1 July 2019Benefits experienced to date include increased internal awareness of climate issues, operationalefficiencies and brand and reputation value.Advice to others? Clearly define the issue, ensure stakeholder engagement early and obtainexecutive sponsorship.By utilising a holistic approach to embedding sustainability into the organisation, KPMG Australiacontinues to engage its people, drive cultural change and demonstrate industry leadership. Itremains an ongoing process.Key learningsIt takes time. Culture change is not a quick fix, it’s a long journey that requires a local champion(s)to push it through.It takes strategy. A long-term strategy and supporting plan that aligns with the organisation’sstated values is critical to obtaining the various approvals necessary to affect change.It takes engagement. Getting the right people on board who support the strategy is important toget it to a senior level for review. Ensuring the stated benefits include financial and reputationalelements as well as carbon emissions reductions are important in obtaining final approval.ICTSUS601 Integrate sustainability in ICT planning and design projects 20 | P a g eAbbey College AustraliaNational Provider No. 91136| CRICOS Registration No. 02658GVersion V1.1 July 20192.1 How can this KPMG case study assist someone who is responsible for planning and integratingsustainability into information and communications technology (ICT) projects?(plan and integrate sustainability into information and communications technology (ICT) projectsby devising strategies to conserve resources)ICTSUS601 Integrate sustainability in ICT planning and design projects 21 | P a g eAbbey College AustraliaNational Provider No. 91136| CRICOS Registration No. 02658GVersion V1.1 July 20192.2 For a multinational operation like KPMG, what approach would they have used when analysingenergy audit data on enterprise resource consumption?(analyse energy audit data on enterprise resource consumption)ICTSUS601 Integrate sustainability in ICT planning and design projects 22 | P a g eAbbey College AustraliaNational Provider No. 91136| CRICOS Registration No. 02658GVersion V1.1 July 20192.3 What are some of the issues a multinational operation that operates in over 150 countriesfaces when attempting to benchmark against industry best practice?(develop and monitor policies for review and improvements, benchmarking against industry bestpractice and attempting new approaches continuously over time.)ICTSUS601 Integrate sustainability in ICT planning and design projects 23 | P a g eAbbey College AustraliaNational Provider No. 91136| CRICOS Registration No. 02658GVersion V1.1 July 2019Assessment 2 – Observation Checklist Observation CriteriaSNS2.1 plan and integrate sustainability into information andcommunications technology (ICT) projects by devising strategies toconserve resources2.2 analyse energy audit data on enterprise resource consumption2.3 develop and monitor policies for review and improvements,benchmarking against industry best practice and attempting newapproaches continuously over time ICTSUS601 Integrate sustainability in ICT planning and design projects 24 | P a g eAbbey College AustraliaNational Provider No. 91136| CRICOS Registration No. 02658GVersion V1.1 July 2019Assessment 3 – Self-paced ActivitiesAs part of the course requirements you are required to complete Self-paced activities each weekand submit them to your class trainer. These activities should take no more than 5 hours per weekand are based on your current unit of competency.Please speak to your trainer if you have any questions about the tasks and due dates.Assessment 3 – Portfolio Checklist AssessmentSubmittedCompleteRelevantSNSSPA 3.1Yes / NoYes / NoYes / NoSPA 3.2Yes / NoYes / NoYes / NoSPA 3.3Yes / NoYes / NoYes / NoSPA 3.4Yes / NoYes / NoYes / NoSPA 3.5Yes / NoYes / NoYes / NoSPA 3.6Yes / NoYes / NoYes / NoSPA 3.7Yes / NoYes / NoYes / NoSPA 3.8Yes / NoYes / NoYes / NoSPA 3.9Yes / NoYes / NoYes / No ICTSUS601 Integrate sustainability in ICT planning and design projects 25 | P a g eAbbey College AustraliaNational Provider No. 91136| CRICOS Registration No. 02658GVersion V1.1 July 2019Assessment 4 – PresentationIntroductionPresentation is the process of showing and explaining the content of a topic to an audience. It isoften used to assess student learning in individual or group research projects.Presentation assessment consists of a topic for the student to research, discuss and present,followed by a question and answer session between a tutor and the presenter(s). This measuresthe ability of students to respond, think under pressure and manage discussion. It is in this part ofthe presentation that the student shows his/her in-depth knowledge of the topic and presentationskills.A good presentation is generally expected to consist of:• Introduction/ Aims/Objectives• Major points and ideas explained and summarised• Results/Related points/Issues/or others depending on the topic• Conclusion – future work• The presentation should be presented in the time allowedPresentation Requirements:Develop a class presentation of no more than 15 minutes to demonstrate your understanding of:‘The importance of sustainability in the ICT industry’Be prepared to answer questions from your trainer and your fellow class members following thepresentation.ICTSUS601 Integrate sustainability in ICT planning and design projects 26 | P a g eAbbey College AustraliaNational Provider No. 91136| CRICOS Registration No. 02658GVersion V1.1 July 2019Assessment 4 – Criteria CriteriaExcellentProficientAverage4.1 PresentationContent:Relates to topic,detailed, and accurateAll content directlyrelated to the topic.Opinions were alwayssupported by fact ifpossible.Content directly relatedto the topic. Almost allopinions weresupported by facts.Demonstrated basicunderstanding of thetopic. Many opinionswere not supported byfacts.4.2 Subject Knowledge:Demonstrateknowledge of subjectShowed a thoroughknowledge of the topic.Able to use assessorquestions to furtherdemonstrateunderstanding of thetopic.Showed a workingknowledge of the topic.Able to satisfactorilyanswer assessorquestions and providedadditional informationupon request.Showed basicknowledge of the topic.Able to addressassessor questions byrepeating parts of thepresentation – did notprovide any additionalinformation.4.3 AudienceEngagement:Engage and interactwith audienceModerated speakingstyle based on audiencefeedback. Calmly andeloquently addressedaudience questions andcomments. Engagedaudience for theduration of thepresentation.Adjusted volume, pace,and enthusiasm severaltimes. Answeredaudience questions andaddressed comments.Presenter adjustedenthusiasm or pace tohold audience attention.Spoke more loudlywhen requested byaudience members.Presenter was clearlyuncomfortable.Presenter attempted toadjust enthusiasm orpace to hold audienceattention4.4 Presentation Timing:Length of PresentationLength of Q&APerfect timingAdequate TimingToo short or too long4.5 PresenterInteraction:Ability to interact withjoint presenterGood level ofinteraction betweenjoint presenters. Rolesclearly defined prior topresentation.Reasonable level ofinteraction betweenjoint presenters.Presentation roles notclear.Poor interactionbetween presenters. Noevidence of roles beingdefined prior topresentation. ICTSUS601 Integrate sustainability in ICT planning and design projects 27 | P a g eAbbey College AustraliaNational Provider No. 91136| CRICOS Registration No. 02658GVersion V1.1 July 2019Assessment 4 – Observation Checklist Observation CriteriaSNS4.1 Presentation content4.2 Subject knowledge4.3 Audience engagement/communication4.4 Presentation timing4.5 Presenter interaction / roles ICTSUS601 Integrate sustainability in ICT planning and design projects 28 | P a g eAbbey College AustraliaNational Provider No. 91136| CRICOS Registration No. 02658GVersion V1.1 July 2019Assessment Outcome❑ Satisfactory ❑ UnsatisfactoryComments:Trainer’s signature _____________________________ Date ______________________Student Signature: ______________________________ Date ______________________ICTSUS601 Integrate sustainability in ICT planning and design projects 29 | P a g eAbbey College AustraliaNational Provider No. 91136| CRICOS Registration No. 02658GVersion V1.1 July 2019What happens if your result is ‘Not Yet Competent’ for one or more assessment tasks?The assessment process is designed to answer the question “has the participant satisfactorilydemonstrated competence yet?” If the answer is “Not yet”, then we work with you to see how wecan get there.In the case that one or more of your assessments has been marked ‘NYC’, your Trainer willprovide you with the necessary feedback and guidance, in order for you to resubmit/redo yourassessment task(s).What if you disagree on the assessment outcome?You can appeal against a decision made in regard to an assessment of your competency. Anappeal should only be made if you have been assessed as ‘Not Yet Competent’ against specificcompetency standards and you feel you have sufficient grounds to believe that you are entitled tobe assessed as competent.You must be able to adequately demonstrate that you have the skills and experience to be able tomeet the requirements of the unit you are appealing against the assessment of.You can request a form to make an appeal and submit it to your Trainer, the Course Coordinator,or an Administration Officer. The RTO will examine the appeal and you will be advised of theoutcome within 14 days. Any additional information you wish to provide may be attached to theform.What if I believe I am already competent before training?If you believe you already have the knowledge and skills to be able to demonstrate competence inthis unit, speak with your Trainer, as you may be able to apply for Recognition of Prior Learning(RPL).Credit TransferCredit transfer is recognition for study you have already completed. To receive Credit Transfer,you must be enrolled in the relevant program. Credit Transfer can be granted if you provide theRTO with certified copies of your qualifications, a Statement of Attainment or a Statement ofResults along with Credit Transfer Application Form. (For further information please visit CreditTransfer Policy)ICTSUS601 Integrate sustainability in ICT planning and design projects 30 | P a g eAbbey College AustraliaNational Provider No. 91136| CRICOS Registration No. 02658GVersion V1.1 July 2019ICTSUS601 Integrate sustainability in ICT planning and design projectsAssessment Outcome RecordIn order to be deemed competent in this unit, the candidate must answer all written questionscorrectly and satisfactorily complete all practical tasks. In order to complete all practical tasks, allObservation Criteria need to be satisfied, i.e. demonstrated and marked as an ‘S’. The tasksummary outcome must be noted as satisfactory to note the demonstration of a satisfactoryoutcome for each practical task requirement. Student Name Not Yet Competent CompetentComments Assessor (Name)Assessor SignatureDate ICTSUS601 Integrate sustainability in ICT planning and design projects 31 | P a g eAbbey College AustraliaNational Provider No. 91136| CRICOS Registration No. 02658GVersion V1.1 July 2019 Student Feedback FormUnitICTSUS601 Integrate sustainability in ICT planning and design projectsStudent Name:DateAssessor Name:Please provide us some feedback on your assessment process. Information provided on thisform is used for evaluation of our assessment systems and processes.This information is confidential and is not released to any external parties without yourwritten consent. There is no need to sign your name as your feedback is confidential.StronglyDisagreeAgreeStrongly AgreeI received information about the assessmentrequirements prior to undertaking the tasks12345The assessment instructions were clear and easy tounderstand12345I understood the purpose of the assessment12345The assessment meets your expectation12345My Assessor was organised and well prepared12345The assessment was Fair, Valid, Flexible andReliable12345My Assessor’s conduct was professional12345The assessment was an accurate reflection of theunit requirements12345I was comfortable with the outcome of theassessment12345I received feedback about assessments I completed12345The pace of this unit was:TooSlowGreatPaceTooFastComments: Please return this completed form to Reception once you have completed this unit ofcompetency.


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