Annex no. 3 to Regulation no. 66/2020 of the Rector of the Wroclaw University of Economicsand Business.MASTER’S THESIS STANDARDSfor theses prepared at the Wroclaw University of Economics and Business.1. General requirements1.1. A master’s thesis should be the development of a specific scientific subject thatpresents the general knowledge and skills of the student related to a … Continue reading “MASTER’S THESIS STANDARDS | My Assignment Tutor”
Annex no. 3 to Regulation no. 66/2020 of the Rector of the Wroclaw University of Economicsand Business.MASTER’S THESIS STANDARDSfor theses prepared at the Wroclaw University of Economics and Business.1. General requirements1.1. A master’s thesis should be the development of a specific scientific subject thatpresents the general knowledge and skills of the student related to a given program ofstudy, the level of second-degree studies and the profile of education, and the leadingdiscipline to which the studies were assigned.1.2. The subject of a master’s thesis should be connected to the learning outcomes adoptedfor the program of study. The thesis is conducted under the supervision of a supervisorwho will ensure that it is achieved.2. Substantive requirements2.1. The thesis should include:• formulation of a research problem, research questions or a thesis(es)/hypothesis(es),purpose and scope of research,• embedding the research problem in the widely quoted literature of the subject,including foreign literature,• application of a specific test method,• the use of appropriate analytical tools,• formulation of conclusions on the basis of the analysis carried out.2.2. A structure of the thesis should lead to the achievement of its objective.2.3. Preparation of a master’s thesis should shape the following skills of a student:• broadening knowledge by independent study of literature on the subject,• a critical assessment of the theoretical achievement in the scope of the subject of thesis,• embedding the problem in literature,• diagnosing and assessing the problem in the researched economic entity or institution,• designing new solutions or modifications to existing ones,• using a research workshop, and in particular using methods of scientific study,• identifying and analyzing the surrounding phenomena, particularly those which thegraduate will face in practice,• seeing the regularity of these phenomena,• active use of knowledge acquired during the course of study and its use in practice ortheoretical application,• application of logical reasoning and the use of clear and precise language.2.4. The thesis should have a separate theoretical part (analysis of the literature of thesubject) and a research part (own research results aimed at solving the problemanalyzed in practice).2.5. The theory should briefly present advanced knowledge (Level 7 of the PRK) from theselected topic resulting from the review of national and foreign literature. Theoreticalconsiderations shall be supported by a practical example.3. Requirements concerning the nature of the thesisThe master’s thesis should take a form of:• research – the author identifies the relation between economic phenomena and detectsdependencies within the framework of the economic reality under examination. Thethesis can also be of an experimental nature, in which case it includes an experimentalsolution to a particular research hypothesis and includes the concept and appropriateselection of research methods, the planning and organization of the experiment, thepresentation of the results obtained, their discussion and conclusions.• project (application) – the author identifies the relations between economicphenomena and proposes new practical (implementation) solutions.4. Regulatory requirementsA master’s thesis:• is a student’s own work prepared under the supervision of a supervisor,• is subject to a review,• is defended during the course of the diploma examination,• allows the graduate to obtain a title of a master’s degree.5. Formal requirements• The structure of an engineering thesis, apart from chapters includes:a) cover page,b) title and summary in English,c) table of contents,d) introduction and conclusion,e) lists,f) statements (specimens of the statements are attached). Student’s statements shouldbe placed at the end of the thesis.• Structure of a thesis on English-language programs of study – the thesis shouldinclude, apart from chapters:a) cover page in English – ENG model,b) thesis title and summary in English,c) table of contents in English,d) introduction and conclusion,e) lists,f) statements (specimens of the statements are attached). Student’s statements shouldbe placed at the end of the thesis.• The thesis should include lists in the following order:a) a list of the literature quoted in an alphabetical order, in accordance with therequirements of the bibliographical description,b) a list of the legal acts and other regulations used,c) a list of materials from Internet sources (with the last date of access) and othersource materials with a full bibliographic footnote,d) a list of boards/tables,e) a list of figures (diagrams, maps, etc.),f) a list of annexes.• The introduction should outline the background to the researched issue, point out therationale for the choice of the subject of the thesis, formulate a research problem, poseresearch questions or research thesis(es)/hypothesis(es), define the purpose and scopeof the thesis, identify research methods and present general information on the contentof the various chapters of the thesis.• The conclusion should indicate conclusions drawn from the thesis.• Before the list of contents we should place, for theses in Polish: title and summary inEnglish, for theses in English: title and summary in Polish (text of summary ofmaximum 2,500 characters including spaces).• Literature footnotes should be uniform throughout the thesis according to one of thefollowing styles:a) Harvard styleb) APA stylec) bibliographical style of footnotes (examples in Annex 4).• The thesis should have no less than 60 pages. In the case of experimental work, notless than 50 pages.• Literature should include at least 20 references in a concise form and articles. Inaddition, it may be supplemented by legal acts and a list of websites, if required by thesubject of thesis.• Foreign language references should be present in the literature.• The list of references may contain only the ones to which reference is made in thethesis.• Standard cover page layout as attached.6. Editorial requirements• paper size format: A4 (one-sided print),• basic font: Times New Roman 12 pt or Calibri 11 pt,• font in tables and figures maximum 11 pt,• space between the lines: 1.5 of a line,• margins: top 2.5 cm; bottom 2.5 cm; left 3.0 cm; right 2.0 cm,• align text to both margins,• indent paragraphs: 0.5 cm,• continuous numbering of all pages of the thesis,• footnotes: 10 pt font size.Program…………………………………………………………………Author’s First Name and SurnameStudent No. …………………….MASTER’S THESIS / CLASSIFIED MASTER’S THESISTitle of the ThesisMaster’s thesis written under the supervision of…………………………………………………………………………at the Department…………………………………………………………………………I approve the thesis and I request its furtherprocessing………………………………………………………..Supervisor’s signatureWROCLAW 20…..DECLARATION TEMPLATEDECLARATION OF THE AUTHORCONCERNING INDEPENDENT AND SOLE AUTHORSHIP OF THE THESISI hereby declare that I am the sole author of this thesis and that it includes no contentobtained in contravention of the applicable regulations. All data, concepts, crucial ideas andformulations derived from literature (quoted verbatim or paraphrased in the thesis) areappropriately referenced. The thesis, in its entirety or any part containing significant fragmentspresented as original (results of empirical research, calculations, observations, assessments,conclusions, proposals, etc.), has not been submitted by anyone to any prior assessment orpublished elsewhere.I declare that the copy of the thesis in the APD system is identical with the printedversion and does not contain any hidden special characters, microspaces or other manipulationswithin the text.……………………………….(Place and Date)………………………………………………………..(Author’s Legible Signature)DECLARATION OF THE AUTHORCONCERNING ACCESS TO THE THESISI hereby agree / disagree* to granting access to my thesis by interested parties. Thisaccess agreement is not equivalent to granting permission to copy the thesis in its entirety orany of its parts.My disagreement to granting access to the thesis does not preclude its JSA antiplagiarism check.……………………………….(Place and Date)………………………………………………………..(Author’s Legible Signature)*delete where not applicable