Employment Communication Messages
Background Scenario. Assume that you have a genuine interest in obtaining an internship position with the company you researched for the Oral Presentation Assignment. You will compose four messages to the company in which you demonstrate your continued interest in such a position.
Observe these assignment requirements as you complete the messages:
Write all four messages in the same file—placing each message on a separate page.
Review the message organization and content suggested by the Chapter 16 textbook illustrations (Section 16-5)—especially the blue comments in the margin; however, do not copy any wording directly from the illustrations.
Make up names, dates, and other details needed to complete a message; however, provide accurate information about your background, interests, goals, and accomplishments.
Format the messages as illustrated by the format guides provided in Appendix A in the course textbook (Figure A.1 illustrates typical e-mail format; Figure A.2 illustrates a business letter.).
Provide all letter parts for the letter messages and all the memo components for the email messages (See Appendix A). Notice that some of the Chapter 16 sample messages skip some letter parts and start instead with the salutation and end with the complimentary closing. Provide the appropriate letter parts before the salutation and after the complimentary closing.
Message 1: Application or Resume Follow Up Message
Background: Assume that two weeks ago, you applied for an internship position with the company you researched for the Oral Presentation Assignment. You have not heard back from the company yet, but you are still very much interested in an internship opportunity with them.
Task: Write an email message in which you express your continued interest in the position.
Message 2: Interview Thank You Letter
Background: Assume that you received an interview invitation from the desired internship company. You attended an interview today. Write an interview thank you letter in which you thank the interviewer, mention topics discussed in the interview, and remind him/her of some of your strong points.
Task: Compose an interview thank you letter. Make up any necessary detail needed to complete the letter.
Message 3: Interview Follow-Up Message
Background: Approximately five days have passed since you sent your interview thank you letter. You have not heard from the company. You are still interested in the position.
Task: Compose a follow-up e-mail message in which you ask about the status of the company’s hiring decision.
Message 4: Rejection Follow-Up Message
Background: Unfortunately, the company decided to hire another applicant for the position and sent you a bad news letter in which it shared the decision with you. You are very disappointed.
Task: Write a rejection follow-up letter in which you thank the company for considering you for the position. Also tell the company you’d be interested in future openings.
The post Assume that you have a genuine interest in obtaining an internship position with the company you researched for the Oral Presentation Assignment. Compose four messages to the company in which you demonstrate your continued interest in such a position. appeared first on Essay Lane.