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Criminal Justice Research

    • Why would the policy work based on theory? In doing this the student should discuss the pathway by which the intervention could result
The post Criminal Justice Research first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.



• Why would the policy work based on theory? In doing this the student should discuss the pathway by which
the intervention could result in positive change. For example, does the intervention affect a change in the
perpetrator? Does the intervention keep a particular weapon away from the perpetrator, making it less likely
that any violence committed would be deadly? This discussion should be based on research evidence as well
as a theory of criminal justice, crime, or criminality
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePros and Cons
• What are the expected advantages to the agency (and society) of the policy/strategy
• What are the expected disadvantages to the agency (and society) of the policy/strategy
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion
The student must provide a summary discussion outlining the major arguments for the implementation of the
Transition from Jail to Community
Hennepin County Juvenile Detention Centers
One of the major challenges faced by people who leave jail is transitioning back to society and adopting a
normal lifestyle. The re-entry problems result from the fact that not all community members view the released
prisoners as part of the community. Apart from conformity, released juveniles have a major challenge joining
the labor market. They experience difficulties securing and maintaining employment because some employers
are reluctant to hire people with criminal records. There are also some states that do not have stable
regulations regarding how released prisoners should be treated once they get back to society. Lack of rules
creates loopholes for discrimination and denial of jobs. As a result, the problem of re-entry is large in scale, and
it is a complex task.
The Transition from Jail to Community (TJC) model was introduced to help solve the re-entry problem faced by
released prisoners. The model advocates for collaborative efforts between the jails and the larger community. It
aims at improving public safety and reintegration outcomes. In America, Juvenile units have adopted the TJC
at a higher rate as compared to the adult jail facilities. According to Sawyer (2019), approximately 48,000
juveniles are held in correctional facilities away from home due to criminal involvement. Before the initiative, jail
attendants could not answer the question of how they helped the inmates transition from confinement to the
community. The reason is that they only majored in care and custody (Cuevas et al., 2007). The TJC initiative
has therefore enhanced the role that everyone plays to support those leaving the prisons. The paper will focus 
on how the program will be used to reduce recidivism in Hennepin County, Minnesota Hennepin County
Juvenile Detention Facilities (County Home School (CHS) and Juvenile Detention Center (JDC)).




The post Criminal Justice Research first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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