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Question : Assignment 1 (approximately 1,000 words) Select two “employee voice” practices, one an example of representative participation and the second an example of direct employee involvement. Compare the strengths and weaknesses of each practice, in terms of: depth, level, scope and form, of each and discuss their value to the employee.

Question : Assignment 1 (approximately 1,000 words)
Select two “employee voice” practices, one an example of representative participation and the second an example of direct employee involvement. Compare the strengths and weaknesses of each practice, in terms of: depth, level, scope and form, of each and discuss their value to the employee.

1) Preferred a UK writer.
2) Word count – 1000k it doesn’t include the word count on table of content and executive summary
3) include as many citations as possible. Preferred citation/reference from CIPD, European Works Council, and UK related. If you can find anything on Singapore related, you can also add to the essay.
4) Include APA references
5) I have attached 2 sample papers. One is the answer from the student of the previous batch which you can refer to it (note the reference format is incorrect). The other sample in PDF (MERsampleassign1) classified as a good assignment given to us as a reference by my UK lecturer.
6) I have also attached an assignment guide (MER_2021 Assignment 1 Advice) which included the suggested outline for the paper, high-level pointers and quotable references.
7) there are some reading materials/articles on employee’s voices which I have also attached to the order page for your use
7) In the paper, you will need to give a clear analytical framework for depth, level, scope, form, characteristics, strength, and weaknesses.


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