Offer a 600 word theme analysis that through research shows a common theme exemplified in the story; H.P Lovecraft.. The Outsider.
*Let A for excellence be awarded to those who work with some creative complexity, who are persuasive and provide the reader with fresh insight and research that go beyond average expectations. Research, with proper citation and reference, is critical in Essay 2.
Essay Criteria
Multi-paragraph Essay of 600 words @ 10 percent rule applies;
Research /reference is required of at least 3 sources. Two of your sources must be secondary sources. NO CRIB NOTES! Evidence of such use, i.e. CliffNotes, Blogs and so forth can hurt the evaluation of this essay.
Quoted material of no more than 20 percent of the essay
1 inch margins, all around APA or MLA short style;
Strong theme statement that directly relates to an analysis based on a specific critical approach that is apparent in the first paragraph;
Body paragraph that do not simply re-tell, but rather advance the stated theme through direct topic sentences;
Well-developed body paragraphs that provide expansion and discussion of key characteristics that show and not tell;
Strong Introductory and Conclusive paragraphs that while relating to your theme also comes across as bold and philosophical.
Your reader will be impressed with correctly incorporated secondary quotes from peer reviewed sources.
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