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A substantive reflective discussion for each portfolio assignment that conveys h

A substantive reflective discussion for each portfolio assignment that conveys how the assignment promoted your understanding of social work practice in terms of professional and personal growth, skills, theory, and values.
For each assignment competent write at least 3 entries a minimum of one paragraph.
And one paragraph titled expertise throughout the msw program. It can be things of which I am an expert professionally or personally. Please in bilingual English and creole etc This was last competency assignment to do in my msw social work program. So mention things about building advocacy skills, etc This concentration course prepares advanced clinical social workers to work within the context
of human service organizations and the social welfare policy arena on behalf of individuals,
groups, families, organizations and communities. Focus is on developing competencies aimed at
stimulating change in agencies/organizations and communities that will promote social and
economic justice. Advanced skills taught in this course include policy analysis, program
development and evaluation, assessment of leadership style, advocacy, planning, linking and
lobbying. (3 credits)
A Case to Cause Letter
Students must choose a multi-media venue (may include, newspaper, blog, radio, NASW Newsletter, etc) or they may choose a legislator.
The venues or legislators may be local, state, or national
Based on the social problem they have chosen in Assignment 2, students are to write a letter utilizing Hoefer’s Advocacy Practice-Chapter 7, “Presenting Your Information Effectively” (pgs115-141) pg 129 sample letter and Haynes’ Affecting Change-Chapter 7, “Influence through Lobbying” (pp. 108-127).
Using the examples in the texts as templates, students are to write a letter addressing the social problem and expressing their interest and concerns over the issue and its impact on the identified community.
Letters should meet criteria of professional documentation and respectful communication as delineated in both Hoefer and Haynes, and the newspaper’s editorial page policy.
Copy of the requirements and the submission must be submitted to the instructor.
If a student’s letter is published, a student will earn five additional points to their grade. Documentation of publication will be required to verify the advocacy action.
It is recommended that you keep up with current events and news media on your topic. It is also informative to read the comments under online news articles to get a sense of the public dialogue on the topic and differing points of view. This will be important as you prepare to anticipate and refute counter-arguments as part of your persuasive writing strategy.
Family Resiliency Assessment
This course addresses the following educational policies, competencies and Advanced Clinical
Practice Behaviors:
Educational Policy 2.1.1 Identify as a professional social worker
2. Demonstrate professional use of self
4. Develop, manage, and maintain therapeutic relationships with clients within the
person-in-environment and strengths perspectives
Educational Policy 2.1.3 Apply critical thinking to inform and communicate professional judgments
9. Engage in reflective practice
10. Identify and articulate clients’ strengths and vulnerabilities
11. Evaluate, select and implement appropriate multidimensional assessment,
diagnostic, intervention and practice evaluation tools
12. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of multiple theoretical perspectives and
differentially apply them to client situations
13. Communicate professional judgments to other social workers and to
professionals from other disciplines, in both verbal and written format (Adv. Clinical Competency)SW 619 – Advanced Clinical Social Work Practice with Families
Educational Policy 2.1.4 Engage diversity and difference in practice
14. Research and apply knowledge of diverse populations.
15. Work effectively with diverse populations
16. Identify and use practitioner/client differences from a strengths perspective
46. Demonstrate the ability to apply interventions that are responsive to all dimensions of diversity
Educational Policy 2.1.5 Advance human rights and social and economic justice
17. Use knowledge of the effects of oppression, discrimination and historical trauma
to guide treatment planning and intervention
Educational Policy 2.1.6 Engage in research informed practice and practice informed research
19. Use evidence based practice in clinical assessment and intervention
21. Use research methodology to evaluate clinical practice effectiveness
Educational Policy 2.1.7 Apply knowledge of human behavior and the social environment
22. Differentially apply theories of HBSE to guide clinical practice
23. Demonstrate competence in using bio-psycho-social-spiritual theories and
multiaxial diagnostic classification in formulating assessments
Educational Policy 2.1.9 Respond to contexts that shape practice
47. Respond to factors that produce and constrain the strengths and resilience found in transactions among people, their communities, and the larger social environment, based on differential assessment of risks and protective factor
Educational Policy 2.1.10 Engage, Assess, Intervene and Evaluate with Individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities
44. Apply advanced clinical knowledge of the effects of trauma on multidimensional assessment, intervention and evaluation
Educational Policy 2.1.10 (a-d)
(a) Engagement
31. Develop a culturally responsive therapeutic relationship
32. Attend to the interpersonal dynamics and contextual factors that both strengthen
and potentially threaten the therapeutic alliance
33. Establish a relationally based process that encourages clients to be equal
participants in the establishment of treatment goals and expected outcomesSW 619 – Advanced Clinical Social Work Practice with Families
(b) Assessment
34. Use multidimensional bio-psycho-social –spiritual assessment tools
37. Select and modify appropriate intervention strategies based on continuous
clinical assessment
(c) Intervention
39. Critically evaluate, select, and apply best practices and evidence-based
40. Demonstrate the use of appropriate clinical techniques for a range of presenting
concerns identified in the assessment, including crisis intervention strategies
(d) Evaluation
43. Use clinical evaluation of the process and/or outcome to develop best practice
interventions for a range of bio-psycho- social-spiritual conditions
Family assessment procedures explore historical, current and potential family strengths, resiliency and resources. Various assessment techniques are utilized to uncover family resilience: beliefs, organizational processes and communication patterns. Assessment is an ongoing process that helps a family to discover its supports and growth as well as it limitations. Substance Abuse and single-parenthood are used to illustrate the beginning process of assessment. Assessment skills and techniques are drawn from structural and multigenerational family system theories. The role of the family as an emotional unit is explored as well as the importance of gender and culture as it relates to assessment. The use of several methods of graphically representing the family is introduced as an evaluative tool for both the family and the practitioner. Students will assess how the resiliency of their family of origin impacts their attitudes, beliefs and behaviors. The first step in the continuum of intervention is assessment. This assignment is designed to develop an understanding of a framework for resiliency practice. Following the outline below, complete an trauma-informed assessment of the resiliency factors for yourself and your family of origin. No one knows better than you the factors that shape success as well as the stresses that may inhibit it.
In summary:
Define your family system. This definition should be supplemented by a graphic representation (i.e. genogram, culturagram, eco-map)
Describe and discuss the key processes of family resilience: Belief Systems, Organizational Patterns, Communication Processes as they apply to yourself and your family. Use Walsh, Chapters 1-6.
Identify current stressors for yourself and your family. Discuss the individual, interpersonal, environmental and community risk factors, including any social, economic and political injustices.
Describe and discuss the current status of the protective mechanisms utilized by yourself and your family. As above, discuss individual, interpersonal, environmental and community protective factors including any social, economic and political supports.
Discuss the impact of race, class, gender, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation and differing personal abilities upon family resilience, stressors and protective mechanisms.
Reflect on your experience in conducting an assessment on yourself. How would you deal with these feelings in your trauma-informed work with families?
Childhood observation paper
This foundation year course provides a social work context in introducing students to theories and theoretical models that explain reciprocal influences and risk and resilience in shaping human behavior. This course uses a developmental framework to examine growth and maturation over the life course with attention to the person-environment configuration. This course emphasizes the relevance of factors including culture, ethnicity, gender, social constructions of age, social norms, socioeconomic inequality, spirituality, sexual orientation, and trauma in influencing the outcomes of transactions between the person and the environment over time. Special attention is paid to the applicability of course content to social work practice in human service settings. (3 credits)
This assignment requires at least 60 minutes observing children in the early childhood stage of development (ages 2-6) interacting with one another or with an adult doing routine activities. This observation may take place either in a playground or in the child’s home environment. Observation of a family member or the child of a friend is acceptable with permission of the parent. It is essential that the observation be unobtrusive, do not engage with the individuals observed, merely take notes about what is happening.
Be aware of the environment in which the observation takes place, what is happening around the individuals. The environment includes visual stimulation, noise, other persons in the area, and the context in which the interaction occurs. Use all of the senses available to you to engage in this observation unobtrusively. Do this with a partner, but do not discuss anything while observing. Once the observation is complete, compare notes. Notice and discuss the similarities and differences in each observation.
Although observations occur together, presentations are to be prepared separately, each focusing on a different developmental theory from the text regarding the extent to which interaction is consistent with the chosen theory discussed in the book for the age of the child(ren) observed. Presentations should include a discussion of typical developmental milestones, evidence of physical development, cognitive development, and socio-emotional development for this age and stage as well as biopsychosocial factors that may have an impact on interaction and behaviors observed.

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