What’s working well to sustain your wellbeing, vitality, ease and flow?
We know that small changes or shifts in attitudes and behaviors can over time create a 180 degree turn for the best or worse in terms of our health. We can be curious as how to discover our best self. Be your own scientist and consciously choose what works for you and for your own health. Your teacher is available for conversation and consultation by request.
Assignment Instructions:
This assignment is shared only with professor.
For best results, start this assignment now . Brainstorm your values and value activities pictures and images and how they relate to your stress management
.Your Seaward workbook will help you think and be creative for this assignment.
In your syllabus see the description of the wellness plan. Highlights include your goal statements, and steps and activities that reflect your dreams and aspirations.
Create a series of reflections regarding your overall health and wellness.
What do you need each day? What affirmations keep you going? What is fulfilling?
What’s the goal of your activities, education, work, service? Think about cycles: seasons, school, your week?
How do you recuperate? What is leisure?
When challenges arise, what are your problem solving tools?
What are your tools, and resources?
Review your health history. Do you have a series of activities and resources around managing your stressors?What is working now?
What intention and goals do you have for your wellbeing and success ?
Open the values board activity and wheel of life.pdf download.This is a sample of how you might create your PowerPoint. I have included questions to think about. You can create a rough draft also using post-its. Your challenge is to find nine elements that represent the life you are creating and what helps you to sustain vibrant health. Open this power point by clicking on the words “values board activity and wheel of life. pdf”. Save and down load the instructions for this and your wellness project. Combine pictures and images with suggestions on two other pages. You can ask your professor for feedback but take some time to reflect and to choose your own words and images for the PowerPoint.
Create a written essay or include written work with the PowerPoint or in the PowerPoint.9-10 slides.
Describe the images and how they relate to your goals and intentions. See the values board example that follows this assignment for further instructions on your PowerPoint.
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We know appeared first on Homeworkassisters.