3-4 pages, double-spaced 11-12 pt font, 1 inch margins please . . . Please share:1). What meanings and desires emerged from working together in ourgroup that might have not emerged if you were, say, just working on your own? 2). In what ways did this class surprise you? Did you end up surprisingyourself at any moments either in class, during the final performance, or during any outside activities?3). What will you take away from the experience of the final performance, specifically of presenting yourself in front of a live audience in the way that you did? Is there anything else you want to add about your experience?4). How did reciprocity play into the final performance? With other actors? With the audience?5). Please reflect on your growth throughout the semester. In what ways were you successful? In what ways did you fail? For your participation, progress, and preparation what grade would you give yourself and why?
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