Bachelor of Arts in Humanities (Psychology Major) Details below. 1000 words.
“Research with children invariably involves a balance between the potential value of the findings and the potential risks entailed in securing them”. Evaluate this statement making specific reference to ethical standards and principles for research with children.
the following:
The word count for the essay is 1000 words (+/- 10%). Please note that your reference list is not included in the word count and that there is very little flexibility on this word count, i.e., please keep an essay within the bounds of 1000 words (+/- 10%).
In preparing and writing your essay you will necessarily be consulting sources and these must be appropriately attributed to their authors as usual in order to adhere to academic good practice and avoid breaching the Academic Integrity and Plagiarism Policy.
Where you are making specific claims, for example about what is stated in the literature about a topic, a reference should be included. Where you are generally developing an argument as you would in a synchronous examination it is less likely that you need to include a reference.
Please note that the sources from which you develop your work for this assignment should come from academic textbooks, academic journal articles, and other appropriate sources. While there is a good deal of information on general websites about some of the topics in this assessment paper, we strongly urge caution in using these as a basis for developing your work. This approach is more likely to lead to cases of plagiarism.
Referencing 8 to 10 references.
Correct referencing is an important part of any academic work. Marks will be deducted from your assignments for incorrect referencing as this will impact the overall quality of a student’s work.
● Psychology students use the American Psychology Association (APA) referencing system;
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