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Assessment 2 – Procurement Method Report This 2800 word report should describe and analyse the positive and negative aspects of three different procurement methods for construction projects. You should

Assessment 2 – Procurement Method Report
This 2800 word report should describe and analyse the positive and negative aspects of three different procurement methods for construction projects. You should briefly define both conventional and new procurement methods. One conventional and two modern types of procurement are recommended for the report. Benefits and problems for the client/developer, the consultants, the builders, the subcontractors and the endusers should all be considered.
The report must be divided into subsections and must be provided with an executive summary of one paragraph, a contents page at the beginning as well as page numbers. Referencing should conform to the WSU Harvard system. You are advised to consult the electronic journals available in the library for reference sources.
The report should describe the characteristics of the three contrasting procurement systems which you have selected. A chart to compare and contrast the three choices would be helpful. You should express an opinion about the kinds of projects which are suited to the different procurement methods and make recommendations about this as if you were advising a potential owner/developer. Remember that you have ethical obligations when recommending a course of action to a potential client. Support your opinions with high quality references. You should also include a disclaimer stating that you have no conflict of interest in terms of the views you have expressed.
• Coversheet
• Title page
• Table of contents
• Executive summary
• Introduction
• 1st procurement method
• Introduction of this procurement method (characteristics)
• Advantages and disadvantages
• Benefits and problems for stakeholders, ie client/developer, the consultants, the builders, the subcontractors and the end-users
• 2nd procurement method
• Introduction of this procurement method (characteristics)
• Advantages and disadvantages
• Benefits and problems for stakeholders, ie client/developer, the consultants, the builders, the subcontractors and the end-users
• 3rd procurement method
• Introduction of this procurement method (characteristics)
• Advantages and disadvantages
• Benefits and problems for stakeholders, ie client/developer, the consultants, the builders, the subcontractors and the end-users
• Compare and contrast the three procurement methods, ie chart
• Recommendations (what kinds of projects are suited to the different procurement methods)
• Conclusions
• Disclaimer to state that you have no conflict of interest in terms of the views you have expressed
• References/sources
Weight: 45%
Type of Collaboration: Individual
Due: Week 10, Friday, 25 September 2020, 23.59
Submission: Turnitin submission via vUWS
Format: Softcopy, MS Word ONLY
Length: 2800 words
Curriculum Mode: Report
Penalty for late submission: 10% of the awarded mark per day


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