Task 1 – Equity and Diversity Policy and Procedure
Instructions to Learners:
• This summative assessment can be completed in class or at any other convenient location.
• Students are required to complete this task using digital tools and ensure to submit in an acceptable format, e.g. .docx, .pdf, .pptx, or as advised by your assessor.
• Please use the following formatting guidelines to complete this assessment task: Font Size: 12; Line Spacing: Double; Font Style: Times New Roman
• Assessment activities can be completed either in real workplace environment or in a simulated environment such as your classroom. In both cases, appropriate evidence of the assessment activities must be provided.
Instruction to Assessors:
• You must assess student’s assessment according to the provided Marking Criteria. • You must complete and record any evidence related to assessment activities including
role-plays and presentations using appropriate forms which must be attached with student assessment submission.
• You must provide students with detailed feedback within 10 working days from submission.
This assessment task requires the development of a policy to manage dealing with Equity and Diversity enquiries and grievances. . The policy and procedure documentation should be written in such a manner that they promote a work environment which is inclusive and characterised by respect and which is free from discrimination and harassment, provide an internal procedure for dealing with issues and complaints of discrimination and harassment which may arise and meet the requirements of State and Federal legislation, and the organisation’s current Equity and Diversity management plan where one is in place.
The policy should be written for an organisation you work in, have access to or a simulated business and must provide for communicating information to support others to achieve work responsibilities.
The policy and procedure documents should demonstrate approaches to:
• facilitating employees’ contributions to consultation on work issues • providing feedback on the outcomes of consultations
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• resolution of issues raised or referral to relevant personnel
• establish and/or implement policies to ensure that the organisation’s cultural diversity and ethical values are adhered to
• provide leadership through own behaviour including:
o professional conduct that promotes trust with internal and external contacts o adjusting own interpersonal communication style to meet the organisation’s cultural
diversity and ethical environment
• plan for, and manage, the use of networks to support identifiable outcomes for the team and the organisation
• develop and/or implement processes and systems to manage difficulties including:
o identifying and resolving conflicts and other difficulties according to organisational policies and procedures
o planning how to address difficulties o Providing guidance, counselling and support to assist co-workers in resolving their
work difficulties.
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T A S K 1 – M A R K I N G C R I T E R I A
BSBLDR502 – Lead and manage effective workplace relationships S NYS Learner’s name:
Assessor’s name:
Observation Criteria S NS Ensured strategies and processes are in place to communicate information associated with the achievement of work responsibilities to all co-workers Developed and/or implement consultation processes to ensure that employees have the opportunity to contribute to issues related to their work role Facilitated feedback to employees on outcomes of the consultation processes Developed and/or implemented processes to ensure that issues raised are resolved promptly or referred to relevant personnel Established and/or implemented policies to ensure that the organisation’s cultural diversity and ethical values are adhered to Gained and maintained the trust and confidence of colleagues and external contacts through professional conduct Adjusted own interpersonal communication styles to meet the organisation’s cultural diversity and ethical environment and guide and support the work team in their personal adjustment process
Used networks to build workplace relationships providing identifiable outcomes for the team and the organisation Conducted ongoing planning to ensure that effective internal and external workplace relationships are developed and maintained Developed and/or implement strategies to ensure that difficulties in workplace relationships are identified and resolved Established processes and systems to ensure that conflict is identified and managed constructively in accordance with the organisation’s policies and procedures Provided guidance, counselling and support to assist co-workers in resolving their work difficulties Developed and implemented an action plan to address any identified difficulties Feedback to Learner:
Assessor’s Signature: Date:
Instructions to Learners:
This summative assessment can be completed in class or at any other convenient location.
Students are required to complete this task using digital tools and ensure to submit in an acceptable format, e.g. .docx, .pdf, .pptx, or as advised by your assessor.
Please use the following formatting guidelines to complete this assessment task:
Font Size: 12; Line Spacing: Double; Font Style: Times New Roman
Assessment activities can be completed either in real workplace environment or in a simulated environment such as your classroom. In both cases, appropriate evidence of the assessment activities must be provided.
Instruction to Assessors:
You must assess student’s assessment according to the provided Marking Criteria.
You must complete and record any evidence related to assessment activities including role-plays and presentations using appropriate forms which must be attached with student assessment submission.
You must provide students with detailed feedback within 10 working days from submission.
This assessment task requires the development of a policy to manage dealing with Equity and Diversity enquiries and grievances. . The policy and procedure documentation should be written in such a manner that they promote a work environment which is …
The policy should be written for an organisation you work in, have access to or a simulated business and must provide for communicating information to support others to achieve work responsibilities.
Task 1 – Marking CRiteria
Attachment 2
Task 2 – Effective Workplace Relationships Role Play
Instructions to Learners:
• This summative assessment can be completed in class or at any other convenient location.
• Students are required to complete this task using digital tools and ensure to submit in an acceptable format, e.g. .docx, .pdf, .pptx, or as advised by your assessor.
• Please use the following formatting guidelines to complete this assessment task: Font Size: 12; Line Spacing: Double; Font Style: Times New Roman
• Assessment activities can be completed either in real workplace environment or in a simulated environment such as your classroom. In both cases, appropriate evidence of the assessment activities must be provided.
Instruction to Assessors:
• You must assess student’s assessment according to the provided Marking Criteria. • You must complete and record any evidence related to assessment activities including
role-plays and presentations using appropriate forms which must be attached with student assessment submission.
• You must provide students with detailed feedback within 10 working days from submission.
This assessment task requires participation in 2 role play scenarios. Your Assessor will select 2 of the following scenarios for this task:
1. You are a supervisor in a warehousing operation. You recently instituted a “No Smoking” policy in the facility. All employees were notified of the policy change. It was not well-received. As you walk down aisle B in the warehouse, you see a cloud of smoke and then see Chris running to aisle A. You need to talk to Chris. 2. You are an office manager overseeing a department of 25 people. One of your employees comes to you and complains about Pat’s unpleasant body odour and how difficult it is to work in the same area. You agree to talk to Pat. 3. You are the sales department manager at an upscale store. Your boss has talked to you about the appearance of some of your sales clerks— particularly Alex. Alex is sporting on his forearm a new, large tattoo of a devil eating a rat. You agree with your boss that some customers might find it offensive and that it should somehow be covered up. You need to talk to Alex. 4. Sidney has recently been missing work. She tends to call in at the last minute, and there seems to be a pattern developing of Mondays and Fridays. Sidney has been in rehabilitation in the past for alcohol abuse. You need to talk to Sidney.
5. You are a project manager and supervise a team of 11 people. It is near Christmas, and you notice that within one day the office supply cabinet has been conspicuously depleted of tape, scissors, and packing materials. Other than you, the administrative assistant, Lesley, is the only one with the key to the cabinet. You need to talk to Lesley. 6. You are the director of human resources. You asked your benefits administrator, Morgan, to immediately send new benefit information to your boss for her review. The next day, you are chewed out by your boss for not sending her the information. You look bad. You decide to talk to Morgan. 7. You are the Manager of finance. Your administrative assistant, Ryan, is often late getting to work. You have tolerated it for the past year, but your workload has increased and you need all the help you can get, especially at the start of the day. With Ryan coming in late, it is starting to affect your ability to get your job done. You need to talk to Ryan. 8. You are an accounting manager, and the business relies on your department to produce accurate financial reports the end of each month. Your department uses Excel. Last month, you hired a new accountant, Taylor, who claimed to be proficient in Excel. However, co-workers have come to you with complaints about Taylor’s work and questioning his abilities. You need to talk to Taylor. 9. You are a payroll manager supervising 25 people. Your team works in close quarters with little physical separation between work stations. Drew is one of your best performers, yet you have received complaints that Drew tends to sprinkle conversations with rather crude and vulgar references. This is not a team of saints, but some have complained that Drew is crossing the line. You need to talk to Drew. 10. You are a marketing director supervising 18 professionals and support staff. The nature of the work requires a collaborative environment where the professionals give work direction to the support staff. A professional on your team, Dana, has started dating a person on the support staff. Although there is no policy prohibiting dating, several co-workers have complained about the two being too affectionate at work. Some also indicate there is preferential treatment for Dana’s newfound love interest. You need to talk to Dana. During the role play, you must take into account:
• The goal of the discussion with the employee is to confront an issue before it affects the work environment or the employee’s overall work performance. A manager’s or supervisor’s role is to establish and maintain performance norms in the workplace. Before taking any action, the supervisor should investigate the issue to see if a real problem exists. In these scenarios, the assumption is that the supervisor has already confirmed the situation or behaviour that is described.
• Timely and thoughtful feedback from the boss helps the employee know the supervisor’s expectations and what is considered acceptable behaviour. Some supervisors find it difficult to confront others, or let other work distract them from this task. This exercise provides an opportunity to practice and become comfortable with confronting behavioural issues in the workplace.
• Leadership presence
• The meeting outline – Providing employees with effective feedback should not take a lot of
time. It is important that managers are brief and concise in the message. Below is the suggested outline for confronting employees on workplace issues. The example is that of the smoking violation. 1. Purpose of meeting – Avoid superfluous questions or chatty conversation about the weather and get right to the point. “Chris, I have requested this meeting to talk to you about our smoking policy.” 2. Describe the behaviour – “You were smoking in the warehouse today, and that is against our workplace rules.” a. Listen to the reaction – Does the employee confess to the violation, or does he or she only offer up excuses? What other information do you hear? 3. Agree on resolution – Set the expectation for the employee. “Chris, it is against our work rules to smoke inside. I expect you to abide by our policy and never smoke inside again. If you break this rule in the future, you may be subject to further disciplinary action, up to and including termination. I’m sure you don’t want that to happen. Can you agree that you will abide by the smoking policy?” 4. Document the discussion – As Chris’s manager, you should document the discussion and the agreement that resulted.
T A S K 2 – M A R K I N G C R I T E R I A
BSBLDR502 – Lead and manage effective workplace relationships S NYS Learner’s name:
Assessor’s name:
Observation Criteria S NS Ensured strategies and processes are in place to communicate information associated with the achievement of work responsibilities to all co-workers Developed and/or implement consultation processes to ensure that employees have the opportunity to contribute to issues related to their work role Facilitated feedback to employees on outcomes of the consultation processes Developed and/or implemented processes to ensure that issues raised are resolved promptly or referred to relevant personnel Established and/or implemented policies to ensure that the organisation’s cultural diversity and ethical values are adhered to Gained and maintained the trust and confidence of colleagues and external contacts through professional conduct Adjusted own interpersonal communication styles to meet the organisation’s cultural diversity and ethical environment and guide and support the work team in
Used networks to build workplace relationships providing identifiable outcomes for the team and the organisation Conducted ongoing planning to ensure that effective internal and external workplace relationships are developed and maintained Developed and/or implement strategies to ensure that difficulties in workplace relationships are identified and resolved Established processes and systems to ensure that conflict is identified and managed constructively in accordance with the organisation’s policies and
Provided guidance, counselling and support to assist co-workers in resolving their work difficulties Developed and implemented an action plan to address any identified difficulties Feedback to Learner:
Assessor’s Signature: Date:
Instructions to Learners:
This summative assessment can be completed in class or at any other convenient location.
Students are required to complete this task using digital tools and ensure to submit in an acceptable format, e.g. .docx, .pdf, .pptx, or as advised by your assessor.
Please use the following formatting guidelines to complete this assessment task:
Font Size: 12; Line Spacing: Double; Font Style: Times New Roman
Assessment activities can be completed either in real workplace environment or in a simulated environment such as your classroom. In both cases, appropriate evidence of the assessment activities must be provided.
Instruction to Assessors:
You must assess student’s assessment according to the provided Marking Criteria.
You must complete and record any evidence related to assessment activities including role-plays and presentations using appropriate forms which must be attached with student assessment submission.
You must provide students with detailed feedback within 10 working days from submission.
Task 2 – Marking CRiteria