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Unit 4 Assignment: Governmental Crime Overview: In this assignment, you will research, summarize, and evaluate a Governmental Crime. If you have chosen a governmental crime in your previous assignments, the crime for this assignment must be different. Make sure the details of the crime are specified, identify what evidence was provided to prosecute, the sentence for the crime, and the people/agencies involved. Instructions: •Research a governmental white-collar crime and classify it. •Summarize details of the elements for the white-collar crime

Unit 4 Assignment: Governmental Crime


In this assignment, you will research, summarize, and evaluate a Governmental Crime. If you have chosen a governmental crime in your previous assignments, the crime for this assignment must be different. Make sure the details of the crime are specified, identify what evidence was provided to prosecute, the sentence for the crime, and the people/agencies involved.


•Research a governmental white-collar crime and classify it.

•Summarize details of the elements for the white-collar crime

•Identify the evidence provided to prosecute and the sentence

•Conclude the paper.


•Submit a Word document in APA format, 12 pt font, double-spaced.

•No more than 3 pages in length, excluding the Title and Reference pages.

•Resources must include the articles from this unit’s readings.

Be sure to read the criteria below by which your work will be evaluated before you write and again after you write.

Evaluation Rubric for Unit 4 Assignment

CRITERIA Deficient Needs Improvement Proficient Exemplary
0 – 11 points 12 – 15 points 16 – 19 points 20 points
Classification of The classification is The classification and The classification is The classification is
the Crime as State missing or is who was involved is present and the clearly and
or Political and seriously lacking in present, but key people/agencies completely identified
People/Agencies content and detail. details are missing. involved are further clarified by
Involved Identified. identified, but minor identifying
details are missing. people/agencies
involved in the crime.

Summary of the The elements of the The elements of the The elements of the The elements of the
Governmental crime are missing or crime are present, crime are present, crime are thorough
Crime are seriously lacking but key details are but minor details are and clear.
in content and detail. missing. missing.

Evidence for The evidence for the The evidence for the The evidence for the The evidence for the
Prosecution and prosecution is prosecution is listed. prosecution and the prosecution and the
Sentence Passed missing or sentence passed is sentence passed is
incomplete. provided and provided and
explained but minor explained with
details are missing. supporting rationale.

0 – 5 points 6 – 7 points 8 – 9 points 10 points
Conclusion The conclusion is The conclusion is The conclusion The conclusion
missing or is present but key summarizes the succinctly and clearly
seriously lacking in details are missing. paper. summarizes the
content and detail. paper.

Resources Less than 3 n/a n/a At least 3 resources.

Paper Length More than 3 pages. n/a n/a 3 pages or less.

Clear and Errors impede Significant errors that Few errors that do Writing and format
Professional professional do not impede not impede the are clear,
Writing and APA presentation; professional professional professional, APA
Format guidelines not presentation. presentation. compliant, and error-
followed. free.


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