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Development of a PICO Question’

  1. Introduction of the Iowa Model Watch the following video. 2. Development of a PICO Question Part 1: Background Question/Information: Prior to developing the PICO
The post Development of a PICO Question’ first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


1. Introduction of the Iowa Model Watch the following video.

2. Development of a PICO Question

Part 1: Background Question/Information:
Prior to developing the PICO question, secure some background information that will provide you with more information related to the topic you have been assigned. Cite the references used for the background information in the space provided below. (For example, if you are seeking more information on a phenomenon/topic of interest, information may be gleaned from textbooks, professional practice guidelines, and other resources). The background questions you address for prepare you for developing the foreground question(s) which is the clinical question or even a research question. The PICO Format provided structure for developing the question. The foreground question(S) provides the opportunity to identify what has been published related to the phenomenon/topic of interest. (PLO A, B, C)
1. For this assignment, identify a phenomenon/topic of interest to you. This may be any topic but must pertain to clinical nursing or practice, nursing education or other appropriate area of nursing. You will be developing this topic into a full research proposal during the reminder of the course. Make sure it is one that captures you interest and can be developed into a research question.
2. Write an introduction to the topic and provide background related to the significance to the problem.
3. Identify the type of clinical question that is being developed. (see information in the video regarding type of questions)
4. Secure three to five scholarly sources that provide background information and significance of the topic.
5. Describe the next step from the Iowa model pertaining to the PICO question.
6. Review the videos located in additional resources related to Iowa Model and developing a PICO question.

Part 2: Develop the foreground question (PICO Question):.
1. Develop the clinical question, using the PICO format described below.
2. Complete the form
3. Provide the key words that would be used to initiate a literature review.
4. Combine parts one and two of this assignment into one narrative word document and submit in Blackboard.



The post Development of a PICO Question’ first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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