Subject Code and Title LGH602 Leadership for Global Hospitality
Assessment Hotel Leadership Plan
Individual/Group Group
Length Part A: 2,500 words (+/- 10%)
Part B: Simulated Meeting (20 minutes)
Learning Outcomes This assessment addresses the following Subject Learning Outcomes:
a) Provide a comprehensive explanation of the role of leadership in the context of the global hospitality sector.
d) Create capacity for embarking on leadership roles through undertaking personal reflection and development and involvement in industry simulations.
Submission Part A: Due by 11:55pm AEST/AEDT/ACST/ACDT Sunday of Week 10. Part B: Simulated Meeting will be scheduled during tutorial session times in Week 11.
Weighting Part A: 30%
Part B: 20%
Total Marks 100 marks
Task Summary
This assessment provides an opportunity for you to develop and explore your understanding about, and readiness for, leadership as it applies in a global hospitality environment.
Although leadership theory will be used as a base for this leadership plan, the emphasis will be about providing practical leadership solutions for a variety of stakeholders, including guests, staff, suppliers, and the owners/hotel management company. Leadership aspects such as communication, ethics, sustainability, and cultural diversity should be carefully considered, and a goal approach should be utilised.
Developing and presenting the written report in a simulated scenario to a hotel executive team illustrates leadership capabilities and practical insights to hotel management and leadership.
Please refer to the Task Instructions for details on how to complete this task.
Part A:
This is a group submission, so all members of the group are responsible for the final submission and all group members will receive the same overall submission feedback and grade (exclusive of peer evaluation). Therefore, you are required to work together as a leadership team, as would happen in a hotel or hospitality environment.
The suggested approach is for all group members to contribute to the overall submission rather than divide it into individual sections, although each ‘department manager’ will be responsible for their own department and be overseen by the general manager who has the final responsibility.
Part B:
All group members will be required to simulate a presentation of their report to their CEO and Hotel Executive Team. The presentation will take 20 minutes and can be captured on a PowerPoint Presentation (maximum 5 slides). This presentation will take the form of an Introduction, Background on the issue, the Leadership Actions to be undertaken and the Recommendations for implementation. This follows the format of the Written Report in Part A.
This is a shared responsibility, and it is expected that each team member can demonstrate their capabilities as leaders of their departments. Students should also be prepared for an additional 5minute interactive Question & Answer session with the Executive Team. This simulated meeting will be assessed on their ability to demonstrate confidence and aptitude in their understanding of the learning outcomes of the unit.
After your Presentation where each student will have spoken, you will be asked three questions. Each student must take responsibility to answer these questions:
• What leadership skills did you utilize as you worked together as a team?
• What team skills did you learn as you prepared this assessment?
• What was the highlight of working together as a group?
Task Instructions
In small groups of up to 4 students, you are required to prepare a 2,500-word leadership plan to provide leadership in a global hospitality situation.
This is a simulation, therefore students are to assume the roles of the executive team of a hotel or hospitality enterprise of your choice (pending approval by your Learning Facilitator). Your group will consist of department heads, chosen according to the situation you select, one of which must be a leader (general manager). As such, the leadership approaches must be considered from a multidepartment perspective.
To prepare your leadership plan, you should identify one (1) crisis, ethical or issues-based situation in a hospitality environment, preferably a current or recent one (occurred in the past 5 years). You may even predict a future situation based on hotel trends.
Examples of crisis, ethical and issues-based situations in the current hospitality environment include (but you are not restricted to these):
• Medical pandemic (for example, SARS, MERS, COVID-19, food poisoning, etc.);
• Terrorism and/or political unrest;
• Natural disaster (for example, cyclone/hurricane, flood, bushfire, etc.);
• Scandal or bad publicity;
• Sustainability (for example, food waste, amenities, general waste, etc.);
• Labour and workforce issues (for example, salaries, benefits, working conditions, etc.);
• Transformation (for example, a major refurbishment including temporary closure, like Raffles Hotel in Singapore; or significant new changes, like major new technology systems or processes, etc.);
• New owners and/or new hotel brand.
The group needs to identify, evaluate, and analyse the key issues, and then write a leadership plan across the hotel (including an overall hotel and individual department plans) for your chosen situation, using a goal approach, with a focus on leadership actions. Leadership actions may include leadership aspects of planning and decision making such as communication, ethics, sustainability, and cultural diversity (but is not limited to these).
Part A – Written Plan
Your submission should include, in this order:
Torrens Assessment Group Cover Sheet
Table of Contents
Introduction – Outlining the aims and purpose of the study: what the topic of the report is and briefly discussing what the reader will learn from reading the report.
1. Summary of the situation (what, who, where)
2. Key issues relating to the situation (eg. impact on different departments). Hint: consider various aspects including governance, legal, financial, human resources, operations, ethical, etc.)
3. Leadership approach (theoretical and practical)
4. Solutions (consider various stakeholders)
Conclusion – A summary of the key points that have been made in the body of the report Reference List
Appendix – The 3-month leadership plan (table format with goals)
Part B – Simulated Meeting Your submission should include:
The written report developed in Part A is to be summarised and prepared as a presentation to be given to the senior executive team of the hotel. Each team member will take on a part of this presentation. The GM will lead the team. It is suggested that the GM presents the Introduction and then each of the team members take one part.
1. Introduction
2. Background summary
3. Actions to be undertaken
4. Recommendations for implementation
5. Conclusion
This presentation will take no longer than 20 minutes. It is a shared responsibility, and it is expected that each team member can demonstrate their capabilities as leaders of their departments. Students should also be prepared for an additional 5-minute interactive Question & Answer session with the Executive Team (Learning Facilitator). This simulated meeting will be assessed on their ability to demonstrate confidence and aptitude in their understanding of the learning outcomes of the unit.
Writing hints:
• Ensure your research is referenced effectively and correctly (see below);
• Write in the context of the global hospitality industry;
• Make sure that you understand the topic and focus on the topic – do not drift into irrelevant or unnecessary content. If you do not understand the topic, ask your Learning Facilitator;
• Follow a standard report format (see below);
• The submission will be assessed according to the quality and depth of thought, relevance and how effectively you have applied the subject material and theories to the case study, rather than testing how much you can remember and how theoretically correct it is. Refer to the marking criteria (see rubrics and the end of this document) before submitting and conduct a self-evaluation;
• Stay within the maximum word count of 2,500 words +/- 10% (excluding the Table of Contents, Reference List and Appendices) for Part A and within 5 PPTX slides and 20 minutes for Part B.
Layout and Presentation:
Layout and Presentation of your document is as important as your content. Your assessment is designed to demonstrate your understanding of a certain topic, so it is important to ensure that the layout does not compromise this.
The format is Report not essay – and this forms part of your grading. Therefore, students are discouraged from writing lengthy verbose sentences displayed in long chunky paragraphs. Rather students are encouraged to follow the suggested table of contents and apply additional formatting mechanisms, (in addition to those outlined in the Torrens/BMIHMS Page Formatting Guide) which reduce wordiness and increase the readability of the content and that are consistent with report writing.
It is essential that you use appropriate APA 7th edition style for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing here in the Academic Writing Guide found via the Academic Skills website.
Blogs, unauthorised biographies, promotional material and sensational content must be excluded from the case study report. Students must fully reference all sources of information with in-text citations and a bibliography. A minimum of six (6) academic or recognised industry references are required.
Torrens University Australia uses the APA referencing style, and all referencing (both in-text referencing and the reference list) will be graded according to the APA Academic Writing Guide.
Please note: formal academic referencing will be strictly enforced at Torrens University Australia and Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School and any suspected breaches will be formally reported.
Submission Instructions
This is a group assessment (see page 2 for more details).
To be submitted via Blackboard in a Word document – submissions sent by email directly to the Learning Facilitator will not be accepted for grading and returned to Student.
Standard Torrens University Australia penalties will apply for late submissions, equivalent to 10% of the total assessment marks for each day the submission is late.
Submit this task via the Assessment 3 link in the main navigation menu in LGH602 Hotel Leadership Plan. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
Academic Integrity
All students are responsible for ensuring that all work submitted is their own and is appropriately referenced and academically written according the Academic Writing Guide. Students also need to have read and be aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure and subsequent penalties for academic misconduct. These are viewable online.
Students also must keep a copy of all submitted material and any assessment drafts.
Group work and peer evaluation instructions
At the beginning of a term/project: All students taking part in a group assessment should draw up and sign a group contract (see template). Learning Facilitators need not be involved at this stage apart from giving students general guidance.
During a project: Students should keep records of communication and drafts. Any serious concerns about individual group member’s contribution should be brought to the attention of the subject Learning Facilitator as soon as they occur or at least two weeks before the due date, whichever is earlier.
At the end of a project/assessment submission: When submitting their group assessments, students should scan and include their peer evaluation forms (one per student; see template) as part of their submission. This is required for ALL groups so that every student is given a chance to exercise their right to have a say and defend themselves if necessary.
• Allegations must be substantiated by supporting evidence (e.g. records of communication and drafts) and submitted to the subject Learning Facilitator by the assessment due date. Otherwise, they would be disregarded by the marker.
• If no peer evaluation forms are submitted by the assessment due date, all group members would receive 0% for the “individual contribution based on peer evaluation”.
Assessment Rubric
Criteria (100% total)
The outcome shows: Fail = Unsatisfactory performance- Pass = Just Satisfactory performance Credit = Good quality showing more than satisfactory performance Distinction = Superior quality demonstrating independent thinking High Distinction =
Outstanding quality showing creativity and
Communication and presentation
(15%) Communication is unstructured and unfocused both in written word and document layout. Some communication is effective. Acceptable standard of academic writing, some errors in writing and layout of document. Can communicate effectively – good standard of academic writing and well-crafted document layout. Can communicate in a superior manner. High standard of academic writing, no errors evident. High standard in document layout. Can communication high quality, engaging and effective manner, extremely well-crafted document layout.
Attention to Purpose (20%) Fails to address the assessment task set. Some of the work is focused on the aims and themes of the assignment. Has addressed the main purpose of the assignment however not in a concise or coherently manner.
Has addressed the purpose of the assignment coherently concisely and accurately. Has addressed the purpose of the assignment comprehensively and in a coherent, concise, and accurate manner.
Originality (10%) No real attempt at originality.
Originality is marginal to the basic idea. Used imagination to produce an idea with elements of originality.
By taking a variety of perspectives, presents an original idea, which has been evaluated. Uses creative and lateral thinking to develop and present original ideas.
Critical Thinking and
Critical Evaluation (20%) Does not exercise critical thinking Skills and/or does not apply critical evaluation methods. Aware of some critical thinking/critical evaluation
techniques and uses them with limited success. A limited range of critical thinking/critical evaluation techniques applied with some success.
A clear range of critical thinking/critical evaluation techniques applied with a good degree of success.
A clear range of critical thinking/critical evaluation techniques applied with a high degree success.
Links to course readings and
additional research
(15%) Incomplete research and links to any readings. Limited additional research and documented
links to the course material.
Good additional independent research evident and some documented links to the course material. Excellent research into the issues with clear links to class and related readings. Research of outstanding quality, clear links to a
wide range of theoretical ideas and strategic issues.
Contribution based on
Peer Evaluation (20%) Participates in few or no group meetings. Provides no leadership. Does little or no work assigned by the group; work is generally sloppy and incomplete, contains excessive errors, and is mostly late. Participates in some group meetings. Provides some leadership. Does some of the work assigned by the group; work tends to be disorderly, incomplete, inaccurate, and is usually late. Participates in most group meetings. Provides leadership when asked. Does most of the work assigned by the group; work is generally complete, meets the requirements of the task, and is mostly done on time. Participates in all group meetings; does the work that is assigned by the group; work is complete, well organized, error-free, and done on time or early. Assumed
leadership role and attended all group meetings; routinely offered useful ideas; fulfilled all
responsibilities on time or early; outstanding intellectual and material contribution; highly productive.
The following Subject Learning Outcomes are addressed in this assessment
SLO a)
Provide a comprehensive explanation of the role of leadership in the context of the global hospitality sector.
SLO d)
Create capacity for embarking on leadership roles through undertaking personal reflection and development and involvement in industry simulations.