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Write a report of a problem on the construction site in the UK that happened due to an error during setting out of the building on the ground. Discuss some of the potential solutions to the problem, including the different types of control that should be carried out to prevent it from happening. 500 words. Instructions and information: 1. You must complete all of the tasks in this assignment. 2. The whole assignment must include Aim, Introduction and Conclusi

Write a report of a problem on the construction site in the UK that happened due to an error during setting out of the building on the ground. Discuss some of the potential solutions to the problem, including the different types of control that should be carried out to prevent it from happening. 500 words. Instructions and information: 1. You must complete all of the tasks in this assignment. 2. The whole assignment must include Aim, Introduction and Conclusion. 3. It is important to properly reference all sources used. British cited sources must be used in this assignment. Finish with a Refer​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‌‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‌‍‍​ence list/Bibliography. 4. The work should be presented in standard industry format. 5. Reports should be Word processed and formatted appropriately. 6. Any company documentation (proformas/templates etc.) submitted must be contextualised to this assignment. 7. Include UK legislation and good practice in this assignment. 8. Unlimited UK internet sources are accepted in this assignment. Suggested Reading: Irvine, W. and MacLennan, F. (2005) Surveying for Construction 5th Edition Oxford MacGraw Hill Further reading: Schofield, W. and Breach, M. (2006) Engineering Survey9ing, 6th Edition Oxford, Butterworth-Heineman​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‌‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‌‍‍​n.


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