1) summary of results. 2) comparisons to other studies. 3)strengths and weakness of the study; and 4) recommendations for future work. You should address each of these sections with a short paragraph/dot point each. 5. must explain the P-value on the results 6. Explain is the data did or did not find what you expected to find refer to the hypothesis and concluding if you proved, disproved or were unable to prove your hypothesis. 7. Must include at least 4 studies to discuss their finding and compare it with the the results provided, the studies must be on chiropractic, same hypothesis, and on the last 7 years not old studies. E.g. previous studies have shown that manual therapy and exercise is effective for low back pain” 8. References: Vancouver Very important to make strong comparison with other recent studies, and discuss their the strengths and weakness of these studies and this research