Narrow, equally spaced vertical slits with equal widths are located at a distance of D =…

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Narrow, equally spaced vertical slits with equal widths are located at a distance of D =…

Narrow, equally spaced vertical slits with equal widths are located at a distance of D = 3.13 m from a screen. The intensity pattern in the figure is observed when light with wavelength = 470 nm from a aser passes through the slits, illuminăting them uniformly. The screen is perpendicular to the laser beam. 444-4 8 9 cm 3 4 5 0 1 2 6 7 The number of slits is … Submit Answer Tries 0/3 Calculate the center to center spacing between the slits. Use the cm scale to measure distances on the screen. Submit Answer Tries 0/12 Calculate the width of the slits. Use the cm scale to measure distances on the screen. Submit Answer Tries 0/12 Send Feedback Post Discussion
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