17. Pirated products tend to be of quality. Select one: a. special b. none of the…

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17. Pirated products tend to be of quality. Select one: a. special b. none of the…

17. Pirated products tend to be of quality.
Select one:
a. special
b. none of the above
c. high
d. lower
e. good

18. With respect to product categories analyzed on the basis of sales turnover, a_____________ product is one where the product is only a small portion of the subsidiary’s overall sales. These even might be “dead-weight” items.
Select one:
a. core product
b. filler product
c. niche item
d. seasonal product
e. cultural product

19. Brand piracy might cause which outcomes?
Select one:
a. poor quality fakes
b. revenue losses to the company
c. price increases by the MNC to identify the goods as genuine
d. better diffusion of the brand
e. both A and D

20. When comparing the product mix in the company’s host and home markets, all of the following are possible scenarios EXCEPT
Select one:
a. a completely localized product line
b. a subset of the home market’s product line
c. an extension of a joint venture or strategic alliance
d. a mixture of local and nonlocal product lines
e. an extension of the domestic line

21. During a naming/branding transition period, when local and global brand names are kept so that consumers and the trade have sufficient time to absorb the new brand name, the approach is called
Select one:
a. Dual branding
b. Collective branding
c. Double naming
d. Collaborative branding

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