Correctly name the compounds or write the formulas. Identify each compound as molecular, fixed-charge ionic, variable-charge…

Homework Help Question & Answers

Correctly name the compounds or write the formulas. Identify each compound as molecular, fixed-charge ionic, variable-charge…

Correctly name the compounds or write the formulas. Identify each compound as molecular, fixed-charge ionic, variable-charge ionic, hydrate, binary acid, or oxyacid. Each compound falls into only one category. Formula Name Category cerium (III) arsenate V,(Cr, 0,), potassium tungstate As,o, nickel (III) phosphate heptahydrate
Correctly name the compounds or write the formulas. Identify each compound as molecular, fixed-charge ionic, variable-charge ionic, hydrate, binary acid, or oxyacid. Each compound falls into only one category Formula Name Category diboron hexahydride (NH,C,D, iron (II) sulfate hexahydrate Cu,c,o perbromic acid
Correctly name the compounds or write the formulas. Identify each compound as molecular, fixed-charge ionic, variable-charge ionic, hydrate, binary acid, or oxyacid. Each compound falls into only one category. Formula Name Category diantimony pentoxide Fes dinitrogen tetroxide Caco gold (III) nitrate
Correctly name the compounds or write the formulas. Identify each compound as molecular, fixed-charge ionic, variable-charge ionic, hydrate, binary acid, or oxyacid. Each compound falls into only one category. Formula Name Category CLO, barium permanganate Co, Se, iron (III) fluoride HI(aq)
Correctly name the compounds or write the formulas. Identify each compound as molecular, fixed-charge ionic, variable-charge ionic, hydrate, binary acid, or oxyacid. Each compound falls into only one category. Formula Name Category Na Sio, disulfur dichloride NH,OH oxygen difluoride (NH4),PO,
Correctly name the compounds or write the formulas. Identify each compound as molecular, fixed-charge ionic, variable-charge ionic, hydrate, binary acid, or oxyacid. Each compound falls into only one category. Formula Name Category Inch thalium (III) silicate H.CO.(aq) aluminum carbonate Xef
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