You’re in a room full of chests. 1/3 of the chests contain gold, the other 2/3…

Homework Help Question & Answers

You’re in a room full of chests. 1/3 of the chests contain gold, the other 2/3…

You’re in a room full of chests. 1/3 of the chests contain gold, the other 2/3 contain bricks. 3/4 of the chests full of gold are painted red. 1/4 of the chests full of bricks are painted red. You grab a red chest and run. What is the probability that it contains gold? 60% 75% 33% 40%
Which of these is not a random variable? The sample means from each sample of bolts you take. The number of bolts in each sample. The length of each bolt from your assembly line.
If we ask 40 children their favorite colors, we are measuring: not a random variable. a continuous random variable. a discrete random variable.
A certain random varaible has a range of possible values, and no value is any more likely than another. This variable has a normal distribution. uniform distribution. binomial distribution.
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