738 A leedback control system with internal feedback is shown in Fig P7.38. Determine the overall…

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738 A leedback control system with internal feedback is shown in Fig P7.38. Determine the overall…

738 A leedback control system with internal feedback is shown in Fig P7.38. Determine the overall equation relating the cutput Cs) to the input Rs) and then (a) Construct the root-locus plot for the basic system without internal feedback (8-0 (b) Construct thi root-locus plot for the actual system in which β is the variable parameter, K, = 2.5, and Ka = 1(10. (e) Determine th: value of B such that the resulting system will have a damping ratio ofÇ -0.6. (d) Determine th: value of β such that the resulting system will have a damping ratio of:-1.0 C(s) s(s +2) Bs Figure P7.38
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