Question 13 12 pts Supply and Demand: Upload a file (probably a picture of the piece…

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Question 13 12 pts Supply and Demand: Upload a file (probably a picture of the piece…

Question 13 12 pts Supply and Demand: Upload a file (probably a picture of the piece of paper with your work on it) that answers the following question. Assume that we start in equilibrium and end in equilibrium. PROBLEM: Assume that milk and fertilizer are complements in production. If the price of fertilizer rises, what will happen in the market for milk? Your answer must include: 1. A graph that shows where the market started before the change and where it ended up after the change. Label the graph completely. 2. What happens to the equilibrium price for the product. 3. What happens to the equilibrium quantity for the product. 4. A brief explanation in words for why the market changes this way. Upload Choose a File 80 DOO DOO II F4 FS 56 F7 F8 A $ 4 % 5 & 7 6 8 9 T С C
Question 14 12 p Supply and Demand: Upload a file (probably a picture of the piece of paper with your work on it) that answers the following question. Assume that we start in equilibrium and end in equilibrium. PROBLEM: If yo-yos become less popular, what will happen in the market for yo- yos? Your answer must include: 1. A graph that shows where the market started before the change and where it ended up after the change. Label the graph completely. 2. What happens to the equilibrium price for the product. 3. What happens to the equilibrium quantity for the product. 4. A brief explanation in words for why the market changes this way. Upload Choose a File Question 15 12 pts
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