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Karen Leary Case Analysis




INSTRUCTIONS: Analyze the case and write a minimum 2-page paper, (single-spaced and 12 point type), that answers the questions posed below. Please tie in explicit reference to our course reading materials as relevant to your analysis. When doing so, please italicize specific concepts or terms used and cite the reading or website link (2 or more cites). Given that I am familiar with all references from this course you can simply put the title of the reading or website in parentheses to cite.
1. How has Leary taken charge of the Elmville branch office?
2. What is your evaluation of Chung’s performance?
3. If you were Leary, how would you respond to Chung’s request for a private office? What factors would you consider? What specific actions would you take to improve Chung’s performance, as well as your working relationship with him?
4. If you were Leary’s regional director (her immediate supervisor), how would you evaluate her performance?
5. What are the particular challenges and dilemmas in managing direct reports who have a different cultural background and working style from yours?

The post Karen Leary Case Analysis first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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