Challenges of hospitality,lesure and travel industry during covid-19 pandemic
Module code and title: Academic Writing for Business and Management Module leader:
Assignment type: Essay 1,500 words Assessment weighting: 50%
Assignment task
This assignment involves preparing a written essay on your learning development and presentation on your reflection in academic studies
This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your achievement of the following module learning outcomes:
LO 1 Identify, search and retrieve academic information relevant to business and management issues
LO 2 Demonstrate an ability to use effective and appropriate academic skills when exploring business and management issues;
LO 3 Understand and implement good academic practice and know how to avoid academic malpractice
LO 4 Review academic resources in the field of business and management and synthesise them to produce and present a literature review.
Task requirements
This assignment will encourage the students to apply the academic skills from the module to a business issue and will be submitted in form of an essay
The submission of a written essay that discusses a business issue using a wide variety of research materials (1,500 words).
Part 2 – Essay (1,500 words) – 50%
Throughout the module we will be examining a variety of current business issues through the use of a variety of research materials.
You will need to choose one business issue from the list below to base your essay on:
Adapting to new technology including Ecommerce and Social Media platforms
Challenges of Hospitality, Leisure and Travel industry during Covid-19 pandemic
The essay must:
Give the full Harvard reference within the reference page for each item used, and the correct Harvard ‘shortened’ reference within the essay.
Include both direct and indirect citations from a wide variety of sources;
Make use of the relevant research items from within the module;
Explain and discuss the business issue of your choice by describing what the issue is, and how companies are reacting positively or negatively.
A suggested format would be to create one paragraph of 300 words each, within the main section of the essay for each of the questions raised in bullet point (d) i.e. what the issue is and how companies are reacting, ensuring that the conclusion offered recommendations of how a business can solve the issue. The remaining 400 words need to be used for the introduction and conclusion of this essay task
You must reference all information used in the essay, using the Harvard Referencing Guide.
See attached grid for grade descriptors.
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