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Task 1 Begin by defining what an ‘outcome’ is and then relate this to ‘outcome-based practice.’ Give an example of a setting that would use outcome-based practice. You will be required to critically review Results-Based Accountability (RBA) and include Logic Chain Model and Outcome-Based


1. Understand the theory and principles that underpin outcome based practice

2. Be able to lead practice that promotes social, emotional, cultural, spiritual, and intellectual well-being

3. Be able to lead practice that promotes individuals’ health

4. Be able to lead inclusive provision that gives individuals’ choice and control over the outcomes they want to achieve

5. Be able to manage effective working partnerships with carers, families, and significant others to achieve positive outcomes

Task 1
Begin by defining what an ‘outcome’ is and then relate this to ‘outcome-based practice.’ Give an example of a setting that would use outcome-based practice.

You will be required to critically review Results-Based Accountability (RBA) and include Logic Chain Model and Outcome-Based Commissioning. To critically review RBA you will need to address the challenges, pitfalls, and benefits of this type of outcome-based service. Give examples to support your critique and relate to the service user.

An analysis of how legislation has affected outcome-based practice will need to include the Care Act 2014. You will need to break down elements of the Care Act and relate directly to how it has impacted outcome-based practice. Again, you will need to consider the benefits and challenges that this can/could bring to the service or the service user.

To conclude, you will be expected to pull out the positive aspects of RBA and legislation and state how it directly impacts service user’s lives.

Task 2 

You can think about The Mental Capacity Act 2015 and Care Act 2014 as a basis you will need to relate wellbeing and the psychology this entails. You may wish to use Maslow’s Hierarchy of Theory as your psychological construct. Ensure you explain how wellbeing is positively or negatively impacted. Within your explanation, you will need to link to choice and decision-making as a reason to enhance an individual’s wellbeing. State the steps that are required to ensure an individual has choice and control. You may wish to link to person-centered planning. Use specific examples to support your explanation and ensure you relate to the service user.

Task 3

Analyze the importance of effective working relationships with carers, families, and significant others for the achievement of positive outcomes Explain how legislation and regulation influence working relationships with carers, families, and significant others


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